4/5/12 SAT 12:00 a.m.
partly cloudy/rain expected
Mormonism and Mitt Romney
Chris, Dad, and I went and built fence for geese then we all cut up trees, I went to KISS and Chris cooked Salmon and mashed potatoes
Kissing a blonde, kissing women too
pregnancy, infertility, retarded babies, C or higher, financial aid, Lyme's
strong, unexplainable back pain
Marilyn Monroe - What she might be like
trees, Marilyn, That's My Boy preview
apologized, considered cards to cheer person in future
financial aid info Eastern
5/7/12 MON 1:00 a.m.
76ers beat Noah and Roseless Bulls
Dad worked, Jude worked, I went to a Spaghetti raffle
There are other places to scrap
scrap metals surprise
load car for Jude, chores
look over list, make list - find out points rewards, print more journals from sheets
5/7/12 MON 10:15 p.m.
drizzly, misty
gay marriage, Joe Biden
Dad, Chris and I mark, Jude works
finishing tomorrow to free time to scrap
scrapping Polk and Gilbert field
sound, ready, bit fatigued
I hate Lyme's disease
time off, workaholics, 2 workaholics I haven't seen, scrap money
Janice, call Janice
4/27/12 Fri 11:49
Jude, Chris and I got pizza from Mikes, Chris and Dad out early, I skipped class and practicum, we dismantled a bridge on Sect. 4
women, sex, seduction and liason
liason, women, and attachment, sex addiction
sound, alert, uppity
symptoms are many, point to Lyme disease possibly
pizza, sun, nap
tea, chocolate, did everything I could
qi gong - breathing first, 15 minutes for 3 weeks 28, 29, 30, 3 - 1-17th May
4/29/12 SUN 12:30
cool, dry, fair really
NBA playoffs, Darren Rose hurt at late stage of Bulls/Sixers game
fencing in geese - Pohoqualine, cleaned with Jude, I got lost going to a meeting
women, going on outing to prove there are no women in the Poconos
how much free time I'm giving up
tired, strong mentally
I get tired, I like accomplishing things for accomplishments sake
Eric and talking with Bri, boy/man scene "Finding Neverland", prospective of Blue Ridge Guide events
make new list, finish list of vows
4/29/12 SUN
Rajon Rondo chest bumps official then lies about it
Chris and I w/ day off, Jude suntans, Dad works, naps in afternoon, then works to sundown, I sledgehammer concrete
breathing exercises, singles hike PEEC, events in May
They city - preferring no noise of country
I prefer the easy way
Susie, sunshine, thinking about women, money and possessions, gift shopping
tea mixing, offered drink and compliments to Jude/Chris
mark events on calender call Chris this week
4/3/12 Thurs 12:15
rainy - misty
Junior Seau dies alleged suicide
Dad worked, Chris and I checked camp, Jude went to Quiet Valley
getting hours making money, saving money, giving gifts, getting a ticket to Steeler's game w/ points from NFL card, Peru trip
being financially sound enough to go on paying tuition, working, getting out of debt
kidney stones
kidney stones are back
resting, not doing anything
stick to the schedule
4/24/12 MON 10:00 p.m.
cold, drizzly
Boston Bruins force game 7
Jude exhausted, Dad does this and that
meeting women
AIDS, testing women or asking them to be tested
mentally good, overtired, overweight
growing shitake is easy, I need a bigger container
hockey, sleep, intuition that I may have Lyme's again
tea for Chris
journals efiled, then organic gardening files - look over books and then give them away
4/25/12 WED 1:00 a.m.
Sixers last seed in the East
Jude had school, Dad/ Chris sorted bugs
The Eastern Library, women, dating, action, walks
making enough money to continue to pay for school
angry at commercials, frustrated about constant tiredness
I may have Lyme's disease again
Workaholics, Susie, Web has No Weaver
scrap at Blakeslee and other places - remove at least 1 bed frame
5/1/12 Tues 11:55 p.m.
Obama in Afghanistan
Chris and I day off, Dad did office work, I scrapped metal
scrapping, moving to live on my own apartment in Montclair
getting accepted, being put on a waiting list for either school
I will play finder's keepers w/ metal
scrap metal
gas in dad's truck, removed unwanted metal
Split rock, 0-1, railroad, Cresco, Henry's Crossing, search out other places
5/19/12 SAT 1:00 a.m.
