Tuesday, February 16, 2010

Notebook on Islam

Sheer Size - Twin Towers - Zurgos Mountains
Twin Towers - 1,362, 1,368 ft. tall

12 million sq. ft. of rental space, 16 acre site

50,000 employees in twin towers
90,000 tourists and business visitors

Minoru Yamasaki
excavation and sale
1.2 million cubic yards of earth & rock created

enclosed before construction by three ft. thick 70 ft. high concrete cut-off wall and keyed three feet into rock

six level basement built in foundation hole

load bearing walls designed as vertical cantilevered steel tubers

200,000 pieces of steel

45 miles in either direction

"The World Trade Center should," said Yamasaki, "because of its importance, become a living representation of man's belief in humanity, his need for individual dignity, his belief in the cooperation of men, and through this cooperation his ability to find greatness."


Notes - Flight possible introduction

Bush - excerpts from Address to Nation
Victims were in air-planes or in their offices; secretaries, business men & women, military and federal workers, moms and dads, friends and neighbors

mass murder - intended to frighten our nation into chaos and defeat. They have failed

terrorist attacks - shake foundation of our biggest buildings, shatter steel - can't touch foundation of America, dent steel of American resolve

full resources of our intelligence and law enforcement communities to find those responsible and bring 'em to justice

we make no distinction between terrorists - those harboring

America has stood down enemies before, we will do so this time

defend freedom/all that is good and just

God bless America


10:10 a.m. United Flight 93 with 45 people leaving from Newark Airport for San Francisco, crashes in Somerset County, PA in a field

8:48 a.m. American Flight 11 with 92 people leaving Boston's Logan Airport for Los Angeles, crashes into North Tower of World Trade Center.

9:06 a.m. American Flight 175 crashes into South Tower of World Trade Center after leaving (65 people) Boston Airport for L.A.

9:31 a.m. apparent terrorist attack on country

9:43 a.m. American Flight 77 cashes into Pentagon

9:55 a.m. South Tower collapses
10:29 a.m. North Tower collapses

5:25 p.m. Empty 47-story seven World Trade Center collapses

Sarasota, FL
Barkesdale Air Force Base in Louisiana
White House

Pentagon - World's Largest Office Building.


Searchers: MASS, OH, Missouri; Penn, IN, CA, VA, MD, Texas

Cave explorer Russell Keat, mapping safe paths
350 lbs of gear
enough food/water stay with trapped survivor for a week
wriggling through remnants of lives

looking straight down into eight stories of empty

team came out - Keat's teammate hung flag on Tower's fallen antenna

Guiliani - with group of firefighters before they died

Rev. Billy Graham - declares America United "kinship of grief and a steadfast resolve"

(unity) against terror is now extended across the world
"this nation is peaceful but fierce when stirred to anger" - Bush

"Are you guys ready? Let's roll!" took action against hijackers aboard United Airlines Flight 93 - Todd Beamer

Laura Bush - visited personnel who leaped to safety immediately after a hijacked jetliner flew into the Pentagon

$200 million collected for victims from charity

Guiliani barely escaped with his own life from a building adjacent to Twin Towers he informed New Yorkers the death Toll would be more than any of us could bear

Bush/Bin Laden biographies

Bush: week before Sept. 11, President spoke at an Islamic center and called Islam a religion of peace

A Charge to Keep, Koerner, painting, A Charge to Keep I Have, poem

Leviticus 8:35 - Keep the charge of the Lord - charge up a hill

Terrorists in Lebanon executed a Marine in 1989 - George Sr. - never saw anyone pray like your father prayed that day - Rev. Schuler

Midland is who George Bush is (laugh) ((idyllic childhood of the Southwest))

in a sense - he invades Iraq, yes, to root out terrorist threat and remove Saddam - but to make it a Midland of the Middle East

faith is a mystical Midland

altarboy at St. Martin's Episcopal Church, "first stirrings of faith"

drank so heavily he once challenged his own father to a fistfight - called himself nomadic

A Charge to Keep - Bush - miraserve.com

star of stickball league
"lacerates" instead of "tears" - crying tears (evidence of his dyslexia)

proposed to Wolfman - junior in college

Episcopalian - Methodist

First National Bank Collapse - 1983 - $1.2 billion/1200 employees

Blessitt - carried 12 ft. cross over 38,800 miles in 284 nations

"Mr. Bush, you can become a follower of Jesus now." Blessitt
"I'd like that," said Bush

Graham - "Are you right with God?"
Bush replied "No, but I want to be."

CBS - Community Bible Study
150 people sentenced to death in Bush's term as governor

1996 - Bin Laden calls for attacks on U.S. military targets
bin Laden opposed military of U.S. (presence) in Holy places - thousands were there.

12-15 thousand men served him in war

Bush/Bin Laden

emir - leader
Afghanistan - against Soviets - 4-5 thousand - commmitted to bin Laden's cause around the world
*side note - Grand Trunk Road to Peschawar - gateway of Khyber Pass, runs through Hindu Kush mountains into Afghanistan
drivers - copious amounts of hashish
marijuana grows wild in Islamabad

Darul Uloom Haqqania - Harvard of Taliban movement
de facto government of Aghanistan

Khyber Pass - guns galore

Hadda - bin Laden's tented complex

500,000 Iraqi children dies as a resul tof U.N. sanctions imposed in Iraq for continued violations of U.N. sanctions

Sept. 11, 2001 - decade earlier - Yemen hotel bombing that housed U.S. soldiers
1998 - U.S. embassies in Africa - 200 killed
2000 - bombing American warship U.S.S. C0le - 17 killed

after '98 bombing bin Laden used phrase, "tasted as we Muslims have tasted," response to death of Muslims in Chechnya, Kashmir, Iraq, Israel, Lebanon, Indonesia, and Egpyt

"brothers in Aden hit the Cole...when the collision happened it was the beginning of the war."

