Thursday, February 18, 2010

Notes on Islam Vol. II

Burst from the headlines:

Officers: Pakistan detains American born al-Qaeda


By Nov. 9 - Mazar-e-Sharif, in N Afghanistan, fell to coalition assault, 9 days later Taliban fled from Kabul by early December, all major cities fell to coalition

Dec. 22, Hamid Karzai, Pashtun leader, Kandahar, installed chairman of interim admin. in Afghan. liberated

Afghan forces engaged w/ limited U.S. support - al qaeda in cave complex - Tora Bora

largest engagement fought in mountainous Shah-i-kat area south of () against large force of al qaeda jihadists - 3 week battle successful refuge in Pakistani moutainous frontier provinces disrupted al qaeda, killed or capture about a quarter of the enemy & known leaders
Atef killed in air strike

War in Persian Gulf - Gulf War
Meeting with King of Saudi Arabia
"They will never leave," one his brother said.
Troops allowed in Middle East - despite violating Koranic principles
may have informed, Prince Turki, Osama bin Laden - who offered his services to defend Kuwait/Saudi Arabia - his help not required, could not believe it

Afghanistan Service Bureau (Mahktab al Kiddimah) Usama - didn't break with kingdom - continued his work assembling


Saddam - massacred Shi'a "marsh Arabs" and Kurds - in North
Iraqis - less than a year away from detonation
awaiting enrichment material - Gallucci - inspector - had smoking gun - documented proof

decamped bin Laden & followers across Red Sea - broken with Saudi regime - to sate sponsor of terrorism - in Sudan


Cairn - Scottish memorial rockpile in Kockerbre - site of AM 103 - Lybian terrorist hijacking - exploded over Scotland
Situation room - president - what a good time he had in Kuwait

***Bush Sr. plot for his assassination - ordered by Saddam plotters in Kuwaiti prison were sixtee - two Iraqi nationals who admitted they had been recruited in Basra by the Iraqi intelligence service & given a Toyota land cruiser, in which a sophisticated bomb was installed. It was to be detonated when Pres. Bush and Emir drove by & would have killeded everything in the Kuwait City location 400 yards away
plot failed, thwarted by Kuwaiti policeman - after SUV involved in traffic accident

one facility - Iraqi intelligence headquarters - to be hsi when Clinton was pres.
retaliatory response
missiles had fallen short and killed the leading female artist of the Arab world - across the street from intelligence
all subsequent attempts to prove Iraqi support for terrorism proved futile - until 2003 invasion

Mogadishyu - Somalia - al qaeda provoked attack
706,000 people famine
security operation - to protect from gun-toting Somalis stealing relief supplies and selling them

-18 Americans, 1,200 Somalis killed - Aideed's doing - bin Laden sending advisors to him - helped engineer shoot-down

Ramzi Yousef - plot to kill Pope & Clinton - Phillipines

bin Laden's citizen-ship was revoked 1994


Book of Essays, The War on Our Freedoms
Iraq at Crossroads; State & Society in the Shadow of Regime Change (2003) - Simon, Steven RAND corporation

Muslim nations -
used Islam as justification for their use of violence against governments? or had government thrust upon them - affecting change in the areas of Islamic prevalence

Bosnia & Chechnya strengthened network of disenchanted Muslims

*new technology aided

fundamentalist Islam - suppressing individual freedoms and liberties?

caliphate - global caliphate?

heinous Saddam - liberation
occupation - unjustified - akin to Israeli occupation of West Bank/Gaza

jihadists target iconic targets of (tourism, aviation, oil)

Sa'ud gov't Saudi Arabia - opposed
Mubarak gov't - Egypt - opposed

Uzbekistan - pre-existing jihadist organization - provided missing elements needed to strengthen
create them - Phillipines
Egyptian Islamic Jihad (EIJ)

Taliban leader Mullah Omar - still at large
others escaped to Iran.

others - believed to be in mountainous border areas
2/3 al qaeda captured/killed - but they replace managers when no loger able to carry out responsibility


*Jemaah Islamiyah's attack on Marriot Hotel in Jakarta

Indonesia - nation with largest Islamic population

jihad it's so called madrassas - teaching hatred in schools

Jhadist - radical organizations list
1) Abu Sayyaf Group (ASG) - S.E. Asia "Bearer of the Sword"
a)leader - Khadaffy Janjalani
b) late Adurajak Janjalani, founder
c) Abu Soliaman - senior off. - spokesman
d) Isnilon Hapilon, Radula Sahiron, Dr. Abu Pula
e) Binang Andang captured Aug. 1, 2004

Phillipines, 4,000 members + <>12 Phillipinos hostage
21, including the westerners, apr. 2000
executed American Guillermo Sobero, 2001 June, Marton Burnham 2001
Philipino Christians - beheaded
millions in ransom
funding from bin Laden
post 9/11 Jehovah's witness - beheaded 2
bombed Philipino military base
Feb. 2004 - Manila passenger - ferry explosion - 130 passengers
Plaza Rical Shop Center - Sulu Province - one policemean killed/2 wounded in bomb disarmament
undermine Pres. Gloria Macapagal-Arroyo's admin?