Obama "U.S. lead a fight against hunger"
Jude home from school, Dad w/ loads of stone
scrapping to my heart's content, money, thinking of future money - making ventures
having a car to do it, cops catching on to me and fines, pressure from civilians
good, strong, alert, energetic, flights of fancy
I dunno, but I have a positive outlook and it's working
iced tea, food trash, pet kitty presents for Chris, Dad, Jude, and mom
sign up for Freecycle in Montclair & Glenside, research scrap metal for those areas.
5/9/12 WED 12:00
Syrians could erupt into civil ar
Jude hosted book club, Pohoqualine stocked
scrapping, staying smoke free
I'm fatigued and need a Lyme titre
get in and out fast and check Gilbert BB field
4/9/12 WED 11:30 p.m.
Syria, Kofi Aman preducts civil war
Dad works, I scrap 0-1 and scope out Gilbert BB field, Polk Elem.
scrapping, gates, police intervening
I can't do this alone - quitting - Chantix
scrap money
food trash, returned Sal's credit card
smoke free.gov, Chantix, evening scrapping, lists of tasks to make up, remove boy scout materials from room and any unnecessary closet material, check on gadgets
5/10/12 Thursday 11:30 p.m.
same sex marriage Obama supports, Romney doesn't
Jude off tomorrow for personal day - sister's weekend in Hershey - Chris Dad and I did Bridge, gravel for drive, my recon for scrap metal
scrapping if possible tomorrow, native pl,ant sale, haircut next Wed w/ Amber, closing in on surgery date - and braces will soon be off, women, dating, seducing women
interruption of scrapping, potential fine, disturbance
good, clean
cigarettes are no good unless they are confiscated
bball fields are an endless source for scrap metal
food trash for animals, petted Susie
scrap if possible and try to skip nap, find out about native flower sale - Fri or Sat.
4/15/12 Tues 12:15 a.m.
Syria, Greece economy
Jude back from Hershey receives b-day gifts
stuffed up
will power has no power
Susie, clothes/shoes
clothes/shoes, m-day gift
NCAAOM - outline
5/17/12 Thurs 1:45 a.m.
John Edward's deliberation concluded in misuse of campaign funds trial
Jude sleep test tonight @ hospital dad worked, I scrapped
scrapping and tomorrow guitar work - guitar buying perhaps, metal polish, two books and t-shirt, belt
was about shirt size, scrapping tomorrow, having enough cash to carry over into next month
sound but fatigued (altogether)
I have a ring that indicates I may have Lyme disease
scrap metal, relaxing, playing tennis, coffee, tea, and meals tomorrow
compliments, hugs and that's it
smoking list, new to-do list, orthodontist, paper, Dr. Helfst, deliver to Dr. Martucci's office, haircut
5/18/12 FRI 12:30 a.m.
Bosnian massacre, Edward's trial and War Crime Trial - why are trials always news?
Jude home from sleep test, locked out @5:30, I with orthodontal stuff
getting out into the stream, scrapping to my heart's content
getting up early
newspaper headlines are only about trials
money, confidence, security
food trash, complimented Chris, Father's Day gifts, Mother's day gift, birthday gifts worked for Dad
strive hard to work hard, finish two tasks on list
6/19/12 TUES 12:45 a.m.
sunny, dry
Pohoqualine brushed
Workaholics w/ Black Keys, collection
hearing back from Eastern, whether I'll impress
fatigued and sore
I am sleeping more
MFX, finished early
gifts for family, foodtrash
collection, grocery list
6/20/12 WED 1:10 a.m.
