10/1512 Mon 1:00
June, Dad and I to Jake & Ashley's wedding & tv & studying in the evening
finishing a review of acupuncture material in order to be prepared for midterms
timing & time constraints, treatments for the project due
tired, itchy, ditry, sore, beaten (in the mouth)
I am still anxious about & lack confidence about my skills for acupuncture
Mr. Gallagher giving me his card, seeing Jake and Ashley and their family
gifts for the family, pet Susie, took out food trash, was polite, spoke honestly
talking with the Dean about some things, emailing the Tai Chi instructor, label Anatomical drawing - and try to identify those muscles on yourself if that's possible
10/19/20 FRI 2:00 a.m.
partly sunny
49ers win - clinch victory after Seahawk safety
no word from Judith about anything, received clothing today and studied for one subject all day
getting studying for midterms out of the way
having enough time to look over everything tomorrow and sleeping habits for the weekend
anxious, sore, worried, itchy, depraved, and soiled
I am isolating
garden of eden being so good and thinking about An African Story
gifts for entire family and food for Susie
study and complete study for OTA & hopefully quiz prep for Palpatory Anatomy and look over Human Biology videos
10/18/12 Thurs 1:15
partly cloudy, moderate to cold @ night
election next month
no word from Jude, Jess or family and friends the Oliver's son their way to Hawaii and I had class and told midterm next week
getting my review done
anxious, frog in the throat, cold, alienated, lonesome like an outcast
Hart Crane was an alcoholic - I got a 100% on my A&P quiz - I expect a good result on my midterms and quizzes
100% on my quiz, mike's stories
talked with Norman
Look up Mu Pts that go with Jing well points, review both days
10/17/12 Wed 2:15
cool warm earlier
Yankees down 3-0 to the Tigers
Jude sending articles of clothing along with Chris' help, I have not responded yet will do so when they are received
finishing my studies cold
timing overzealous and retaining and not blocking out
tired, worried, anxious, conflicted, free and tense, melancholy and morbid
I have a host of emotions and fears
my attitude, relaxing tonight
food trash, food for Susie, water
stick to the list and write a synopsis be brief but expand on ideas
10/16/12 Tues 12:15
rainy all day and overcast
24 pt. deficit overcome by Peyton Manning and Denver Broncos, tied largest deficit overcome since '93
Jude mailed back articles of clothing, I received a nice email from Heather with Jude and recieved Heather's receipt of my cancellation
completing some studying tasks and review
rest, relaxing, overdoing the review, more social interaction, my conflicted notions about Zoloft
overwhelmed, sticky throat - froggy, concerned I am getting a cold
I am still afraid of many things
Chris, Burroughs doc, constance's class, acupuncture treatment
nada, petted Susie, food and water and litter for Susie and a better life
study till you know cun measurements cold, that's the only obligation
10/19/12 FRI 10:05
rainy and then overcast
reaction from presidential debate
I emailed my parents regarding package, I studied intensely all day and 1 review to go
finishing studying, learning more palpation which I am not strong, learning perhaps how to palpate the intercostal space w/out feeling your female patient
getting the grade I want, having something to show for myself - that I believe will come when I sit down and write a synopsis of what I've learned
ready, poised, energetic, irritated a bit and not anxious, calm
I was very efficient studying today
completing a review of OTA & point location and starting on Human Bio
food for Susie, gifts for entire family
dishes @ lunchtime, get to bed after classes to wake up & discern Bio videos
10/20/12 SAT 7:00 p.m.
hot, cool in eve
world series, college football top 25
Chris sent pictures of Susie, Jude sent an email, I had class all day
finishing my review & looking over Human Bio video
memorizing Bio concepts I need to know
tired, fulfilled, desirous, anxious to know terms, anticipating
I learn faster outside the classroom
Norman's sunny disposition, Dr.'s palpatory A&P class was really great
study Bio w/ video review - take care to jotting down down concepts
10/21/12 SUN 11:50 p.m.
cool, brisk
NFL news & MLB playoffs
talked with Jude & Dad - "met," before that had Tai Chi & Nei Ching class
finishing this week
my midterm tomorrow
tired and fatigued, sore & cold
I was inspired, I had a good attitude today
last part of Nei Ching, thinking of Susie
did a favor for Lynn
mail Rob's letter, study, prepare - watch some of the videos you haven't reviewed or dictated
10/22/12 MON 10:30
very cool
pres. Debate #3 4?