Shuhadaa - martyrs in name of Allah - hijackers saw themselves as martyrs.

Bush/bin Laden

When bin Laden (declared war '96) referred to U.S. soldiers as crusaders as if crusaders fought, signed declaration from "peaks of Hindu Kush Moutains of Afghanistan..."

Afghan - untouched

-bin Laden - better technology for communications than the United States

1980s Afghan War - recruited fighters worldwide to build bases inside Afghanistan

Cairo's al-Azhar Univ., Oxford of Islamic Learning

Bin Laden - Studied economics/Bush-business

bin Laden's father - Saudi - bin Laden Group - giant construction co/Bush Oil co.

Afghan cmaps - Jordanians, Turks, Palestinians, Iraqis, Saudis, Sudanese, Moroccans, Omanis, Tunisians, Tanzanians, Malaysians, Bangladeshis, Indians, Filipinos, Chechens, Uzbeks, Tajiks, Chinese Vighurs, Burmese, Germans, Swedes, French, Arab-Americans, African-Americans all trained - spread/export terrorism & holy war to every corner of the world

TWA 800 - 230 people killed ('96) - suspected terrorist act

Ramzi Yousef - oper. leader of 1993 WTC bombing tried to assasinate Benazir Bhutto

Bush/bin Laden

1995 - captured Yousef flew back to New York from Pakistan, flew by WTC - one of agents commented "the two towers were still standing." "They wouldn't be if I had enough money and explosives," was Yousef's reply.

Mohamed Atta - Egyptian-cell WTC
2 of his 50 member student group at Hamburg - apart of WTC conspiracy
Huffman Aviation, Belle Glade
consulted U.S. Dep. of Agr. about financing crop duster (bio weapons?)

On Aug. 28, 2001 - American Airlines flight 11 ticket (Boston to L.A.) bought, went drinking in Hollywood, FL.
sec. camera captured him in departure area for Portland, MA flight to Boston, Mass.

"Oh God, Open all doors to Me. Oh God who answers prayers and answers those who ask your help. I am asking you for forgiveness. I am asking you to lighten the way. I am asking you to lift the burden I feel."
-North Tower

Osama bin Laden Tape Nov. 30, 2007
Asking European countries to end cooperation with U.S.
America's losing the war in Afghanistan - nothing to do
most victims of Afghan War were women and children
from Al-Jazeer

Bush/bin Laden

*A map (globular) which has no borders, but features like topography & brown colors for mountains (the shapes of borders-how silly eh) make the countries into caricatures - of U.S. too

European people addressed, politicians are not listening

American expansion is diminishing
Americans deliberately targetting women and children to affect morale of mujahadin
still surviving, still engaged in fighting

Bush - "A hopeful beginning" Nov. 30, 2007
Israeli/Palestinian leaders meet - "want peace in the Holy Land"

"People of America!" Sept. 8, 2007
19 men were able to change the direction of its (America's) compass
mujahideen has become an inseparable part of speech of Bush
media lost its credibility - tool of colonialist empires
dictatorial regimes which march in the caravan of the single leader

falsehood has become a religion adhered to by many of the people.

notes continued...

Videotape made by al qaeda (DVD) 2001
media - al jazeera television London's Al-Quds Al Arabi newspaper - relay news about bin Laden
azzam.com - martyred in conflicts around thew world


Bush/Bin Laden

Khallad al-Madani - holy warrier - killed in Chechnya on Feb. 2000


Chief executive officers biography

Riyadh, S.A., bin Laden's birthplace
Hadramawt - adopted home, trees (myrrh - from Hadramawt?)

al-Amoudis, bin Mahtouz, Baroum, bin Laden - all intermarried

Osama - "young lion" in Arabic
at 6, moved to Medina, divided time (Jeddah & Mecca & Medinah) 17th of 50

1960 - mentally unbalanced Australian tourist had set the mosque on fire - Al-Asque mosque - renovated by bin Laden Family" Mecca, Medina
Mohammed bin Laden-hosted pilgrims, 1967 died in a plane crash
family business expanded; industrial & power projects, oil exploration, mining, telecommunications
Salem - oldest brother took over business
James Bath, Houston businessmen, purchased a plane-leasing company in Houston on behalf of Salem, friends with George W. Bush
Salem's plane crashed into power lines in San Antonio, Texas, in 1988
Bakr now owner

Osama - married at 17, four wives
protege - Abdullah Azzam and Muhammad Qutb

Bush/bin Laden

"Signposts" - jihad book, Qutb, Sayyid
My Utmost for His Highest

Dec. 1979 - Soviets invade Afghan
just jihad
Bush - baptized after he was married
After Moses sermon (leads his people), Bush skeptically felt a "call" to run for president
Barbara said, "He was talking (the preacher) to you"

Robinson - sermon - born as the result of rape, evangelical - well known
to Reagan - "is Jesus real to you" (Robinson)

tears during "protection & keep me prayers" from Bush

"political vision feuled by faith"

service on Air Force One

Psalms 27 & 91 - Bush's fav.

