11/15/12 THURS 1:39
cool partly-sunny
Jude emailed me, Dad is in Western PA trying to find new tenants to the rental
free time
nothing at the moment
energetic, constipated
I am a cinephile
Jude's reaction to my email
Jude's reaction to my email
ironing, bike parts, swimming, tennis possibly, lookover some of Trail Guide PAA reading
11/19/12 MON 1:00
Stephen Colbert coming to the Wellmont Theatre
Jude emailed me about alterations in Thanksgiving plans. I missed MT because of lateness
starting my report
my progress, always at Eastern
sore back and fatigued - heavy eyelids
laugh off the situations that cannot be helped - -you have no one to answer to but yourself - that's the difference between one who judges & someone who judge's not
freedom, lax attitude, accomplishments
sleep and human bio review
11/18/12 MON 9:39
Don't read the news
Jude messaged me last night and I contacted Ortho, Acu and Oral Surgeon parties and travelled around town splurging, went to class
sleeping, regaining my senses
taxed yet enlivened, seeing with new eyes, excited
I had a spiritual awakening
countless thing - my spiritual condition foremost
wrote girls a note, raked leaves
sleep and look over Lung indications
11/19/12 WED 12:30
cool, brisk
Thanksgiving Eve
I went to class today. came home to the Poconos (Chris gave me a ride)
Thanksgiving scrabble match, maybe massage to give Dan
anxiety, tenseness, my ego, rebellious qi
sharp, sarcastic, bittersweet
I am overthinking things and worrying about things
Tom's moxa (burning), errands tomorrow - observation
offered nuts to turn petted Susie
bring chart
11/21/12 THURS 12:40
cool and sunny
I went to OT the apt. and observed Louise today. Dad worked for Prosser & Jude had a half-day, Jude cooked and Chris picked up quesadia
Thanksgiving tomorrow
stress, enough relaxing time, caffeine, alcohol and drugs, not making meetings
fatigued, running on empty, uptight, wiry
I am emotionally unstable
petted Susie, helped Jude out, hugged Jude
read relax, yin activity, schedule some down time and some work on the side
11/21/12 THURS 9:00
cool, sunny
Thanksgiving Day
we arrived at Jess and Dan's at 11:30, Dad/Chris/ and I went for a walk, watched football until dinner, had dessert
qi gong, women, solitude, Acupuncture treatments, and successful business
anxiety, depersonlization, stress, state of my mental and behavioral/physiological health/emotional health
out of sorts around people I am not comfortable with, I have no trust, untrusting, unaccepting
I feel stranger and I feel as if I am closing off, shutting down for fear of embarrassment. Anything I do I feel embarrassed I might "screw up"
walk, Jets losing, trail
hugs, compliments to everyone
study and go with the flow
11/23/12 SAT 11:45
college football end of regular season
we left Columbia today and arrived in the Poconos at 7:15, and unloaded the car and did chores/other stuff
starting my research project
dedicating enough time to ensure project is good
I have some issues I need to address
read references in google books, lookover my human bio videos some
11/25/12 SUN 11:38
cool and windy
NFL football and college football results
I woke up and began to do schoolwork, copying and such and finished my observation sheets, Jude cleaned and reorganized, I began but did not finish, videos
5 Element and research project, christmas gifts
momey fitting and job into my schedule
energetics and peristaltic
I am feeling pretty good with my vitality/vigor
Susie, finishing those sheets, completing edited pictures
sent pics for co-students
videos, li review
11/27/12 TUES 12 am
cold and dry
Thanksgiving weekend ends
Jude brought me back from Poconos I attended class
my work ethic and anxiety problems
lil' off
I was agitated earlier
Susie, Deanna, Natasha Kjinski
study large intestine
11/27/12 TUES 11:15
snow then rain
embassy bombing Israel - aftermath
Jude had school today. I did chores, attended theory and found out PLA was cancelled - shoveled drive and sidewalk
what I accomplished with plants, shoveling, my work ethic
depression, anxiety, concentration, attention span, becoming like - overstimulated to the point where I can't concentrate - as Constance says - not sensitized but over-sensitized
anxious, lonely, bitter, angry, resentful, jealous, envious, lustful, distracted, enraged, mean, weepy
I have so many emotions - I am bursting with them
brought sage to Tom, shoveled driveway for neighbors, sidewalk for passerby
hopefully plants'll be plantable, at least some, for now I need rest, lookover notes, but don't go nuts for today
11/29/12 THURS 1:30