Jude back to school today, Chris and Dad working yesterday, I studied and then had
finishing exams tomorrow
preparing for boards
full & tired - expectant
You've gotta strive for excellence, life is precious and losing family fast breaks your heart
test tonight
gave constance a hug and a cookie
write email to Constance and continue with mailings Thursday
10/24/12 WED 12:55
cool, rainy
reaction to Pres. debate, Halloween coming up
no news from home, I had class all day
finishing wednesday for some time until this weekend
test and catchup from previous classes
tired and bloated and overweight, insecure about my abilities
I struggle to get my groceries and steak and ice cream cause indigestion esp. cream
quiz in sheila wasn't difficult
study & do the best you can on Mike's test, laundry, new list, drawings
10/25/12 Thurs 2:45
cool and overcast
San Francisco presumably wins first game of World Series
no news from the Poconos, I had class & a midterms this afternoon
tomorrow having time to explore
grades, how I will progress
worried, sore, tired, bloated dirty and acned
my brother has same body type and personality as Fred Savage and "Corey" of Boy Meets World fame
midterm was easy and I may have gotten 100%
loaned books, food for Susie
track what and where the subway stops will take you, note to Constance Frazer with condolences and praise include what they said about Rimbaud - that he "stank of genius" - same impression I got from you - something in that regard, ask Chris for more photos from digital camera
10/26/12 FRI 2:50
cloudy all day, cool
Jude woke up late yesterday and went to a restaurant owned by Nick Ferarra, a high school peer/acquaintance
drawings and having a week to really clear the air/drawings
wasting time
blotto, down, worthless, ordered lacking fun in my life
I'm bored - what is the cure of boredom? why is man so inherently bored - I want to pose the question - does acupuncture have a cure for boredom?
nothing, absolutely, nothing brightened my day
nada - I didn't see anyone
find out if there's a book on curing boredom & finish the synopsis, the email to constance, the email to Chris and letters to friends and relatives
10/26/12 FRI 10:10
cool and cloudy
pres. election two weeks away
Jude has UB infection, Aunt Barb has uterine cancer
Tai Chi, treatment tomorrow, or the day after
money, palpation - Du and Ren
I am in a rut, a comfort zone
sunshine cleaning
see if East Brunswick is accessible by train
10/30/12 MON 12:45
Hurricane Sandy
school cancelled tomorrow for me and Jude's school disctrict, I got a TCM diagnosis for
getting up early and watching Mike and Mike and ESPN first take and guarana seed and decaf coffee
my lack of fun in my life
not 100% but good
I am unhealthy
school off tomorrow TCM acupuncture
complimented Alla
call Tai Sophia in Laurel, MD about the Thanksgiving schedule for clinical treatments
10/30/12 TUES 12:10
stormy - torrential downpour
Hurricane Sandy
Jude lost power, school off, I had school off, drew some pictures, watched some movies & tv, school called off, lost power
looking forward to getting power back
food heating
cold, lonely, desperate for human contact and romantic love
I want women to love me
going outside
draw, read, study if possible
11/1/12 THURS 1:00
cold, misty
storm damages, 55 dead, Halloween
I came home, Jude lifted me from Montclair & powerlessness, we allowed Tracy and Sarah to shower here, watch movies, went to PigPen
acupuncture, new lease on life
following through
stuffy, negative, not 100%, 95%
I am talkative to no one else but my family
Bob Dylan, People like us
food trash
study but take time to have a little fun
11/2/12 FRI 12:40
cold, humidity high
storm damage Gov. Christie (NJ) and Pres. Obama
Jude and I went into town fore errands, she to pick up new sweeper, I to acupuncture treatment, Tracy and Sarah Pio came over to dinner and we watched video
finishing work & this weekend
feeling guilty about not helping out Pohoqualine
guilty, sore eyes, comfortable back
I need a kidney topic - pulse of kidney is low and needs tonified
Sarah, Tracy, Susie, acupuncture, books
watched videos cheered up Sarah
study your ass off
11/3/12 SAT 2:15
cool, drizzly, bit windy
Pres. Election, people w/out power
Pohoqualine walked stream & cut up trees, I studied and ran grocery errands