Met pitcher two - consecutive 1-hitters
Jude in Avalon, Pohoqualine brushed, Dad to work tomorrow
getting back to normal, getting energy back
admissions interview
swollen and fatigued
I like lists
Workaholics, tv, Susie
food trash, gifts for family
stick to the list
6/21/12 THURS 12:35 a.m.
not temperatures may reach 100 tomorrow
Pohoqualine brushed, Jude called from Avalon tonight
lists, women, getting health and energy back
admissions interview, job, apartment, transition to Eastern, decision - Eastern or Won
fatigued and swollen
I have ambition and a sense of having fun
Susie cool air conditioning, pride in chores
letters, consult journal for things to accomplish, see that you bring everything that you need for Eastern and Resume on drive, removable disc, consider questions they'll ask - ask a few to yourself
5/19/12 SAT 11:30
hot and dry
Chase Bank Investigated for 2 billion dollar loss
lists, scrapping wednesday, summer, jess next weekend
procrastinating, shadowing
sound, alert, full of energy and stamina
chocolate cures headaches
food trash, chores, gifts for Jude, Dad, Chris, Jess
one day at a time, some
5/21/12 Mon 12:22 a.m.
rain expected
Gibb, founder of Bee Gees, dies of cancer
Jude goes to A.C. More w/ Tracy Pio, Chris and I with day off, Dad worked and took along afternoon nap, I missed an A.A. meeting
scrapping, surgery (repair my jaw)
work - time missing, money always
sound, energetic, good stamina
driving is stressful - especially nerves and heart
thinking of Saylorsburg and other scrap metal sites, P.V. too
everyone's chores, gifts for Jess, Dad, Chris and Jess
letters, excessory work (weather permitting let truck for one more scrap before surgery look over A&P and see what's needed for bio) smoke con list
5/25/12 FRI 11:30
partly cloudy
Jess home for birthday, Pohoqualine stocked the stream
getting to work
losing hrs. because of convalescent
Stephen A. Smith and Skip Bayless, Jess, Dr. Helfst
chores, cards, gifts for family
make a list
5/27/12 SAT 12:15
80 yr. old woman parachute difficulty
Jess home, Jude and Jess go to Spa, I convalesced at home, dad and Chris worked
getting back to work
I'm tired
make a list, look over worklist, you can get accomplished - reading, get some done
5/28/12 MON 12:20 a.m.
Memorial Day
Jess heading back, celebrated birthday, opened presents, watched this means war as a family
swelling reduction, scrapping
limited mobility and long term effects
swollen, sharp, fit
irony of "Burt's Bee's" gift, she liked her gifts
gifts for Jess, Chris, Mom, and Dad, foodtrash, kitty litter, catfood
lil' work done, ice, lil work done, ice, lil' work done
5/29/12 TUES 1:00 a.m.
memorial day
Jess back to Baltimore, dad worked, Jude - schoolwork, we all watched History Channel's Hatfield's and McCoys
getting to work, new workaholics
huge metal at Powerstation ramifications
swollen, fatigued
I did not have the energy today
Workaholics, Sun, Susie, Mom's lunch
foodtrash, gifts for family
list, sitz bath, new list
5/29/12 TUES 11:45
The Economy
Jude at school, Dad worked Chris helped plant potatoes, I did a little work
scrapping, padding my wallet
tuition, job to pay for Eastern, waiting list
tired and affected by meds
I can get some work done
nap, Dr. Helfst, Workaholics
food trash, chores, gifts for Chris, Jess, Dad and Jude
scrap and scout new areas but don't push
5/31/12 THURS 12:30
Obama, Heat up 2-0
Jude outraged and resentful over my letter to Tim, Hatfield's and McCoys - Chris and Dad watch, I scrap
getting some free time to heal
reading list comprehension, making up for lost hrs.
sound, swollen
searching out - expanded base for metal scrapping
scrapping, moneybelt, Dad's tell me he won't let me work until swelling lessens
chores, gifts for family, foodtrash, tea
list - and scout places
6/1/12 FRI 12:22 a.m.
Williams Sisters out of French Open
Dad and Chris worked early
Jude worked
swelling going down and breathing normal
hot weather - brush cutting - bugs, tuition, payments debt, expenses, job
swollen and bored and frustrated
I wasted today
"Everybody's Fine," ESPN First Take, cute Susie
foodtrash, offerings, gifts for my family and food for Susie, pets
a short list that can get accomplished
6/7/12 THURS 12:30
partly cloudy
Dad worked, I scrapped, Chris and I brushed
scrapping, putting together some hrs. swelling going down, braces off
more time w/ braces, long time for swelling to go down
swollen and fatigued
I get tired because of Lyme disease
scrapping money belt, joking with Jude
I joked with Jude
call Martucci for Western Lyme results
6/8/12 FRI 12:30
sunny, dry
The Economy's bad, Celtics lose closeout game
Jude off of school, we (Pohoqualine) brushed
scrapping - house inventory - scrapping some household material
dad blowback
swollen but eager to get things accomplished
Lyme equals fatigue
book on scrapping, capsules ordered - activity to do - pill making
antibiotics - Kinsleys
6/8/12 FRI 11:50 p.m.