cold - bitter
New Jersey native, star of Melrose place and Cry-Baby sentenced to 10 years/manslaughter, Gen. Patreus
Jude has long day tomorrow. She sent me the design for the baby's room. I studied and attended class, came home and strained the seed water
planting, herbs, the future, my practice, Pittsburgh
my health, my weight, whether I have cold the onset of one, the way people see, my solitude and all encompassing study habits
sore throat, anxiety comes and goes
anxiety has not reduced (daily) frequency has reduced
talk with Norman
food garbage, Hillary I let borrow my notes
you could hand in your reports, get a little prep work done for next week and look over Jeremy's material
11/29/12 THURS 7:05
cool & p/c
Lindsay Lohan arrested for assault
Jude contacted me about consultation and finding a job, job stresss and financial stress. I had an acupuncture treatment at student clinic ESATM
sleeping, that time in the middle of the night for work and play knowing you have the day off
stress, anxiety, the way the girls upstairs perceive me, my progress, how good I am as a practitioner compared with others
dry nose, tired, fulfilled, nervous, ambitious, relaxed
things regarding "competition" anxiety, are issues that need to be addressed
finding out about kidney tonic may be source of my anxiety
food trash
get the max done that you can to prepare for exams and practicals
12/2/12 SUN 12:00
cool, overcast
Jersey shore still in ruins, no beach
Jude emailed she's waiting for word from me
starting my paper, wrapping up studying for my various subjects
the quiz in Theory, the quiz in PLA, Jeff sitting in on our classroom (Caesar all over again), time to do report
hanging in there
I can push through tiredness and really try and enjoy my time awake. Treatments - that take it out of you - is your body's way of using healing energy
everybody was on the ball, nice, polite, getting through videos
ground round until 4 - bring nuts, finish human bio skin and begin Theory review
12/3/12 MON 12:05
cold, rain late
murder-suicide of K.C. Chiefs linebacker and his wife
Jude and Dad received my call, earlier Jude accidentally sat on Susie, I went to GR. today, came back and read 3 chapters of Human Bio
finishing up prep work for this week so I can work on my research paper Thursday and Friday
my progress, combinations of points (math is not my strong suit
mindset is important
Damini, GR Five Element Practitioner
gave Norman my research project requirements to copy
send Christmas list to Jude finish reading Human Bio chapter skim sections you feel you are strong in. Begin reviewing Sheila
12/4/12 TUES 12:55
cold, sunny
Jude - no response. Jill Cassidy (Aunt Jill) responded to my email. I went to Human Bio class today and came back and studied
finishing quizzes tomorrow, looking over notes for things to look over and further research
Jeff overseeing our class, Dr. Zheng getting hurt
sympathetic, unconfident, confused, unsure mostly
we have two weeks left in Human Bio
Constance's class
groceries after class & highlight some things you would like to use for research paper - find days of journal you had treatment, and evaluate your charts - at least look them over
12/5/12 WED 3:05
balmy, rainy
Jude had busy week & talks with Jill and Jacque
time off
my progress palpating, the effort I've given whether it is substandard
I had my first bout of depression for a while
joking with my fellow students
got Norman a Subway meal
get a few things done - don't press look at some pts - get groceries
12/6/12 2:00
cold, very windy
Jude to event @ ESU (alumni event), we corresponded I went to A&P, came home had dinner and ironed
the holidays, learning the way I like best - new words - scrabble-like
my retention of points, distractions writing my paper
sore throat
I can't recall very well what my reaction to treatment was except Japanese made me energetic & TCM made drained
learning that acupuncture can drain you
buy rest of gifts, start paper
12/7/12 FRI 3:15
cold, sunny
medical marijuana dispensary opens in Montclair
Jude, Dad and I talked tonight, I developed a cold and rested most of the day
Emergen-C tomorrow, groceries, work on my research paper
will power to get groceries, iron, research & do all this shit
frog in my throat
24/7 billing.com (the name)
24/7 billing.com
met w/ Jude and Dad
get some stuff done
12/6/12 FRI 9:59
cold, rainy
royal family
Jude, emailed me tonight to see how I was feeling. I worked on my research paper and went to bed early
getting these points down cold, getting better seeing my classmates again