buying Seirin needles
buying Seirin needles - starting the actual acupuncture
fat, tired, worried, lazy
the experiment to go to bed early and get up early doesn't work
Susie, groceries, leftovers, Jess
Susie - catnip
black soap, organic catnip, finish reading/videos, A&P future reading, palpation & massage review
11/4/12 SUN 1:20
cold, windier than a witches titty
"silent week in politics" who benefited most"
I studied all day, Pohoqualine cut trees, Jude ran errands, pciked up last minute necessities for me and gifts, we had shrimp scampi for dinner
tomorrow - the game and hottub halftime
sound, constipated
I am worrying constantly about the easy way of doing things in Theory and Palpation and other courses
Susie, the air, Jude's gifts blue jay, dinner 'the next three days'
pet Susie, gifts for entire family - food and cleaned Susie's area
lookover Du and Ren, especially Ren, best you can and get some prep reading done for reports and cite and make notes
11/4/12 SUN 9:40
cold and windy
Pres. election nears, Hurricane Sandy reconstruction and relief
I studied in afternoon, performed Tui Na on Jude, we went to see Steeler game at the Pios
sleeping and having a good night sleep, Thanksgiving, Tai Sophia, Report research
ok tired
Sarah, Thug, Susie, Steelers victory
Susie's food, water, food garbage, tin for Susie
finish Ren/Du review
11/6/12 TUES 12:25
cold - chilly
pres. elect tomorrow
Dad drove me to Montclair, help me unload & set stones & place gravel, Jude emailed me after class
finishing class, bank, paper, haircut
a quiz in point location
anxious, lonely, bored, resigned
my neighbors like me
sole & Kara Mia
set stone walkway, Susie's food and water, gifts for entire family
stick to the list, do one thing to make yourself less lonely this week
11/7/12 WED 1:20
Pres. Obama re-elected
Jude emailed regarding checking on girls upstairs and I told her about PSEG reading every other month - she told me about Patrick Pio's sentencing
Judith's trust in me w/ this information - some time to myself
PLA class, my health and wellbeing, my sluggishness and lethargy
bloated and heavy - sick to my stomach
I have symptoms that are indicated for treatment using Ren or Governing Vessel Points - I need to thoroughly look them over
Pres. Obama's reelection, finished PLA, my interaction with classmates
gave notes to Theresa and Norman, gifts for entire family, Susie's food and accoutremont
stick to the list and hand in forms
11/8/12 THURS 2:15
Snowy - 5 inches
Pres. Obama reelected, noreaster
Jude emailed about a busy day tomorrow and I went to A&P class
Paper due on January 9th
Lonely, loveless and weepy - pitiable
I am as lonely as I have ever been, and those feelings came to the surface
Theresa Palmer
notes to Ryan
YMCA, paper, ironing, retaining and reading possibly and Laundry
11/9/12 FRI 3:25
no word from Jude, email from Alla regarding PLA. I had acupuncture treatment and took long evening nap
researching research paper\
completing tasks ahead
bloated, listless, achey
I have no motivation and fear keeps me procrastinating
treatment and hope of improved health
email to Alla, gifts, Susie
Finish chores at any and all costs
11/9/12 FRI 9:40
I contacted Jude after power outage and then again after return of power. I did very little today
finishing my work tomorrow
my varicocele, my bad habits, laziness and lack of motivation
tired, sore, (groin), indecisive
this way definitely a turn for the worse for me
power back on, Step Brothers
gifts for entire family, Susie
get shit done
11/10/12 SUN 10:15
who knows
Jude entertained Sarah and Tracy Pio
Treatment tomorrow, finishing review
QI gong absence, lack of motivation and lassitude
sore neck
I feel guilty about missing things, I take satisfaction on completing but not comprehending a reading
finishing all i did
gifts, Susie
observation and completing all blanks, finishing PLA quiz prep
1112/12 MON 2:25
sunny, cool
no word from Jude, I went to Tai Chi and received treatment
practical jokes
forming resentments
angry, anxious, bitter, full of hatred, park, breasy, unsure
I really have formed resentments that have made me despise the girls upstairs
"all good things"
catnip, food garbage, watered plants, Susie
I'd like to find time to plant seeds in my flower pots & copy my journal entrees