Bush - top foreign policy priority of my administration is the safety and security of Israel

"Middle East is birthplace of three great religions: Judaism, Christianity, and Islam"

Bush/Bin Laden

Azzam, Defending Muslim Territory
Deraz - bin Laden bio

Azzam wrote: Islam will reign again: before us lie Palestine, Bokhara, Lebanon, Chad, Eritrea, Somalia, the Phillipines, Burma, Southern Yemen, Tushkent and Andalusia


Sheikh Rahman - blind Sheikh (diabetes)



$20 million a month from Saudi sources to Afghanistan jihad, soldiers 175,000-250,000 soldiers poured in/yr

Battle of Jaji - legend creating
12 of 50 Arabs killed in confrontation with 100
spetsnaz Russian special forces for a week, retreated after couldn't hold position
-suffered low B.P., diabetes (insulin)

"superpower was destroyed" Bin Laden

son Abdullah

al-Barakati - Kandahar fighting, heroism, departing earthly life, I really love Allah

Bush / Bin Laden

Encyclopedia of the Afghan Jihad: Military Studies in the Jihad against the tyrants

Jihad Magazine

Declaration of Jihad on Americans occupying Saudi land -bin Laden
dangers and signs of the Indian Nuclear explosion


anti-aircraft missile - American stinger

bin Laden in Saudi Arabia (5 yrs.) lived in modest surroundings, ground sleepeing

bin Laden - accomplished horsemen
leisure reading - Islamic thought and current affairs

Notes * Never has a people been wiped out, only germinated its seed for perpetuation through ages by some divine miracle

Black Hawk Somalia bombing
Sudan bombing
Riyadh bombing
Khobar Towers


American M16
Russian AK47
PK submachine
Israeli Uzi
anti-aircraft gun
C3, C4 dynamite

Ayman al Zawahiri - senior advisor
military commander Abu Hafs

suicide martyrs - priceless commodity

Bush/Bin Laden

"Pres. Bush Activities During Day of Crisis" Assoc. Press

touching a face here, patting a head there - Sept. 11 - Emma E. Booker Elem. School
-crash is said to be an accient

Barksdale Airforce Base Louisianna

"it's the faceless coward that attacks"

looked and sounded like the hunted, not the hunter - the base was in a bare room, herky jerky digi connection

going to A.F. base in Nebraska - designed for nuclear attack - statement of "we are at war"

to Washington - president not afraid
quotes Psalm 23 in prime time speech

reads Gospel of John the 12th Sept.
"We can't here you"
"Well, I can hear you" - Bush
"The Rest of the World hears you. And the people who knocked these buildings down will hear all of us soon."

Islam is peace - separated terrorism from Islam
religion that made brothers and sisters of every race

Bush used word "crusade" to describe war on terror

security Muslim vote?

Bush/bin Laden

Spring '98 declaration

Nairobi, Frank Pressley
red meat
bone sticking out of shirt
lost part of jaw
legs with pants on - nothing else
bone's protruding from legs

praying, singing of hymns
bleeding on one another

4,000 injured, 213 Dead

Khamis Mohamed


Oden - Nairobi responsibility - caught, airport

1993 WTC bomb
Ramzi Yousef

Kenya suicide attack bomber - M. Rashed 'Owhali
Bush - hastening coming of Armageddon
social, intuitive, visceral intelligence
1,000 of 4,000 Yale in his day - Bush know

Bush - "Jesus is the greatest example of pincipled living - the person he most admires"

Bush / Bin Laden

Bush reverently taking stump of wounded soldier (Walter Reed Medical Center) - left hand gone, face wired together, left side badly mangled, starts praying, kisses soldier on head, tells him that he loves him

when armed servicemen hear this - it moves them

Christianity of American people

terrorist attack - placed religion at center of American/political/social life

public prayer

facedown in prayer in oval office
some bin Laden's aides preferred suicide to capture
Dr. Abdullah - gathering intelligence on bin Laden

9/11 Commission

a) Mohamed Atta & Abdul Aziz al Omari - Portland, Maine
-Boston 6 A.m. boarded
CAPPS (Computer Ass. Passenger Prescreen Syst.)
M. took a call from Marwan al Shehhi - at Logan
Satam al Suqami, Wail al Shehri, Waleed"

b) Logan Airport - Shehri, Fayez Banihammad, Mohand al Shehri, Ahmed al Ghamdi, Hamza al Ghamdi, flight 75

c) Washington, Dulles for San Francisco
Khalid al Midhar & Majed Moqed, Hani Hanjour, two brothers Nawaf al Hamzi & Salem Hazmi

d) Newark 93: Saeed al Ghamdi, Ahmed al Nami, Ahmad al Haznawi, & Ziad Jarrah (first class)

Flight 11 - hijacking took 15 min.
Shehri stabbed two attendants
Atta - flew jet
Lewin, Daniel - stabbed prob. Suqami

Betty Ong - called A.A. S. East Reserv. Office

Man in first class - throat slashed

North Tower hit 8:46

Flight 175
pilots killed
passengers throw up & getting sick
South Tower - 9:03

Flight 93
Shanksville, PA
580 mph, 20 min. flying time from D.C.
Oct. 12, 2000 - U.S.S. Cole
40x60 hole, 500-700 lbs explosives

IAA - Aden

9/11 Comm.

Islamic Observation Centre "Military Studies in Jihad Against the Tyrants"
info - Islamic militants
Yasser al Sirri
Iraq - research counter terrorism al Azhar University

Shalwar kameez - Afghan outfit

Abu Hamza "spark of jihad"

Al-qaeda - all key members are Egyptian militant
sayyid Qutb - martyr, most important for Islamic movement
Sayyid Qutb

Ayman al-Zawahiri - sometime accompanied by Ali Mohamed
Ayman al - Zawahiri - more important to Alqaeda than bin Laden himself

1981 - assasination of Egpyt's president Anwar Sadat. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hKSw4lDhtao&feature=player_embedded

actual footage: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nwQL3N57TQE&NR=1

Cairo - 200-300 Jews left

Kashmir (Utah-size) country between India & Pakistan, have battled over region since 1947 in dep. from Britain

Phillipines - Catholic Islands - bin Laden ties

al Qaeda - never attacked Israeli or Jewish target

Kandahar - defacto Taliban capital
*Northern Alliance & ISI important sources for U.S. military presence in Afghanistan

Taliban - fields 20-40,000 fighters

more mines in Afghanistan than any country in the world

Sept. - April - harsh winter

9/11 Comm.