how much time I have to find a job, finish my research project & learn all these points - magi marker might come in handy
sick (sore throat), determined, confident
I need to study PLA & Human Bio & Jeremy, PLA PPA
moneyball - PSU article, getting some work done on my research paper
sent a note to Jude
iron and lookover PLA during free time maybe some cleaning, def. some groceries
12/8/12 SAT 9:10
cold, high humidity - balmy
Kate Middleton's Nurse commits suicide
no word from my family. I went to Ethics in Acupuncture today, got back and watched Human Bio videos
getting better, traveling, working on research paper & knowing pts cold
how much time I have to finish my research project
bloated, throat is raw, I can't speak w/out pain, fatigue and tiredness
I don't know how to cure laryngitis so I'm gonna ride it out
Ethics class some parts, finishing Human Bio videos, getting to bed early
stomach meridian and urinary system & reproductive system
12/10/12 MON 12:30
second unit-practice LB for cowboys killed by friend and teammate and charged w/ intoxication manslaughter
Jude, Dad and I talked tonight. I cancelled my plans to attend Clinic ER due to laryngitis I played some tennis, rested and watched tv
feeling better
how long cold will last
laryngitis does not go away in three days
talking w/ Jeff, talking with my parents
wrapped presents, food garbage
rest, recover
12/10/12 MON 11:45
nada, I went to class tonight
nothing but when the time I am feeling 100%
laryngitis dragging on
sore throat, sharp with sense of humor
I feel better, I feel worse, hard to say when I'll be better I must mentally focus on the fact that I'm fine, living, breathing, functioning, its my throat that not functioning. All of me is working, not just one part
class tonight, giving Prof. Frazer her gift, Deanna's voice
gift for Prof. Frazer
rest, recover
12/13/12 THURS 1:15
cold, dry
Alabama/Notre Dame NCAA C-ship, Oregon shooting
Jude has or had book club and is preparing for jess's shower in January
getting healthy, getting into my report
having enough time to study, setting aside enough time to write my paper, study, review & do other things too
tired and sore, consumed w/ sore throat and cough
I have fought through many notions of quitting, that is, bailing on class when I was sick or tired - but I persevered
Deanna giving me aspirin - Mike's face when he saw his gift card, General Tsao's chicken
gift card for professor - thanked Norman for calling
take it slow - look at things you're doing and focus on what you're doing and don't rush
12/14/12 FRI 1:15
cool, dry
Royal family nurse autopsy
Jude talked about 72" flatscreen they just mounted. I emailed her, did some errands, some shopping, reading, resting, cooking, grocery shopping, holiday wish lists
getting some great gifts
availability of gifts, herbs
sick as a dog
I don't feel any better, I may need to get some stronger medication & try some acupoints
doing good & trying to get rid of resentment: focusing on mundane tasks
key for girls, gifts will, in time for Jude, Nancy and Frank
rest, relax, recover - parasympathetic nervous system
12/15/12 SAT 12:05
cold sunny
Conn. school shooting
no contact from Jude, Talked with Jess this morning briefly, I did errands, shopped, took care of throat care, rested, read, tv'd
Christmas, finals done, research paper, health, qi gong - immortal qi gong
chronic illness - throat
sick, on the verge of cough all the time
I want to live where I can't get a cold, James, K.M., and Sole may be moving away
Milo, Sole, the quilt - xbox before I realized it didn't work
paid kara mia a compliment
get well, study as much as you can
12/15/12 SAT 9:00
cold, sunny
Conn. shooting suspect had altercation days before
no word from the family this wknd
my excitement is muted but its visions of the future, health, prosperity and understanding contentment, release from fear, grief, sadness, depression & discontent
romantic life, braces (teeth-overbite position), this cold being more than a cold - pneumonia or TB
pressure in my chest and a wheezy feeling deep inside my throat going into my stomach
I haven't gotten better and may need to consult a doctor when I go home this week and cancel plans for observation on Thursday
visions of the future, writing jokes to my Aunts and being and having the wherewithal to write in to tell Aili I wasn't going to make it in tomorrow
started writing letters w/ gift cards that will eventually be spent
lookover chapter tests - human bio & know them cold - if you have time look over A&P so that attention can be focused this week - may phone ahead for thursday appt.