Djokovic/Nadal in 2012 French Open Championship
Jude at task force and graduation, Dad and Chris brushed, I met with Dr. Helfst
scrapping, money, scouting tomorrow
brushing, Monday - time to scrap?
swollen and fatigued
take time for swelling to go down, missed an opportunity to scrap today cause of nap
paying bills, money belt, Susie, Susie's safety, sleeping in, doing chores
food trash, chores
letters to friends - A.A. pamphlet to Ryan and Al and Chris, letters to friends - make a list
6/10/12 SUN 1:55 a.m.
Euro 2012 in Poland/Ukraine
Pohoqualine brushed, Jude ran errands, watched Glenn Close movie, I went to Palmerton to scout and go to an AA meeting
scrapping when I get the chance this wk.
so little time to scrap - Wed. utilize
fatigued and swollen
coffee keeps me up and I can refuse hydrocodone
Palmerton High School Goldmine
hugged mother, told her I loved her, chores, gift to all my families
AA letters, chapters, rest and relax, catch up on sleep, list, finish extra jobs, AA meeting to return key, stay/go
6/10/12 MON 12:35
Pohoqualine brushed, Jude sunned, Dad patrolled, I went to Kirkridge Grp.
illegal activities, fences, ways to get into scrap
swollen, tired
Lyme's not in remission yet
HBO, hrs. money belt, exchange w/ Judith
agreed w/ Jude
antibiotics/bring card (discount card) to Kinsleys, call BFP
6/11/12 MON 9:00 p.m.
The Economy
Pohoqualine marked fish and then brushed
scrapping Tuesday
the law
swollen and supertired
I can fill my pill capsules now
capsules arriving, HBO
scrap maximum amnt. - strategize to maximize time and area
6/14/12 Thurs. 12:00
Pohoqualine off today, Dad at Prosser, Jude done with task force, I scrapped
scrapping possibly Fri. w/ Chris, movie Friday
sound but fatigued and sore
I am indefatigable
scrapping money, sense of self worth
Susie, business
list, scrap scouting, possibly mowing, take pills look at Alibris, and one buy you wanna make for June - Nebulizer? Type journal entries
6/14/12 Thurs. 11:25
suicide bomber Iraq
Pohoqualine brushed, Jude made hamburgers, I scouted
money arriving tomorrow, scrapping, movie tomorrow
Chris ducking out
fatigued & sore and bleedy
I have a knack for scrapping
scrapping, Susie
gifts for family, complimented Chris
type journal, scrap, ask dad if he's going to gym tomorrow, work on native plant list, transfer money, schedule w/ Eastern - next Friday afternoon
6/16/12 SUN 12 a.m.
warm and sunny
Tiger Woods U.S. Open
Pohoqualine represented @ BioBlitz by Chris & Dad, Jude to Avalon, Jersey Shore
swelling going down, doing normal things admissions interview
admissions results - waiting list, etc.
swollen and fatigued
day off, Susie, waking up w/ coffee, paying bills, ordering Lindt chocolates
gifts for family
keep w/ list, think about Wednesday afternoons w/ Dr. Meister, call Rob and Check-in
6/17/12 SUN 10:15
"That's My Boy" "Rock of Ages" reviews
Jude at Shore, Jess calls for Father's Day, Chris, Dad and I to Chile's Dad and Chris to Henry's in Jacobsburg (setup)
heading to Montclair and really checkin' it out for the first time
the interview how I'll perform
swollen, achey and miserable
Lyme's and jaw are taking their toll
Susie, Dinner, relaxing, thinking about savings
gifts for entire family
groceries, 3 easy native plant collections - virginia creeper, pine, clover, next day, spicebush, hemlock, sugar maple.