Flight 11 (8:37)
NEADS - battle stations of two F-15 alert aircraft at Otis Air Force base in Falmouth, Mass. 153 mi. away from New York City

NORAD contacted by Col. Robert marr
with no transponder-fighters could not know a destination
8:46 - plane hit North Tower

9 minutes notice

tracked 175 - knew it was hijacking - 9:03 - South Tower

Flight 77 - where it was flying radar could not pick up, for 36 minutes 77 traveled undetected

"we have some planes"

Langley fighters air borne at 9:30, sent to Baltimore area keep (Supposed - 11) between them & Washington, D.C.
(150 mi. away, one minute before impact on Pentagon)
fighters recieved word to head toward White House

Flight 93
unintelligible sounds, screaming

Zoad - Jarrah: Uh, this is the captain. Would like you all to remain seated, there is a bomb on board & are going back to the airport, and to have our demands ( ). Please remain quiet
20 miles northwest of Johnstown, PA

9/11 Comm.


At White House:
Vice President Cheney: "How the hell could a plane hit the World Trade Center" - saw second plane hit the South Tower.

Bush - "Sounds like we have a minor war going on here, I heard about the pentagon. We're at war...somebody's going to pay.

Vice President Cheney - authorized fighter aircraft to engage the inbound plen, based authorization on Pres. conversation.

Vice Pres. - cleared us to intercept traffic and shoot them down if they do not respond per (Gen. Arnold)

Bin Laden
1983 bombing in Beirut - 241 U.S. Marines killed http://www.youtube.com/watch#playnext=1&playnext_from=TL&videos=1CsTznL0_SQ&v=XBSE0JndWeo
1992 Aden bombing
1993 firefight Somalia

Islam - "Surrender to the will of God" - translated

"Walls of oppression and humiliation cannot be demolished except in a rain of bullets"

Jahiliyya - period of humiliation cannot be demolished except in a rain of bullets

jahiliyya - period of ignorance - prior to revelations, present in the West

"It is saddening to tell you that you are the worst civilization witnessed by the history of mankind" - who said this?

inspired by Azzam, disciple of Qutb of Abdul Aziz Univ.

9/11 Comm.


Bin Laden Unit CIA

"Cut off head of the snake"
"Far enemy"

Riyadh - Nov. 1995 Saudi National Guard - Saudi U.S. Joint facilitate - bombing killed 5 American 2 Indian officials

1996 - Khobar Towers, Dhahran, Saudi Arabia, 19 Americans, 372 wounded

still rivals (Pakistan) with India over Kashmir

fealty (bayat) to bin Laden

1993 bombing
12:18 Feb. 26, 1993 - WTC bomb beneath two towers - hole was seven stories up

Ramzi Yousef - Sunni extremist, planner, had hoped to kill 250,000 people
Nidal Ayyad, engineer
Mahmoud Abouhalima - helped mix the chemicals
-disrupted Holland/Lincoln Tunnel bomb plans
-hatched plan near Khaldan cmap - Afghan-Paki border

Foreign Relations Committee

Omar Abdel Rahman, "Blind Sheikh"

Bin Laden Unit

Ties made to Aden, Somalia, Manila plot - to al Qaeda

bin Laden - sometime in Kandahar, sometime in Tarnak Farms

9/11 Comm.

Aug. 7, 1998 - simultaneous bombing of U.S. embassies of Nairobi, Kenya & Dar es Salaam, Tanzania
-U.S. response was Tomahawk Cruise Missiles

George Tenet - Clarke attacking military cantonment

10,000 casualties? } scope of bin Laden's vision

targets in Afghan camps hit, bin Laden target - 98

Operation Desert Fox, Dec. '98 - bombed Iraq

dialogue with Taliban started in '98 (Wiliam Milam U.S. ambassador to Pakistan) - but it was against their culture to expel someone seeking sanctuary

Riyadh, soon after verbal disagreement betwtixt Mullah Omar and Prince Turki, suspended diplomatic relations with the Taliban regime (UAB, S.A., Paki countries recognizing Taliban as legit. gov't in Afghanistan)

Northern Alliance - Taliban's chief foe

General Pervez Musharraf - deposed Sharif, plan to capture bin Laden was terminated

"commerce & marriage" - codewords for terrorist attacks

"cruise missles" only option in Afghanistan - not military operation

9/11 Comm.

Principle al qaeda members - terrorist entrepeneurs

Taliban - comprised of Afghan's most numerous ethnic group, the Pashtuns
Northern Alliance - financed by heroin trade

Mohammed Atef - bin Laden's chief of operations

Khalid Sheikh Mohammed
architect 9/11 attacks
schemes masterminded by KSM; car bombins, political assass., aircraft bombing, hijacking, reservoir poisoning, aircraft as missiles guided by suicide operatives
nephew was Ramzi Yousef
grew up in Kuwait
ethnic lineage - Baluchistan region (Iran/Pakistan)
Muslim Brotherhood by 16
Chowan College - Murfreesboro, N.C.
Semester later - N.C. Agric. & Tech. State Univ. in Greensboro, N.C. with Yousef's brother
introduced to Abdul Rasul Sayyaf by his brother Zahid,
Sayyaf head of Hizbul-Ittihad El-Islami (Islamic Union Party) - where trained military
fought Soviets
admin. duties for Abdullah Azzam
firm work - electronic - Afghan groups, drills to excavate Afghan caves

Qatar - position as project engineer Qatari ministry of electricity and water
fled to Pakistan 1996
cameo WTC bomb plot
Yousef - called KSM - while building WTC bomb
funding to Yousef
instant notoriety from WTC bomb inspired KSM to become () in planning attacks against U.S.