12/16/12 SUN 7:50 p.m.
supposedly brother of Connecticut, gunman found dead in New Jersey somewhere, Steelers lose tight game
no word from Jude or Dad, I stayed home and missed class due to sickness - tried to heal - convalesce - watched Steeler game - will study later tonight after I rest
family coming to the Poconos
Family coming to the Poconos, test tomorrow, test Wed, observing time to finish report and edit it and catch up on missed schoolwork - in Aili's class and others - Xin's most importantly
sick, bloated, imbalanced, parched, dry, sluggish and weary - not levelheaded or coherent
I take Steelers losses too hard - I am way to emotionally invested - maybe it's important for me to take a few steps back and reassess
taking the day off - Norm's concern over my absence & the fact that he probably transmitted the not to Aili, almost done (considering it)
card (writing) & planning gifts
plan a hike for around Christmas day near railroad rd. - see what you can come up with, remember to take the bike home, remember Pawberry fields gifts & checkout before you go home
12/18/12 TUES 12:00
rainy-misty cold
Jets lose and eliminated from playoffs
no word from family I studied played tennis, took my human bio final and got groceries after chinese food
getting healthy, studying and practicing these tools (getting better from lingering body issues).
knowing points cold and knowing general functions my progress and how many of these concepts are eluding me or I block out, my grades, my health
sore throat and confident, happy about the results on my final
I am lucky as a dog to have these professors for electorate courses rather than community college prof. w/ more difficult coursework
finals, conversational ease w/ everyone and joking around, Constance talking with her, relaxing
finish chores & A&P review, tidy up and prepare dinner to bring
12/18/12 TUES 8:45 p.m.
windy, overcast, high wing
Conn. still on everyone's minds, gun control an issue right now
Jude sent word - reacted to my grades and told me about time spent with the Pio family
relaxing, time off of studying, finishing (clarifying and refining) my ideas about acupuncture
the heat in this room, my plants receiving too much fan air - collapsing of stems, not enough time for me to know these points cold or have them down prior to OTA midterm
worried, stressed, dissapointed, aggravated, lonely, anxious and anticipating foreboding and pessimistic
I am still tired of being sick. I get angry when girls make noise because I want peace, quiet, solitude, peace - serenity - noise makes me fearful, cause I'm sensitive and don't like loud noises
seeing Dr. Zheng & Sheila's face, getting classes done
gift cards to Dr. Zheng and Sheila
study for midterm and know material cold - go through practice tests too. all notes, esp. quizzes
12/19/12 WED 11:00 p.m.
cold (bitter) & slightly windy
celebrity deaths of 2012
Jude reminded me in an email to unplug everything that she took off a day of school. I studied for A&P II and took my final tonight. I got back prepared oatmeal and did various chores
going to the Poconos tomorrow, walks, time off, rest and relaxation, shopping will be fun - hikes, family, friends, cooking, football, researching my paper, video games, interests and pursuits (time)
class Saturday and ducking out maybe I'll stay, job - juggling with class, fatigue - tiredness, staying awake with MVP, my romantic life, isolation, girls upstairs (noise), hatred and loathing, anger (boiling over)
recovering, about 60% nervous, ancy, worried, excited, bursting, butterflies, adrenalized, restful
I slept for 11 hours because my body needed to recover. I take things very seriously - I can't lighten up
deanna, conversing, my final performance, my health, essent. reprod. organ-wise, thinking about susie
gifts, cards, I did my best
stick it out tomorrow @ clinic and try to get treated - see if Louise Bowman can fit you in on Saturday, remember all items
12/23/12 SUN 1:10
cold as shit
gun control, Syrian explosion
Brugges joined Cassidy family and us. I had class early this morning and left at midday. Evening after they arrived I napped, got up, dinnered, scrabbled, conversed, put foam in my ears
presents, the future, meditation, gifts surprise of the recipients
reprisal for Thoma card. missing 1/2 a day of History, my progress, my paper being polished
sore in chest, still fatigued, frustrated at my behavior and satisfied with my interaction
I can get a genius scrabble score almost every time
scrabble, helping Aunt Jill and Jude, my apartment - my hair, cookies & my presence of mind
massage to Aunt Jill, complimented Jude
just live for the moment and go with what your conscience tells you.