2) Jemaah Islamiya (JI) - Indonesia - their president is Medwati's Sukarno Putri
a) Azahri Husin, senior planner/expert/assoc. Noordim Mohammed Top
b) Nuim, alias Zuchroni (Afghan mujahideen vet, recruiter Abron Maluku)
Zulkaraen (head of mil. op J.I. centr. comm.), Dulmatin Mustaaim arrested, Ba'asyir - jailed since 2002

200 in custody (Indonesia, Malaysia, Singapore, & Phillipine several thousand members
cultivated links with Mora Islamic Liberation Front (MILF)
training history in Afghan - 1980s
2025 goal for Islamic state in S.E. Asia - Brunei, Indonesia,
Malaysia, Singapore, South Philipines, southern Thailand
pesanthren - jihad principle Muslim boarding schools

Hambali - likely 2000 carbon - Phillipine ambassador at his Jakarta home - wounded, 2 killed

cooperated w/ al qaeda when mutually beneficial, not subserve
evidence for West Coast USA operations "second strike" - post 9/11
w/plans hijacked in S.E. Asia

I executed Bali nightclub blasts - killed 202 Oct. 2002,
electronic trigger - 300 lb. ammonium nitrate fertilizer car bomb
Western embassy plots
JW Marriot Hotel Jakarta bomb - 2 killed

helping al qaeda bio and chem. buildup weapons program

3) Al-Ittihad al-Islami (AIAI)
a) Hassan Abdullah Hersi al-Turki, leader, al qaeda supporter
U.S. terror list member
b) Muhamed Al-Togdheer region leader in Central Somaliland

2,000 members, only portion considered actively militant
incurred heavy losses in battles with Ethiopian military / attacks against military
Somalia history - after Siad Barre regime collapse
Gedo region
-Islamic state goal, on Horn of Africa
schools, aid agencies, poor relief, solid community ties
bombs targetting Addis Ababa - capital (Ethiopia) 1996-7

Terror list/ Clarke

guerrilla warfare
limited presence Kenya, Ethiopia
weapons bin Laden, 90s
Al Haramin Islamic Foundation - aided terrorist
part of al qaeda cell

post 9/11
suicide bomb attack - hotel in Kenya - Nov. 2002 11 Kenya, 3 Israeli deaths
failed attempt to shoot down chartered El Al airliner
grenade attack - Ethio Kenyan Hotel May 2003
Kill - 2 British teachers, Somaliland oct. 2003
GTZ Vehicle Somali killed, German wounded
firefights, bombings

scuba training, ship bomb planning, Horn of Africa - ships passing
*not been designated

4) Islamic Army of Aden - Abyan (IAA)
a)Khalid Abdulnabi - apprehended pardoned - Yemeni pres. Ali Abdullah Saleh
b) Abu Hamza al Masri - media advisor IAA, London resident arrested

called for overthrow of Yemeni gov't (arrested), issued statements supporting of bin Laden
action against U.S. & Western interests in Yemen
led by Zein al-Abidin al Mitidar Abu al-Hassan
Aden & Abyan
safe haven - for funding
tourist abduction - 4 killed in rescue
attacked Cole 17, 39 injured, Limburg 1 dead
$250 million in damage
*not been designated

5) Salafist Group for preaching and combat (GSPC)
a) Yahya Jawadi, al-Fath Battalion, Algerias east/south districts
b) Abu-Ammar - west leader
c) Amari Saifi (Ge. Abderrezak "the Para") - in detention MDJT, promised handover unfulfilled
d) Abu-Yasir Sayyaf - info council
e) Tarek Maarouti - recruiting cell coord. in Europe
300-700 members
100,000 Algerian deaths
toppling Algerian gov't, Italy cell, France cell, "rich network" Europe

Terror lists/Clarke

5/ Algerian security killed Jan. 4, 2003
2003 kidnapping Eurotourists - 5 mil. ransom
Hama power station attack
Netherlands, young, Muslim recruits

6) Salafiya Jihadiya, suburban Morocco
a) Abdelkrim Mejati - Mastermind - Casablanca May 2003
explosives exp. - Jewish cemetary - mid May '03, luxury hotel, Belgian consulate, Jewish-Italian restaurant, Spanish social club, 43 killed
b)Youssef El-Jamaigqui
c) Pierre Robert?