9/11 Comm.

Disagreed with foreign policy favoring Israel

Manila or "Bojinka" plot - movie theater/Phillipines Airliner flight
Clinton assassination plot - Manila 1994
foiled by authorities while he was back safely in Qatar
arrested in Islamabad Feb. 95
Sudan, Yemen, Malaysia, Brazil
fled to Afghanistan '96 - renewed relationship with Rasul Sayyaf

Tora, Bora - bin Laden KSM meet because of Yousef's reknown
briefed bin Laden & Alef on 9/11 operation
India, Indonesia, Malaysia
1997 relocated to Karachi
1998/99 updating computers for al qaeda - goahead for 9/11 operation by bin laden
led media committee - al qaeda
proposals - Thailand, Singapore, Indonesia, Maldives
-intelligent, creative, efficient, even-tempered - shared input with others

*SouthEast Asian headway by al qaeda due largely to close relationship with Jemaah Islamiah

born/educ. in Indonesia
follower of cleric Abdullah Sungkar
sent to Afghanistan - 1986 trained under Rasul Sayyat's camp
fought Soviets
JI united with al Qaeda, JI located bomb making materials, bin Laden, Atef
al qaeda underwriter op.
helped Tawfiq bin Attash - Cole bomber

al Hazmi, al Mindar - 9/11 hijackers

9/11 Commission

Hambali - Aghan facilities used for training JI - no oath of allegiance, fealty to al Qaeda, objected when they tried to assign proejcts to JI members

Abd a Rahim al Nashiri http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Abd_al_Rahim_al_Nashiri
mastermind of Cole bombing, eventual head of operations of al Qaeda in Arabian peninsula
recruited by bin Laden.
went with 30 mujahideen - jihad in Tajikstan (1996)
urged in Jalalabad to join jihad, found swearing oath to bin Laden distasteful
returned to native Saudi Arabia, southern coast of Yemen - saw U.S. ships plying waters - spurred idea of terrorist attacks
Afghanistan 97 - check on relatives, learn about Taliban
joined fight against Massoud's Northern Alliance
smuggled four Russian-made anti-tank missiles into Saudi Arabia from Yemen, helped bombing
joined al Qaeda
cousin, Jihad Mohammed Ali al Maliki, AKA Azzam - suicide bomber for Nairobi attack
bin Laden suggested Port of Aden, instead of Nashiri's reconnaisance on Western Coast
USS Sullivans - Jan. 2000
USS Cole - Oct. 2000
retained discretion in selecting operatives/devising attacks
Oct. 6, 2002 bombing of French tanker Limburg, Gulf of Aden
2002 capture in UAE

9/11 Comm.


http://www.usip.org/ - Afghanistan/Pakistan border struggle.

not opposing money to Fatah - nudge military to make reforms

Hamburg contingent

Mohamed Atta - born Kafr el Sheik 1968 in Egypt
Cairo Univ. degree in arch. engineering
urban planner Cairo
continued education in Hamburg, asked German family (host) he met in Cairo
charismatic, intelligent, persuasive, albeit intolerant of dissent
diatribe-ready to fight for his belief - advocated violent jihad
global Jewish movement centered in NYC

Ramzi Bihalshibh
born 1972 Ghayl Bawazir, Yemen
clerk international bank of Yemen, attempted to leave Yemen 1995
application for U.S. visa rejected, went to Germany applied for asylum under name Ramzi Omar
met Atta in Hamburg mosque, assoc. with several individuals from several mosques
shared apartment with Atta and student from UAE Marwan al Shehhi

Marwan al Shehhi, 1978
father was prayer leader of local mosque
Emerati military, military scholarship program funded study in Germany
Bonn apt.
5 times prayer
avoided restaurants - cook or serve alcohol
desired to join Atta & Binalshibh
Atta & Binalshibh moved into his apt. '98
he and Atta never laughed, had an old apt.
frugal living, living way Prohet lived
"how can you laugh when people are dying in Palestine"

Ziad Jarrah
Mazraa Lebanon, 1975
affluent family
attended private, Christian schools
Junior College Greifswald
parties, best discuss beaches in Beirut, beer
apt. with cousin in Greifswald, Jarrah
back - return trip to Lebanon - strict Koran living
professed disaffection, subject of holy war
desire not to leave the world in natural way
study - changed course from dentistry to aircraft engineering at technical univ. of Hamburg - Harburg (toy airplanes/childhood)
his peer, Aysel Seguen - met and intimate
onset of Islamic extremism - distanced him from Senguen
refused to introduce her to Hamburg friends because they were religious Muslims and her refusal to change embarrassed him
breakup-reconcilliation type relationship

Quds mosque - Hamburg - met Binalshibh (Jarrah)
flamboyant Islamist - Mohammed Haydar Zammar

who had fought in Afghanistan - spoke at Quds, persuaded the four to violent jihad in Afghanistan
beforehand, hosted sessions - "bar el Ansar" - "house of the followers"

four - fought in Chechnya against Russians
Masri contact, German tram led them to contact
Slahi, al qaeda operative
invited to Dursberg by Slahi, recommended training (Afghanistan)
route was to travel to Karachi & then to Quetta
(to see al Masri - Taliban office) - a code name

Atef recommended flight training (return to Germany) Rabia al Makki (Nawaf al Hazmi) would be part of the operation, led by Atta

bin Laden & Attef - in charge of operation
(four remained abroad without their absence being drawn attention to)
they all, in Hamburg, adopted their old ways - Western clothes, shaved beards, no outward indication of radicalism

Jarrah, close with family, Seguen too, cousin was asked to intervene (regarding his newfound pal) doubts even as late as summer 2001

Binalshibh's visa application rejected (Yemeni) - fear of undocumented aliens seeking work in U.S.