cool partly-sunny
Jude emailed me, Dad is in Western PA trying to find new tenants to the rental
free time
nothing at the moment
energetic, constipated
I am a cinephile
Jude's reaction to my email
Jude's reaction to my email
ironing, bike parts, swimming, tennis possibly, lookover some of Trail Guide PAA reading
11/19/12 MON 1:00
Stephen Colbert coming to the Wellmont Theatre
Jude emailed me about alterations in Thanksgiving plans. I missed MT because of lateness
starting my report
my progress, always at Eastern
sore back and fatigued - heavy eyelids
laugh off the situations that cannot be helped - -you have no one to answer to but yourself - that's the difference between one who judges & someone who judge's not
freedom, lax attitude, accomplishments
sleep and human bio review
11/18/12 MON 9:39
Don't read the news
Jude messaged me last night and I contacted Ortho, Acu and Oral Surgeon parties and travelled around town splurging, went to class
sleeping, regaining my senses
taxed yet enlivened, seeing with new eyes, excited
I had a spiritual awakening
countless thing - my spiritual condition foremost
wrote girls a note, raked leaves
sleep and look over Lung indications
11/19/12 WED 12:30
cool, brisk
Thanksgiving Eve
I went to class today. came home to the Poconos (Chris gave me a ride)
Thanksgiving scrabble match, maybe massage to give Dan
anxiety, tenseness, my ego, rebellious qi
sharp, sarcastic, bittersweet
I am overthinking things and worrying about things
Tom's moxa (burning), errands tomorrow - observation
offered nuts to turn petted Susie
bring chart
11/21/12 THURS 12:40
cool and sunny
I went to OT the apt. and observed Louise today. Dad worked for Prosser & Jude had a half-day, Jude cooked and Chris picked up quesadia
Thanksgiving tomorrow
stress, enough relaxing time, caffeine, alcohol and drugs, not making meetings
fatigued, running on empty, uptight, wiry
I am emotionally unstable
petted Susie, helped Jude out, hugged Jude
read relax, yin activity, schedule some down time and some work on the side
11/21/12 THURS 9:00
cool, sunny
Thanksgiving Day
we arrived at Jess and Dan's at 11:30, Dad/Chris/ and I went for a walk, watched football until dinner, had dessert
qi gong, women, solitude, Acupuncture treatments, and successful business
anxiety, depersonlization, stress, state of my mental and behavioral/physiological health/emotional health
out of sorts around people I am not comfortable with, I have no trust, untrusting, unaccepting
I feel stranger and I feel as if I am closing off, shutting down for fear of embarrassment. Anything I do I feel embarrassed I might "screw up"
walk, Jets losing, trail
hugs, compliments to everyone
study and go with the flow
11/23/12 SAT 11:45
college football end of regular season
we left Columbia today and arrived in the Poconos at 7:15, and unloaded the car and did chores/other stuff
starting my research project
dedicating enough time to ensure project is good
I have some issues I need to address
read references in google books, lookover my human bio videos some
11/25/12 SUN 11:38
cool and windy
NFL football and college football results
I woke up and began to do schoolwork, copying and such and finished my observation sheets, Jude cleaned and reorganized, I began but did not finish, videos
5 Element and research project, christmas gifts
momey fitting and job into my schedule
energetics and peristaltic
I am feeling pretty good with my vitality/vigor
Susie, finishing those sheets, completing edited pictures
sent pics for co-students
videos, li review
11/27/12 TUES 12 am
cold and dry
Thanksgiving weekend ends
Jude brought me back from Poconos I attended class
my work ethic and anxiety problems
lil' off
I was agitated earlier
Susie, Deanna, Natasha Kjinski
study large intestine
11/27/12 TUES 11:15
snow then rain
embassy bombing Israel - aftermath
Jude had school today. I did chores, attended theory and found out PLA was cancelled - shoveled drive and sidewalk
what I accomplished with plants, shoveling, my work ethic
depression, anxiety, concentration, attention span, becoming like - overstimulated to the point where I can't concentrate - as Constance says - not sensitized but over-sensitized
anxious, lonely, bitter, angry, resentful, jealous, envious, lustful, distracted, enraged, mean, weepy
I have so many emotions - I am bursting with them
brought sage to Tom, shoveled driveway for neighbors, sidewalk for passerby
hopefully plants'll be plantable, at least some, for now I need rest, lookover notes, but don't go nuts for today
11/29/12 THURS 1:30
cold - bitter