11/12/12 MON 11:50
Veteran's Day
no word from the family, I studied the Du channel and went to human BIO, and reviewed 1/2 and watched a movie
doing well on my PLA quiz
my PLA quiz
sore in chest, in good spirits
I feel better after acupuncture
Constance, Mr. Nice, women
Figure out a good practical joke to pull on my neighbors via internet, laundry, chores
11/14/12 WED 3
cool, sunny p/c
Pittsburgh Steelers escape with overtime win
word from Jude I haven't responded to. I went to class, had quiz and came back to do laundry and watch movies
finishing chores tomorrow
blowback from pranks I planned
eye is bothered and I have allergies
I am very sensitive to dust and laundry lint
finishing quiz, Alla's laugh, joking w/ fellow students, Asshole zone tape bought
gifts for family, Susie, food trash, catnip
stick to list
11/24/12 SAT 12:24
sunny, brisk
day after thanksgiving
jess opened the office up for a few hrs she worked. We all got up and ate breakfast. Dan and I went for groceries. Jess came home. Gillian and Dave went shopping, Dan’s parents to Art and Katies, Dad Chris and I went hiking at Painter’s Brush ICC project land. I came back and ate, rested until 5. Woke up with a headache so I took some aspirin and took in some air and did some breathing outside this while dinner was prepared and people were around the table talking. We talked about going out but decided upon eating meatballs. I spent time catching up on Acupuncture emails. Gillian and Dave left for Penn State, we all played Trivial Pursuit kids against adults. Dad Jude and I met.
the chance to get better, to get comfortable to relax
comfortable anxiety reduced, overtaxed, brain-fag
took a walk
palpated Mrs. Noecker
just be an observer and try not to analyze, but rather, to question in small ways, what does that mean? What is she or he thinking? What may they be trying to say? Focus on what’s going on around you.
June, Dad and I to Jake & Ashley's wedding & tv & studying in the evening
finishing a review of acupuncture material in order to be prepared for midterms
timing & time constraints, treatments for the project due
tired, itchy, ditry, sore, beaten (in the mouth)
I am still anxious about & lack confidence about my skills for acupuncture
Mr. Gallagher giving me his card, seeing Jake and Ashley and their family
gifts for the family, pet Susie, took out food trash, was polite, spoke honestly
talking with the Dean about some things, emailing the Tai Chi instructor, label Anatomical drawing - and try to identify those muscles on yourself if that's possible
10/19/20 FRI 2:00 a.m.
partly sunny
49ers win - clinch victory after Seahawk safety
no word from Judith about anything, received clothing today and studied for one subject all day
getting studying for midterms out of the way
having enough time to look over everything tomorrow and sleeping habits for the weekend
anxious, sore, worried, itchy, depraved, and soiled
I am isolating
garden of eden being so good and thinking about An African Story
gifts for entire family and food for Susie
study and complete study for OTA & hopefully quiz prep for Palpatory Anatomy and look over Human Biology videos
10/18/12 Thurs 1:15
partly cloudy, moderate to cold @ night
election next month
no word from Jude, Jess or family and friends the Oliver's son their way to Hawaii and I had class and told midterm next week
getting my review done
anxious, frog in the throat, cold, alienated, lonesome like an outcast
Hart Crane was an alcoholic - I got a 100% on my A&P quiz - I expect a good result on my midterms and quizzes
100% on my quiz, mike's stories
talked with Norman
Look up Mu Pts that go with Jing well points, review both days
10/17/12 Wed 2:15
cool warm earlier
Yankees down 3-0 to the Tigers
Jude sending articles of clothing along with Chris' help, I have not responded yet will do so when they are received
finishing my studies cold
timing overzealous and retaining and not blocking out
tired, worried, anxious, conflicted, free and tense, melancholy and morbid
I have a host of emotions and fears
my attitude, relaxing tonight
food trash, food for Susie, water
stick to the list and write a synopsis be brief but expand on ideas
10/16/12 Tues 12:15
rainy all day and overcast