Iran - does not stamp visas

9/11 Funds - 400,000 to 500,000 dollars
Zakat - charitable giving - Islam's strong ally, Saudi financial facilitates Haramain Islamic Foundation - smaller charities were funded by large Gulf charities - siphoned money into al qaeda gov't sponsorship?

30 million annually al Qaeda operating budget
bin Laden provided 20-30 million
drug trafficking - conflict diamonds - to finance itself? -
definitely source of income for Taliban

"Encyclopedia of Jihad"
Director of Central Intelligence DCI Tenet
May 2000, two operatives in U.S., Hamburg Cell members soon to arrive

Raed Hijazi 1 of 16, born in Cali to Pakistani parents
Abu Zubaydah's Khaldan camp in Afghanistan
learned fundamentals of guerrilla warfare
after Abu Hoshar arrest, who recruited he and his younger brother (in Jordan a time for training is over)
Jordan - Boston shuttling (Zubayday in Jordan-based op) motto "The Season is coming, and bodies will pile up in sacks"
Clark http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Richard_A._Clarke stated a threat from terrorist sleeper cells present in U.S. & attacks in U.S. are likely
Is there a threat to civilian aircraft? he asked Berger - that is Sandy Berger http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sandy_Berger

Nawaf al Hazmi & Mindar
by 2000 - to L.A.

Khallad (lost leg), Nashiri - Operational Commanders for al Qaeda

Quso, Badawi, arrested in connection with USS Cole - Yemen (Tawfiq bin Attash)

9/11 Comm.

caveat - no evidence bin Laden himself ordered USS Cole attack

"no silver bullet" in Afghanistan

2000 Election - 36 day legal fight
-cut in half the normal transitional period

NSA - Condee (National Security Advisor) - NSC - for Bush Sr.,
Sec. State Colin Powell - NSA Reagan

Tenet - DCI
Louis Freeh - FBI Director
Rice's deputy - Stephen Hadley
Conreat of bio, chem, radiologic, or nuke weps
Bonk, Ben - deputy chief of CIA's counterterrorist center
Said - Americans would die from terrorism during the next four years (Sarin mock-up scenario)

CIA given authority to kill bin Laden - by Bush

Counterterrorism policy - mulled over
CT - Security group & Transnational Threats Directorate - Clarke
no longer de facto principal - Clarke - his committee would report to principals's through the deputies
he was now "national counterterrorism coordinator"
felt it slowed decision - making
assist. Dir. CT - Dale Watson
Shelton - Chairman of Joint Chiefs
face to face responses from DCIC (Bush) vs. written (Clinton)

urgently - review - al qaeda network
National Security Advisor - did not respond directly to Clark's memo
decisions should be made soon on messages to the Taliban and Pakistan over al Qaeda sanctuary in Afghanistan, "When, how to respond to U.S.S. Cole
Principal meeting on al Qaeda - Sept. 4, 2001 Uzbeks - Covert N. Alliance aid given.

Eyewitness Acccounts

Never Forget - Sept. 11, 2001
Sean Crawley - NYPD Captain - saw image of five people holding hands and jumping together as a group from high up in the North Tower

retired police Lt. McGinn - saved 30 people who were suffocating in front of World Financial Center when the South Tower collapsed

Sept. 10 0 Shanksville - Stony Creek School District was awarded a $54,033 grant - part of "safe school program"

Spencer Korben (dropping in the air)
monitors and desks & chairs, flying through the air, pieces of metal from Staten Island Ferry looking back on Manhattan, the whole entire island looked like it had been taken out. Couldn't see any buildings

cordon us off - terrified it was chemical warfare
burnt our clothes - boots
ID credit cards
body parts on terraces, torso on a plane seat on our roof
ancillary places & shop owners who may have lost their lives

felt like I was in a war, fighting for lives, to get out. Didn't know if we'd be alive one minute or dead the next

eyewitness accounts

Air sea rescue pilot - Steven Bienkowski
(initial thought was a private aircraft)
the black smoke poured out of Tower
80% of roof was covered in black smoke nobody on roof
the people were trapped
the people hanging off the building gasping for air
the accidentally pushed by people behind them - craving the air

no way, by helicopter, to get near anybody in a window
plunge to death

missed helicopter by 300 ft.

white dust cloud over
people falling and jumping - was almost peaceful because
they were falling into a white cloud - were'nt watching
them (impact) hit the ground

"It's tilting" - North Tower came down like a deck of cards
the entire thickness of the cloud of dust was like nothing ever seen
boats from eerywhere evacuating people over the sea wall
Joseph Pfeifer, Chief Battallion I
very loud plane, large fireball, so low
couple of seconds later you heard the sound of the explosion

battalion car, told everyone to get in the rigs - because
we were going down there to the Trade Center
Jules Naudet, film on 9/11 documentary
badly burned people right in the lobby
between 78-80 floor that was hit
20 floors of people trapped (at the top)
fire itself was too big to put out

Eyewitness Accounts

brother, supposed to be on vacation, seconds looking at each other,
walk over to his men - never saw him again

5 minutes before next tower was hit
communication difficulty - Ono

cell phones weren't working, communications solutions sought after and failed

firefighters w/ chest pains
heard all the crashing and the steel - everything goes black
walking north on West. St., blackness of downtown - no lights
carried brother through field of twisted steel and rubble
"I owe my life to your brother" - Dennis Tardio - caption
of engine 7 - told h im, as he was on the C stairs
that led to the rubble - to switch to B stairs
Dennis got out and within 30 seconds the building came down
C stairs let into the mezzanine level - no time to get out if he'd of taken them

Anthony Whittaker, 57, Captain, Port Authority P.D.
gigantic fireball, pushing people in front of it (Building 1 South Side - Marriot Side) ball around it, and inside of it, just free-floating

quiet, deadly quiet, no sounds at all - walking on body parts - don't look down - looked like cushiony things
people on fire running toward general direciton of the lobby of building 1 north side - ordered full scale evacuation of entire complex
don't walk down Liberty St.
regained consciousness.