New Jersey native, star of Melrose place and Cry-Baby sentenced to 10 years/manslaughter, Gen. Patreus
Jude has long day tomorrow. She sent me the design for the baby's room. I studied and attended class, came home and strained the seed water
planting, herbs, the future, my practice, Pittsburgh
my health, my weight, whether I have cold the onset of one, the way people see, my solitude and all encompassing study habits
sore throat, anxiety comes and goes
anxiety has not reduced (daily) frequency has reduced
talk with Norman
food garbage, Hillary I let borrow my notes
you could hand in your reports, get a little prep work done for next week and look over Jeremy's material
11/29/12 THURS 7:05
cool & p/c
Lindsay Lohan arrested for assault
Jude contacted me about consultation and finding a job, job stresss and financial stress. I had an acupuncture treatment at student clinic ESATM
sleeping, that time in the middle of the night for work and play knowing you have the day off
stress, anxiety, the way the girls upstairs perceive me, my progress, how good I am as a practitioner compared with others
dry nose, tired, fulfilled, nervous, ambitious, relaxed
things regarding "competition" anxiety, are issues that need to be addressed
finding out about kidney tonic may be source of my anxiety
food trash
get the max done that you can to prepare for exams and practicals
12/2/12 SUN 12:00
cool, overcast
Jersey shore still in ruins, no beach
Jude emailed she's waiting for word from me
starting my paper, wrapping up studying for my various subjects
the quiz in Theory, the quiz in PLA, Jeff sitting in on our classroom (Caesar all over again), time to do report
hanging in there
I can push through tiredness and really try and enjoy my time awake. Treatments - that take it out of you - is your body's way of using healing energy
everybody was on the ball, nice, polite, getting through videos
ground round until 4 - bring nuts, finish human bio skin and begin Theory review
12/3/12 MON 12:05
cold, rain late
murder-suicide of K.C. Chiefs linebacker and his wife
Jude and Dad received my call, earlier Jude accidentally sat on Susie, I went to GR. today, came back and read 3 chapters of Human Bio
finishing up prep work for this week so I can work on my research paper Thursday and Friday
my progress, combinations of points (math is not my strong suit
mindset is important
Damini, GR Five Element Practitioner
gave Norman my research project requirements to copy
send Christmas list to Jude finish reading Human Bio chapter skim sections you feel you are strong in. Begin reviewing Sheila
12/4/12 TUES 12:55
cold, sunny
Jude - no response. Jill Cassidy (Aunt Jill) responded to my email. I went to Human Bio class today and came back and studied
finishing quizzes tomorrow, looking over notes for things to look over and further research
Jeff overseeing our class, Dr. Zheng getting hurt
sympathetic, unconfident, confused, unsure mostly
we have two weeks left in Human Bio
Constance's class
groceries after class & highlight some things you would like to use for research paper - find days of journal you had treatment, and evaluate your charts - at least look them over
12/5/12 WED 3:05
balmy, rainy
Jude had busy week & talks with Jill and Jacque
time off
my progress palpating, the effort I've given whether it is substandard
I had my first bout of depression for a while
joking with my fellow students
got Norman a Subway meal
get a few things done - don't press look at some pts - get groceries
12/6/12 2:00
cold, very windy
Jude to event @ ESU (alumni event), we corresponded I went to A&P, came home had dinner and ironed
the holidays, learning the way I like best - new words - scrabble-like
my retention of points, distractions writing my paper
sore throat
I can't recall very well what my reaction to treatment was except Japanese made me energetic & TCM made drained
learning that acupuncture can drain you
buy rest of gifts, start paper
12/7/12 FRI 3:15
cold, sunny
medical marijuana dispensary opens in Montclair
Jude, Dad and I talked tonight, I developed a cold and rested most of the day
Emergen-C tomorrow, groceries, work on my research paper
will power to get groceries, iron, research & do all this shit
frog in my throat
24/7 billing.com (the name)
24/7 billing.com
met w/ Jude and Dad
get some stuff done
12/6/12 FRI 9:59
cold, rainy
royal family
Jude, emailed me tonight to see how I was feeling. I worked on my research paper and went to bed early
getting these points down cold, getting better seeing my classmates again