7/1/12 SUN 12:00
hot as shit
pohoqualine brushed, Jude went to fair to see Jenny's band
big city, girls, opportunities, scrapping, working, studying
NJ class loan - where's the money gonna come from
sore and tired
guitar, Susie, day off prospect
pet Susie
6/23/12 SAT 1:45 a.m.
Syrian violence, Int'l space station visible in the evening
Jude in Avalon - called tnight, I went down to Mtclair this afternoon. I got accepted to Eastern (after brushing)
moving, finding an apartment
finding an apartment, perhaps spending Thursday and Friday working at Pohoqualine no chance
swollen and fatigued, super tired
I was admitted to Eastern today
getting accepted, hearing my parent's reaction
let someone out, pet Susie, thank you email - gifts for family
nei ching, workaholist, medicine plants
6/24/12 SUN 12:30
Obama and Immigration
Pohoqualine scrapped, Jude arrived from Avalon
Eastern, the potential of Mtclair
finding an affordable apartment, a job
swollen and awake
Jess's call, Susie
food for Susie, water, mowed
Nei Ching, workaholist
6/25/12 MON 12:30
Chris and I day off
Eastern, big city, women, community events, maybe scrapping
tuition, job hunting, work interfering with school, money, money, money
swollen and tired
I am in good mood all day, focused
Susie, sleeping in, torch
food trash, pet Susie
Build a better torch, finish Nei Ching
6/26/12 TUES 12:15 a.m.
Muslim Brotherhood candidate elected President of Egypt
Jude cleaned, Pohoqualine marked and stocked fish, Chris made burgers, I went to Mt. Pocono Grp.
swollen and tired
Lyme disease is strong
Susie, Mt. Pocono, nap
litter box and fed Susie
buy more Kitty food, shaving cream, open new shavers, put hold on purchases, iron clothes "gone out in public"
6/27/12 WED 1:00 a.m.
brisk and warm
Pohoqualine stocked, sister down - would be due date for baby she didn't have
big city, girls
approaching girls, tuition, money, working, workplace stress
swollen and fatigued
women really take personal things to heart
Susie, time off, workaholics, FXM, moonrise kingdom kids
susie - pets, affection, box, gifts for entire family
workaholist, Milkweed, red clover, white clover
6/28/12 THURS 12:00
breezy and mild
Olympics coming up in London
Jude went over to Pekurney's, Pohoqualine slip-proofed walkways, Dad worked at Prosser
being 100% again, Lyme disease free
money, Dad questioning hrs., Moonrise Kingdom night
swollen & tired early
pains intensitfying
FXM, Susie
wet food Susie, gifts for my entire family
just heal - see if extra work is possible - that's it - brush cut hatchery, cut it, simple stuff
6/29/12 FRI 12:00
Pohoqualine brushed and cut trees Jude had task force, I had Judith take out an ebook, The Recycler's Handbook and she computerized it for me, we watched 2nd X-files movie
East Orange scrapping
job stress, work stress, studying required, so many books to read, apartments
swollen and overworked, stressed
I can stay up but I've gotta push myself
Susie, X-files, ebook
polished metal, food and recycling trash, gifts to family
pick radishes, go to a meeting, consider schedule (@ Eastern)
6/29/12 FRI 11:00
scorching hot
Pohoqualine brushed, went to camp
Montclair, forging a career, a talent, a skill
money, fear, tomorrow
swollen and tired
my energy seems to be up
coffee for Jude, manners, gifts for entire family
call PCT for time, stay cool, increase list of apartments - search sites outside the box
7/12/12 MON 12:35
humid, t-storm possible
Pirates will not go away in NL division race
Chris and I day off, Dad worked til dark
acupuncture studies, women, dating, money-making, taking vows meditation
getting up early, work, overwork, paying debts, scrapping, whether or not i'll be able to scrap
sore and fatigued, worn out physically
I am still in the throes of Lyme disease, I like picking at things (ie toe jam)
Susie, FXM, movies, talk with rents, clarifying
Susie, food, gifts for family
start checking off list, formulate some questions for Jenny at financial aid, look over list of apartments
7/4/12 WED 12:30
fucking hot
All-Star game (baseball) in Kansas City
Pohoqualine brushed, Dad at Prosser, Judith busy during morning time, Dad and I utilized senior citizen discount at Weis
women, studying and enjoying some fun
money, loans, worry about what will happen - a practice and job - I think of the worst possible scenario
sore and grumpy and fatigued
I want these off
Susie, FXM, shopping, bank statements, hrs. finishing brushing
Susie - water, chores, helped Dad, gave Jude a massage
relax and enjoy the moment, type out Recycler's handbk.
