Sunday, January 9, 2011

I've just accidentally discovered backwards writing with my magical keyboard - new avenues yet to be discovered

Applied to Gysin's cutup method, new thoughts, new epiphanies, new omens will be interpretted using my new method of backwards writing. Once I uncover why this particular keyboard took about 5-10 minutes to register on the computer, I can use this knowledge of the backwards typing to create new phrases! Read backwards I have a new expression that I wrote which is the first (and I've now patented it) example of backwards typing/keyboard/writing, what have you, in the history of the English language. Think of the possibilities when applied to foreign languages and literary codefied expressions. To one, to all, the first:

.drevocsid eb ot tey seuneva wen draobyek lacigam ym htiw gnitirv sdrawkcab derovocsid yllatnedicca tsuj ev'I

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