how much time I have to find a job, finish my research project & learn all these points - magi marker might come in handy
sick (sore throat), determined, confident
I need to study PLA & Human Bio & Jeremy, PLA PPA
moneyball - PSU article, getting some work done on my research paper
sent a note to Jude
iron and lookover PLA during free time maybe some cleaning, def. some groceries
12/8/12 SAT 9:10
cold, high humidity - balmy
Kate Middleton's Nurse commits suicide
no word from my family. I went to Ethics in Acupuncture today, got back and watched Human Bio videos
getting better, traveling, working on research paper & knowing pts cold
how much time I have to finish my research project
bloated, throat is raw, I can't speak w/out pain, fatigue and tiredness
I don't know how to cure laryngitis so I'm gonna ride it out
Ethics class some parts, finishing Human Bio videos, getting to bed early
stomach meridian and urinary system & reproductive system
12/10/12 MON 12:30
second unit-practice LB for cowboys killed by friend and teammate and charged w/ intoxication manslaughter
Jude, Dad and I talked tonight. I cancelled my plans to attend Clinic ER due to laryngitis I played some tennis, rested and watched tv
feeling better
how long cold will last
laryngitis does not go away in three days
talking w/ Jeff, talking with my parents
wrapped presents, food garbage
rest, recover
12/10/12 MON 11:45
nada, I went to class tonight
nothing but when the time I am feeling 100%
laryngitis dragging on
sore throat, sharp with sense of humor
I feel better, I feel worse, hard to say when I'll be better I must mentally focus on the fact that I'm fine, living, breathing, functioning, its my throat that not functioning. All of me is working, not just one part
class tonight, giving Prof. Frazer her gift, Deanna's voice
gift for Prof. Frazer
rest, recover
12/13/12 THURS 1:15
cold, dry
Alabama/Notre Dame NCAA C-ship, Oregon shooting
Jude has or had book club and is preparing for jess's shower in January
getting healthy, getting into my report
having enough time to study, setting aside enough time to write my paper, study, review & do other things too
tired and sore, consumed w/ sore throat and cough
I have fought through many notions of quitting, that is, bailing on class when I was sick or tired - but I persevered
Deanna giving me aspirin - Mike's face when he saw his gift card, General Tsao's chicken
gift card for professor - thanked Norman for calling
take it slow - look at things you're doing and focus on what you're doing and don't rush
12/14/12 FRI 1:15
cool, dry
Royal family nurse autopsy
Jude talked about 72" flatscreen they just mounted. I emailed her, did some errands, some shopping, reading, resting, cooking, grocery shopping, holiday wish lists
getting some great gifts
availability of gifts, herbs
sick as a dog
I don't feel any better, I may need to get some stronger medication & try some acupoints
doing good & trying to get rid of resentment: focusing on mundane tasks
key for girls, gifts will, in time for Jude, Nancy and Frank
rest, relax, recover - parasympathetic nervous system
12/15/12 SAT 12:05
cold sunny
Conn. school shooting
no contact from Jude, Talked with Jess this morning briefly, I did errands, shopped, took care of throat care, rested, read, tv'd
Christmas, finals done, research paper, health, qi gong - immortal qi gong
chronic illness - throat
sick, on the verge of cough all the time
I want to live where I can't get a cold, James, K.M., and Sole may be moving away
Milo, Sole, the quilt - xbox before I realized it didn't work
paid kara mia a compliment
get well, study as much as you can
12/15/12 SAT 9:00
cold, sunny
Conn. shooting suspect had altercation days before
no word from the family this wknd
my excitement is muted but its visions of the future, health, prosperity and understanding contentment, release from fear, grief, sadness, depression & discontent
romantic life, braces (teeth-overbite position), this cold being more than a cold - pneumonia or TB
pressure in my chest and a wheezy feeling deep inside my throat going into my stomach
I haven't gotten better and may need to consult a doctor when I go home this week and cancel plans for observation on Thursday
visions of the future, writing jokes to my Aunts and being and having the wherewithal to write in to tell Aili I wasn't going to make it in tomorrow
started writing letters w/ gift cards that will eventually be spent
lookover chapter tests - human bio & know them cold - if you have time look over A&P so that attention can be focused this week - may phone ahead for thursday appt.