24 pt. deficit overcome by Peyton Manning and Denver Broncos, tied largest deficit overcome since '93
Jude mailed back articles of clothing, I received a nice email from Heather with Jude and recieved Heather's receipt of my cancellation
completing some studying tasks and review
rest, relaxing, overdoing the review, more social interaction, my conflicted notions about Zoloft
overwhelmed, sticky throat - froggy, concerned I am getting a cold
I am still afraid of many things
Chris, Burroughs doc, constance's class, acupuncture treatment
nada, petted Susie, food and water and litter for Susie and a better life
study till you know cun measurements cold, that's the only obligation
10/19/12 FRI 10:05
rainy and then overcast
reaction from presidential debate
I emailed my parents regarding package, I studied intensely all day and 1 review to go
finishing studying, learning more palpation which I am not strong, learning perhaps how to palpate the intercostal space w/out feeling your female patient
getting the grade I want, having something to show for myself - that I believe will come when I sit down and write a synopsis of what I've learned
ready, poised, energetic, irritated a bit and not anxious, calm
I was very efficient studying today
completing a review of OTA & point location and starting on Human Bio
food for Susie, gifts for entire family
dishes @ lunchtime, get to bed after classes to wake up & discern Bio videos
10/20/12 SAT 7:00 p.m.
hot, cool in eve
world series, college football top 25
Chris sent pictures of Susie, Jude sent an email, I had class all day
finishing my review & looking over Human Bio video
memorizing Bio concepts I need to know
tired, fulfilled, desirous, anxious to know terms, anticipating
I learn faster outside the classroom
Norman's sunny disposition, Dr.'s palpatory A&P class was really great
study Bio w/ video review - take care to jotting down down concepts
10/21/12 SUN 11:50 p.m.
cool, brisk
NFL news & MLB playoffs
talked with Jude & Dad - "met," before that had Tai Chi & Nei Ching class
finishing this week
my midterm tomorrow
tired and fatigued, sore & cold
I was inspired, I had a good attitude today
last part of Nei Ching, thinking of Susie
did a favor for Lynn
mail Rob's letter, study, prepare - watch some of the videos you haven't reviewed or dictated
10/22/12 MON 10:30
very cool
pres. Debate #3 4?
Jude back to school today, Chris and Dad working yesterday, I studied and then had
finishing exams tomorrow
preparing for boards
full & tired - expectant
You've gotta strive for excellence, life is precious and losing family fast breaks your heart
test tonight
gave constance a hug and a cookie
write email to Constance and continue with mailings Thursday
10/24/12 WED 12:55
cool, rainy
reaction to Pres. debate, Halloween coming up
no news from home, I had class all day
finishing wednesday for some time until this weekend
test and catchup from previous classes
tired and bloated and overweight, insecure about my abilities
I struggle to get my groceries and steak and ice cream cause indigestion esp. cream
quiz in sheila wasn't difficult
study & do the best you can on Mike's test, laundry, new list, drawings
10/25/12 Thurs 2:45
cool and overcast
San Francisco presumably wins first game of World Series
no news from the Poconos, I had class & a midterms this afternoon
tomorrow having time to explore
grades, how I will progress
worried, sore, tired, bloated dirty and acned
my brother has same body type and personality as Fred Savage and "Corey" of Boy Meets World fame
midterm was easy and I may have gotten 100%
loaned books, food for Susie
track what and where the subway stops will take you, note to Constance Frazer with condolences and praise include what they said about Rimbaud - that he "stank of genius" - same impression I got from you - something in that regard, ask Chris for more photos from digital camera
10/26/12 FRI 2:50
cloudy all day, cool
Jude woke up late yesterday and went to a restaurant owned by Nick Ferarra, a high school peer/acquaintance
drawings and having a week to really clear the air/drawings
wasting time
blotto, down, worthless, ordered lacking fun in my life
I'm bored - what is the cure of boredom? why is man so inherently bored - I want to pose the question - does acupuncture have a cure for boredom?