Eyewitness accounts

-evacuation going well
hundreds of people going through the mall from area of building

told them to evacuate entire complex
heat from second plan explosion was like a wave, slapped left side of face, knocked me down sideways

stay inside - stay indoors - uniform drew - a million and one questions

thousands of people out of there

muffled explosion

sidewalk crapeted with body parts

747 landing on Liberty st.
thickest most choking smoke you can imagine

war zone

evacuated 250 people

angioedema of the uvula
black spots on lung

pieces of firefighters
"that day that still isn't over"

Eyewitness accounts

Gary Smiley Paramedic FDNY
trying to catch falling people
North tower
heard nothing - on second hit south tower
people hit with falling debris and killed - running out of buildings toward us

arm that had fallen - burned his back
bodies everywhere
people falling

from West St. - angle of North Tower - people falling out of building
Vesey St. littered with bodies

Two people hit firefighters and killed them right before our eyes

Ninetieth floor couple jumped
14 people jump
atrium of AmEx building
Mayday calls from different units trapped all
over as South Tower came down

antenna of N. Tower moving
hesistated - dead

gush of air - picked me up - threw me through air

crawling - digging through rocks and debris

things exploded after towers down

lost teeth, months w/out sleep, ear/mouth infections

Eyewitness accounts

(levels of trace metals, asbestos & mercury, gas from air conditioning, units & mercury from light bulbs

surrouding buildings had their glass shattered

Lot's wife turned around and she's a pillar of salt

Everybody was praying - calling out to God

Duchess of York in NYC that day, Sarah Ferguson

People got incinerated

elevators free falling

big circle holding hands (top floors) & were praying

78 burns
82 percent of body

Cantor Fitzgerald - epicenter of attack

thin sheets of white fire
a fireball hit elevator car

smushed, splattered bodies everywhere

building swayed

people sucked out because of the pressure of planes hitting

ceiling imploded - walls began to implode

Eyewitness accounts

jet fuel, kerosene smell
firefighters - light path for everyone else to find way out

people hit with steel beams

consensus - people were asked (security guards) what they would do if a bomb went off and they saw dead bodies - 60 guards under a director of security - not one ran

45,000 people evacuated

a lot of people - evacuated - going onto the plaza - right along Hudson River marina
on windowsills - could hear people screaming - from that distance faintly
a dozen jumped

antenna tilt

cops/fireman ran into lobby while building was coming down

unsung heroes - security guards

Mychal Judge - chaplain, NYC F.D. - killed while giving a person his last rites - Saint Mychal

humongous explosion

engine of plane shot across

last rites in an emergency - dying Dep. Chaplain, Judge

Eyewitness Accounts

1 World Trade Center Looking North

fuselage dissapears into the building
downstairs - everyone was polite
odd smell (on stains) was jet fuel

(body parts and plane pieces) - we stopped and prayed a minute!

walked over to Broadway & then walk over on Park Pl. on way to Pace University

started running north

heard the towers burning

SE corner of Liberty & West - cars of fire/exploding
Everything went black - like being in a tub of ink

What of the 45,000 - in the evacuation - health problems

only thing to be seen was fire through the haze and smoke

start making our way southbound on the esplanade
continue South to the South Cover Harbor
couldn't see 6 inches in front of you

skull caved in by piece of concrete but lived

fireman Danny Suhr killed by a jumper

Ambulances burst into flames
rubble eight feet high

Eyewitness Accounts

(those who coughed - inhaled the dust/ what of them?)

blown out of shoes

every 5 feet there was an officer directing someone to safety

"Dialogue with severed hand - holding out for trust"

shard of glass between shoulder blade

cars flying through the air

3-4-5 people holding hands jumping

instantly coughing

screaming - all men

sheets - napkins over W. Side Highway

smoke pouring into Queens

Woosh, crash, splat

don't remember calling/helping people - for shock

top floors - kicked fire out as they fell

from North Side of building - couldn't see plane - thought it was a bomb

"wanted to break our backs but they didn't. They united us - we're closer than ever - tie in - the sickness, the WTC cough - the desperation - the defiance & careless - belittling death

Eyewitness Accounts

Taste - the carnage Muslims have tasted

On Barclay St. - pieces of plane

"I've go tto get ahold of the White House" - mayor

"We that's not good at all," "They've hit the
Pentagon and they're evacuating the White House

Chief of Police eyewitness account
bright sunny to pitch black
drove under pedestrian bridge going under building 7, walkway protected us
mayer is on phone with White House coordinating air support for city

rumble heard as Mayor is one phone w/ vice president - the building collapsing
upside down mushroom cloud - tidal wave

another world

Water St. - visibly see for first time - proceeded to
Brooklyn bridge by feeling - chain gang style

On the back side of the block across from the Trade Center on Broadway - hear another explosion - plane hits tower 2 - she started running for the East Side

78th floor - people killed on impact

Eyewitness accounts

Moses Lipson - wrap up team for developer Lamy? Silverstein to take over the WTC

From construction work - plane crashed into the North face of the tower - causing the building to sway 1.5 feet South

Office on 88th floor - plane hit ninety second to nenty-fourth floors

We climbed over collapsed walls

door jammed shut by crash - required people to return from the seventy-sixth floor up to the 78th floor for the clear star

walked a mile north on West. St. resting several times on the concrete divider

343 firemen - kept going even when they knew situation was impossible
Pentagon eyewitness accounts

30,000 unsuspecting federal employees
sucking sound - oxygen escaping jet fuel poured into the corridors
right down the hall from us & ignited, taking all oxygen out of the air

caved-in ceiling
small arms, machine guns, & brought them out

Center of Pentagon is A ring, then B, C, D, & E
field of scattered debris - gray & metallic

helipad area of Pentagon - billowing smoke - flames (around it).