12/16/12 SUN 7:50 p.m.
supposedly brother of Connecticut, gunman found dead in New Jersey somewhere, Steelers lose tight game
no word from Jude or Dad, I stayed home and missed class due to sickness - tried to heal - convalesce - watched Steeler game - will study later tonight after I rest
family coming to the Poconos
Family coming to the Poconos, test tomorrow, test Wed, observing time to finish report and edit it and catch up on missed schoolwork - in Aili's class and others - Xin's most importantly
sick, bloated, imbalanced, parched, dry, sluggish and weary - not levelheaded or coherent
I take Steelers losses too hard - I am way to emotionally invested - maybe it's important for me to take a few steps back and reassess
taking the day off - Norm's concern over my absence & the fact that he probably transmitted the not to Aili, almost done (considering it)
card (writing) & planning gifts
plan a hike for around Christmas day near railroad rd. - see what you can come up with, remember to take the bike home, remember Pawberry fields gifts & checkout before you go home
12/18/12 TUES 12:00
rainy-misty cold
Jets lose and eliminated from playoffs
no word from family I studied played tennis, took my human bio final and got groceries after chinese food
getting healthy, studying and practicing these tools (getting better from lingering body issues).
knowing points cold and knowing general functions my progress and how many of these concepts are eluding me or I block out, my grades, my health
sore throat and confident, happy about the results on my final
I am lucky as a dog to have these professors for electorate courses rather than community college prof. w/ more difficult coursework
finals, conversational ease w/ everyone and joking around, Constance talking with her, relaxing
finish chores & A&P review, tidy up and prepare dinner to bring
12/18/12 TUES 8:45 p.m.
windy, overcast, high wing
Conn. still on everyone's minds, gun control an issue right now
Jude sent word - reacted to my grades and told me about time spent with the Pio family
relaxing, time off of studying, finishing (clarifying and refining) my ideas about acupuncture
the heat in this room, my plants receiving too much fan air - collapsing of stems, not enough time for me to know these points cold or have them down prior to OTA midterm
worried, stressed, dissapointed, aggravated, lonely, anxious and anticipating foreboding and pessimistic
I am still tired of being sick. I get angry when girls make noise because I want peace, quiet, solitude, peace - serenity - noise makes me fearful, cause I'm sensitive and don't like loud noises
seeing Dr. Zheng & Sheila's face, getting classes done
gift cards to Dr. Zheng and Sheila
study for midterm and know material cold - go through practice tests too. all notes, esp. quizzes
12/19/12 WED 11:00 p.m.
cold (bitter) & slightly windy
celebrity deaths of 2012
Jude reminded me in an email to unplug everything that she took off a day of school. I studied for A&P II and took my final tonight. I got back prepared oatmeal and did various chores
going to the Poconos tomorrow, walks, time off, rest and relaxation, shopping will be fun - hikes, family, friends, cooking, football, researching my paper, video games, interests and pursuits (time)
class Saturday and ducking out maybe I'll stay, job - juggling with class, fatigue - tiredness, staying awake with MVP, my romantic life, isolation, girls upstairs (noise), hatred and loathing, anger (boiling over)
recovering, about 60% nervous, ancy, worried, excited, bursting, butterflies, adrenalized, restful
I slept for 11 hours because my body needed to recover. I take things very seriously - I can't lighten up
deanna, conversing, my final performance, my health, essent. reprod. organ-wise, thinking about susie
gifts, cards, I did my best
stick it out tomorrow @ clinic and try to get treated - see if Louise Bowman can fit you in on Saturday, remember all items
12/23/12 SUN 1:10
cold as shit
gun control, Syrian explosion
Brugges joined Cassidy family and us. I had class early this morning and left at midday. Evening after they arrived I napped, got up, dinnered, scrabbled, conversed, put foam in my ears
presents, the future, meditation, gifts surprise of the recipients
reprisal for Thoma card. missing 1/2 a day of History, my progress, my paper being polished
sore in chest, still fatigued, frustrated at my behavior and satisfied with my interaction
I can get a genius scrabble score almost every time
scrabble, helping Aunt Jill and Jude, my apartment - my hair, cookies & my presence of mind
massage to Aunt Jill, complimented Jude
just live for the moment and go with what your conscience tells you.
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