nothing, absolutely, nothing brightened my day
nada - I didn't see anyone
find out if there's a book on curing boredom & finish the synopsis, the email to constance, the email to Chris and letters to friends and relatives
10/26/12 FRI 10:10
cool and cloudy
pres. election two weeks away
Jude has UB infection, Aunt Barb has uterine cancer
Tai Chi, treatment tomorrow, or the day after
money, palpation - Du and Ren
I am in a rut, a comfort zone
sunshine cleaning
see if East Brunswick is accessible by train
10/30/12 MON 12:45
Hurricane Sandy
school cancelled tomorrow for me and Jude's school disctrict, I got a TCM diagnosis for
getting up early and watching Mike and Mike and ESPN first take and guarana seed and decaf coffee
my lack of fun in my life
not 100% but good
I am unhealthy
school off tomorrow TCM acupuncture
complimented Alla
call Tai Sophia in Laurel, MD about the Thanksgiving schedule for clinical treatments
10/30/12 TUES 12:10
stormy - torrential downpour
Hurricane Sandy
Jude lost power, school off, I had school off, drew some pictures, watched some movies & tv, school called off, lost power
looking forward to getting power back
food heating
cold, lonely, desperate for human contact and romantic love
I want women to love me
going outside
draw, read, study if possible
11/1/12 THURS 1:00
cold, misty
storm damages, 55 dead, Halloween
I came home, Jude lifted me from Montclair & powerlessness, we allowed Tracy and Sarah to shower here, watch movies, went to PigPen
acupuncture, new lease on life
following through
stuffy, negative, not 100%, 95%
I am talkative to no one else but my family
Bob Dylan, People like us
food trash
study but take time to have a little fun
11/2/12 FRI 12:40
cold, humidity high
storm damage Gov. Christie (NJ) and Pres. Obama
Jude and I went into town fore errands, she to pick up new sweeper, I to acupuncture treatment, Tracy and Sarah Pio came over to dinner and we watched video
finishing work & this weekend
feeling guilty about not helping out Pohoqualine
guilty, sore eyes, comfortable back
I need a kidney topic - pulse of kidney is low and needs tonified
Sarah, Tracy, Susie, acupuncture, books
watched videos cheered up Sarah
study your ass off
11/3/12 SAT 2:15
cool, drizzly, bit windy
Pres. Election, people w/out power
Pohoqualine walked stream & cut up trees, I studied and ran grocery errands
buying Seirin needles
buying Seirin needles - starting the actual acupuncture
fat, tired, worried, lazy
the experiment to go to bed early and get up early doesn't work
Susie, groceries, leftovers, Jess
Susie - catnip
black soap, organic catnip, finish reading/videos, A&P future reading, palpation & massage review
11/4/12 SUN 1:20
cold, windier than a witches titty
"silent week in politics" who benefited most"
I studied all day, Pohoqualine cut trees, Jude ran errands, pciked up last minute necessities for me and gifts, we had shrimp scampi for dinner
tomorrow - the game and hottub halftime
sound, constipated
I am worrying constantly about the easy way of doing things in Theory and Palpation and other courses
Susie, the air, Jude's gifts blue jay, dinner 'the next three days'
pet Susie, gifts for entire family - food and cleaned Susie's area
lookover Du and Ren, especially Ren, best you can and get some prep reading done for reports and cite and make notes
11/4/12 SUN 9:40
cold and windy
Pres. election nears, Hurricane Sandy reconstruction and relief
I studied in afternoon, performed Tui Na on Jude, we went to see Steeler game at the Pios
sleeping and having a good night sleep, Thanksgiving, Tai Sophia, Report research
ok tired
Sarah, Thug, Susie, Steelers victory
Susie's food, water, food garbage, tin for Susie
finish Ren/Du review
11/6/12 TUES 12:25
cold - chilly
pres. elect tomorrow
Dad drove me to Montclair, help me unload & set stones & place gravel, Jude emailed me after class
finishing class, bank, paper, haircut
a quiz in point location
anxious, lonely, bored, resigned
my neighbors like me
sole & Kara Mia
set stone walkway, Susie's food and water, gifts for entire family
stick to the list, do one thing to make yourself less lonely this week
11/7/12 WED 1:20
Pres. Obama re-elected
Jude emailed regarding checking on girls upstairs and I told her about PSEG reading every other month - she told me about Patrick Pio's sentencing