Eyewitness account

charred steel

broken hip and flash burns - thrown over back - screamed in pain - terribly flash burned
fire bearing down to us

bleeding from ears and mouth
fuel outside next to fire department blew up

one team one fight - soldiers or civilians

six-thousand gallons of jet fuel
Lyzbeth Blick, wife of Jeremy Glick, Passenger on
United Airlines Flight 93
-Jeremy reported 3 men had hijacked plane - one claimed to have bomb strapped to him - the others had red headbands

They told them all to stay seated
-decided to jump on the hijacker with the bomb and try to take back the plane
"them" were as big as him - six feet, 220
national judo champion, self-defense - even if they had knives
"I have a butter knife"

series of screams, series of more screams, sound that was inaudible, and then it sounded like a roller coaster - and then nothing

Mark Bingham, Flight 93 - next to Tom Burnett on the plane
Tom - "Well, some of us are going to do something" -
that's how Mark got involved - Tom & Mark seated right behind two hijackers - 3C & 3D

Eyewitness Accounts

Other two terrorists in 6B & 1B on Flight 93

Saw cockpit breached, saw flight attendants being threatened - may have seen pilot murdered
said three men - one hadn't shown himself

Tom Burnett - They've already knifed the guy. I think one of them has a gun."

"They're in the cockpit"
"Oh my God, it's a suicide mission"
"Who's involved? Was it a commercial air plane"
"I'm putting a plan together. We're going to take back the airplane."
"Different people (helping you) several people. There's a group of us.

1 Don't worry, We're going to do something
"We're waiting until we're over a rural area. We're going to take back the airplane."
"No Deena. If they're going to crash this plan into the ground, wer'e going to have to do something."
"We can't wait for the authorities. I don't know what they can do anyway. It's up to us." He said, "I think we can do it."
"Pray Deena, just pray"

2Todd Beamer, Cranberry, NJ
one strapped with bomb - strapped around his waist w/ a red belt
2 people lying on floor in first class - hurt - pilot/copilot
didn't know if they were dead or alive
plane flew erratically
"We're going down, we're going down. Jesus, help us."
"Wait, we're turning north, we're turning around. We're going back north. I don't know where we're going."

Eyewitness accounts

Account for building 3,4,5,6,7 What Ladders participated in WTC evac? Detail them all
Appreciate life more?

asked her to recite Lord's prayer with him
promise to contact my family
gonig on faith

"Are you ready? Okay, let's roll."
After building came down, there was a calmness
I'll never forget

tons and tons of paper
smouldering debris

ballistic helmets, vests, heavy weapons

got up as high as 50th floor

in the Talmud - "Whoever rescues a single life earns as much merit as though he had rescued the entire world"

change in scope - from "rescue" to "recovery"

15-20 floors of fire - on North Tower

Firetrucks broken like little kids' tops

weeping in the middle of the night - never met each other

Sept. 11, 2001 - America's longest day

visceral emotion, brokenheartedness, crumbled me

AA - Handing out booze, volunteer comes in, he's all fucked up, they give him a tranquilizer, a big shot of booze, AA rooms open 24/7 horrors & urged to drunk
hypervigilance, nightmares, sleeplessness, immobilizing depression, extreme anxiety, paranoia, PTSD, post traumatic stress disorder

Terror lists/Clarke

Shah of Iran opened doors to U.S. after '74 boycott Iranian-backed Hezbollah - attacked U.S. in Marine Barracks
Beirut - 278 Americans died (&twice on embassy)
Syria implicated

emissary - Donald Rumsfeld - carrying presidential letter - saving him from probable defeat by Iranian onslaught - American intelligence flowed from Baghdad

U.S. engaged Saudis, Egyptians, other Arab states to fight Soviets - Saudis took look in assembling group of volunteers
Saudi intelligence chief - Prince Turki, relied upon Usama bin Laden - to recruit, move, train, indoctrinate
chosen from Muslim brotherhood, misfits - volunteers (many) became al Qaeda network

Pakistani intelligence, empowered by U.S. in Afghanistan
brought order through religious faction - Taliban - Afghanistan-Arab War vets fought for Taliban (al Qaeda)

Terror lists/Clarke

Prepping for War, Bush - engaged China & Russia

Musharraf agreed to all U.S. requests:

  • stop al qaeda ops at its border and end all logistical support for Bin Laden
  • give U.S. blanket overflight & landing rights for all necessary military & intelligence operations
  • provide territorial access to U.S. & allied military intelligence & other personnel to conduct operations against al qaeda's
  • provide U.S. with intel. info
  • continue to publicly condemn terrorist acts
  • cut off all shipments of fuel to Taliban & stop recruits from going into Afghanistan
  • if evidence implicated bin Laden & Al Qaeda & Taliban continued to harbor them, to break relations w/Taliban gov't

strike of Taliban, step back, wait to see if they got message then hit them hard

shutdown al qaeda camp w/in 24/48 hrs.

destroy terrorist infrastructure

build coalition to go into Afghanistan

first wave of war against terror

-insert CIA - work with Afghan warlords! - later joint with special op. units

-ground troops

homeland defense

Rumsfeld wanted to hit Saddam - not only bin Laden

Bush - plans to possibly occupy Iraqi oil fields

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