300, Afghan training
*no designation
history - Wahhabi principles, slumbs Morocco - recruits
Moroccan Islamic Combatant Group (GICM) - responsible for infamous Madrid bombings - 200 - mid March 2004 - connects to SJ (Eternal Lions) cell - some arrested in Spain

7) Jama'at al-Tawhid w'al-Jihad (JTJ)
a) Zarqawi, Jordan imprisonment
1)Takfari ideology of Sunni Islam

Mosul, Baghdad, Fallujah, Ramadi
destroy Iraqi Interrim Gov't - attempts to drive out (ones of allied countries)
attacks coalition convoys, hostages
attack Shi'a targets, to provoke Sunni response
Imam Ali mosque (al-Hakim killed) - 82 dead
UN Headquarters - 25 killed - UN withdrawal
police stations, recruitment, coalition target
Ashira attack holy festival (Baghdad/Karbala) - 143 dead, 400 wounded

Terror lists/ Clarke

8) Ansar al-Islam "supporters of Islam," merged Movement of Kurdistan Krekar Jund al Islam, al Shafii
a) Abu Abdallah al Shafii
b) Najm Faraj Ahmad.

RAS 200 fighters, SPIR 400 active fighters
Sept. 1,2004 Chechen militants - 1,200 captives - death of 339 hostage - 1/2 children

9) Asbat-Al-Ansar "League of the Followers", Southern Lebanon Ayn al Hiluwah refugee camp
a) Shaykh Hichmam El - Shredi - assass by order of Amin Kayid - Yasser Arafat's Fatah movement
b)replaced by Abu Muhijin

300 members
Israel on agenda - no peace
explosives and weaponry

10) N. African Islam Extremist Network in Europe, Jakfiri Sunni idealogy
recruit young Muslims - sent to jihad in uknown country
disrupted plot on NATO base m Veron, Madrid bomb ties
*Madrid attack mastermind Rabei Osman Sayed Ahmed
12) Hizb-I Islami Gulbuddin (HIG)
a) 25 million bounty for Gulbuddin Hikmatyar "most wanted" terrorist
Prime Minister of Afghanistan - 1993, Taliban ousted 1996 - safe haven bin Laden - post-Sudan
several hundred fighters

U.S. military base attacks 2004 Afghanistan
benefitted from opium boom
2004 Hikmaytar proclamation - called on fighters everywhere to fighter U.S./International forces in Afghan/Iraq

13) Lashkar - E-Tayyiba (LET) - "Army of the Pure" , Pakistan-Sunni
a)Hafiz Mohammed Saeed, set up front, Jamaat ad Dawaafter LET Stepdown, (remained leader)

between 1,000 and 3,000 members of Azad Kashmir in Muzzaffarabad N. Pakistan - runs center for Islamic teaching, Indian Kashmire to Muslim control Afgan-Soviet offspring
Indian civilian targets
New Delhi -Indian Parliament attack attempt - all killed

near U.S. Consulate Mumbai - A.D. 2003 - 52 killed, 153 w in timer detonate car bombing

14) Lashkar - E - Jhangui (LEJ) anti-Western - Pakistan, Anti-Indian-Kashmir
a) Muhammad Ajmal, custodied
b) Qan' Ataur Rahman, Naeem Bukhari, alleged involvement w/ Daniel Pearl murder
100 ops, Sunni-majority goal
Quetta mosque 5 dead - Shia worshippers - machine guns, grenades

15) Islamic movement of Uzbekistan (IMU) Afghan, Uzbek, Tajik
a) Tohir Yuldashev, key fund-raiser
300-800 members
Islamic revolution in Uzbek-against gov't targets, capital Tashkent - 16 dead
anti-Uzbek *U.S. led coalition - support - secular nature - reason for attacks

16) Jamaat -Al-Tabligh (JT) Mid-East, Europe, N. America - one of the largest conservative missionary movements in the world - door - to -door

17) Hiz b'ut Tahrir (HT), C. Asia, Mid-East, Australia, N. America., C. Eur., UK especially
10,000-100,000, militant, Mushim Brotherhood offshoot
Uzbekistan - ties to car bomb - called for replacement of gov't

18) Al - Muhajiroun (ALM) "The Immigrants" UK
A) Syrian Sheikh Omar Bakri Mohammed Hizb'ut Tahrir member
advocates attacks on Western countries / "Westernized" Muslim gov'ts
"killing of Tony Blair P.M. John Major allowable in Muslim countries
1,000 members
U.S. presence
London warehouse - 1200 lbs. ammonium nitrate fertilizer - Bakri announced 2004 - group called al Qaeda Europe would conduct attack on London soon.

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