Judith's trust in me w/ this information - some time to myself
PLA class, my health and wellbeing, my sluggishness and lethargy
bloated and heavy - sick to my stomach
I have symptoms that are indicated for treatment using Ren or Governing Vessel Points - I need to thoroughly look them over
Pres. Obama's reelection, finished PLA, my interaction with classmates
gave notes to Theresa and Norman, gifts for entire family, Susie's food and accoutremont
stick to the list and hand in forms
11/8/12 THURS 2:15
Snowy - 5 inches
Pres. Obama reelected, noreaster
Jude emailed about a busy day tomorrow and I went to A&P class
Paper due on January 9th
Lonely, loveless and weepy - pitiable
I am as lonely as I have ever been, and those feelings came to the surface
Theresa Palmer
notes to Ryan
YMCA, paper, ironing, retaining and reading possibly and Laundry
11/9/12 FRI 3:25
no word from Jude, email from Alla regarding PLA. I had acupuncture treatment and took long evening nap
researching research paper\
completing tasks ahead
bloated, listless, achey
I have no motivation and fear keeps me procrastinating
treatment and hope of improved health
email to Alla, gifts, Susie
Finish chores at any and all costs
11/9/12 FRI 9:40
I contacted Jude after power outage and then again after return of power. I did very little today
finishing my work tomorrow
my varicocele, my bad habits, laziness and lack of motivation
tired, sore, (groin), indecisive
this way definitely a turn for the worse for me
power back on, Step Brothers
gifts for entire family, Susie
get shit done
11/10/12 SUN 10:15
who knows
Jude entertained Sarah and Tracy Pio
Treatment tomorrow, finishing review
QI gong absence, lack of motivation and lassitude
sore neck
I feel guilty about missing things, I take satisfaction on completing but not comprehending a reading
finishing all i did
gifts, Susie
observation and completing all blanks, finishing PLA quiz prep
1112/12 MON 2:25
sunny, cool
no word from Jude, I went to Tai Chi and received treatment
practical jokes
forming resentments
angry, anxious, bitter, full of hatred, park, breasy, unsure
I really have formed resentments that have made me despise the girls upstairs
"all good things"
catnip, food garbage, watered plants, Susie
I'd like to find time to plant seeds in my flower pots & copy my journal entrees
11/12/12 MON 11:50
Veteran's Day
no word from the family, I studied the Du channel and went to human BIO, and reviewed 1/2 and watched a movie
doing well on my PLA quiz
my PLA quiz
sore in chest, in good spirits
I feel better after acupuncture
Constance, Mr. Nice, women
Figure out a good practical joke to pull on my neighbors via internet, laundry, chores
11/14/12 WED 3
cool, sunny p/c
Pittsburgh Steelers escape with overtime win
word from Jude I haven't responded to. I went to class, had quiz and came back to do laundry and watch movies
finishing chores tomorrow
blowback from pranks I planned
eye is bothered and I have allergies
I am very sensitive to dust and laundry lint
finishing quiz, Alla's laugh, joking w/ fellow students, Asshole zone tape bought
gifts for family, Susie, food trash, catnip
stick to list
11/24/12 SAT 12:24
sunny, brisk
day after thanksgiving
jess opened the office up for a few hrs she worked. We all got up and ate breakfast. Dan and I went for groceries. Jess came home. Gillian and Dave went shopping, Dan’s parents to Art and Katies, Dad Chris and I went hiking at Painter’s Brush ICC project land. I came back and ate, rested until 5. Woke up with a headache so I took some aspirin and took in some air and did some breathing outside this while dinner was prepared and people were around the table talking. We talked about going out but decided upon eating meatballs. I spent time catching up on Acupuncture emails. Gillian and Dave left for Penn State, we all played Trivial Pursuit kids against adults. Dad Jude and I met.
the chance to get better, to get comfortable to relax
comfortable anxiety reduced, overtaxed, brain-fag
took a walk
palpated Mrs. Noecker
just be an observer and try not to analyze, but rather, to question in small ways, what does that mean? What is she or he thinking? What may they be trying to say? Focus on what’s going on around you.
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