Let's write on the subject of oneiromancy, whether it be visions or dreams, certain believers, that is, practicioners of Islam, believe in prophetic dreams. Now I've been having ideas coming to me in my waking state which I've called visions - some of them involve these new inventions, others visions for the future - for instance - the interest I have in railway velocipede bicycles has ballooned into a complete vision of the use of these bicycles for pleasure riding along the Gouldsboro Gap line. I spoke with my friend Marc, a real estate developer, car wash owner (4 he owns), and entrepenuer, and he says that a train can travel long distances on feul-efficient deisel feul. I countered his argument by saying that we could add a little ethanol into the mix. I met a man that rode with me from Kansas City to Salina, Kansas who told me that he worked in the oil fields in I believe Monterey, and he said that the burn of corn is virtually Chloroflorocarbon-free. Already we have a 10% admixture of ethanol in most gasoline from gas stations.
Now, inducing visions. Some of them come naturally - I might describe them as inventions of the mind, connections made between reality and subconcious thought - this is the interaction that Leonardo Da Vinci experienced.
Perhaps the fact that I am experiencing Ayahuasca-induced visions - after all Don Agustin has said that it always stays with you - and has an extraordinarily positive effect on the pineal gland - that small pea-sized (or smaller) little button in the brain or "of the mind".
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