7/5/12 THURS 12:15
too damn hot
Fourth of July
Pohoqualine brushed, Jude had burgers, potato salad and cherry pie
NJ Class Loan & Fed direct loan paying for school
debt, interest - thoughts turning to usury and resentments
fired up, sore, awake
Sean William Scott is hitting on all cylinders - and American Reunion hasn't come out yet
Susie, finishing brushing, day off tomorrow, getting things done
emailed Jen thanking her, presents for entire family
financial aid, letters to friends
7/9/12 MON 1:50
Mitt Romney and public appearance, McCutcheon w/ league leading .362 avg, 2 hr today pirates won 12-2
Dinner at Olive Garden w/ Jude commemorating end of brush cutting
West Orange, Mt.Clair, exploring (my oyster)
job, rich pricks (not fitting in)
sore and awake
Lyme still affecting me
Susie, day off, dinner, dessert, movies, money, bank acct., cat food and drink, pets
gifts for entire family, cards
stick to list and get a fun event accomplished
7/10/12 TUES 12:45
Pohoqualine brushed and scraped spillways
Montclair scrapping
time of Dr. Helfst appt.
sore and nervous
my energy is up, I'm putting too much on my plate
scrap pile, Susie, BBQ, list items
gifts to family, letters, Susie's food and drink, chores
list items, fun list items, and worklist items
7/12/12 THURS 1:30
very warm
Mitt Romney, affordable care act/obama care
Pohoqualine cut grass, sanded chairs, I attended Living for Today Grp. and NicAnon Group, watched Clockwork Orange @ Stroud Cinemark
scrapping in MtClair, getting involved, meeting actual women
Having too much work on my plate
sore, grumpy, sarcastic
I am much too sarcastic, and noncommital to stopping smoking until Peru
Susie, raccoon, money, and bills paying them, A Clockwork Orange, meetings, having fun finally
gifts for my entire family
must cancel idea of gifting, APS list (compile) of scrapping essentials, scholarship, anatomy & physio book, don't put too much on plate
7/14/12 SAT 12:45
Syria, power plants
Pohoqualine stained chairs & mulched, Jude ran errands, Jude & Dad went to gym together
Montclair - scrapping, women - excited that I have a feeling things'll work out no matter what
time, right job, job stress, time enough to and tiredness/MVP affecting, fullfillment
sore, frustrated
I need motivation
gifts for entire family, food and water and litter, Susie, food trash, water for plants, chores, Blk bean soup for Betsy, donuts for everyone
make another list, accomplish some work and some fri workaholist
7/15/12 SUN 1:15
Syrian violence, Freeh Report
Dad and Chris to Easton for consulting work w/ Frank Brown, Prof. at Villanova
scrapping in Montclair, new truck, studying, saving, rewards points, Pirates
Pirates, my progress of inventory, studies, work stress, awakeness
sore and irritated
antibiotics = sleepy
Susie, rest, coffee, tea, walk, fun list possibilities
gifts to whole family, metal polish, food, litter, water for Susie
stick to list
7/17/12 TUES 12:15
hot Kennedy DWI, Kidd DUI/Accident
mulched and stoned, I went to an AA meeting
pain, how long it'll hold me back getting a job, not getting tied down, making a positive influence on Montclair, NJ
sore and fatigued, ancy
I'm going to collect cans again where I left off - routes I'll have to think up again - 115 for sure, sun valley, all that
Susie, my stamina
gifts for family, watered Susie dish
make another list - more reading, take in aluminum cans, storage of cans' spot needs to be addressed
7/18/12 WED 12:00
Super-duper hot
economy - dire straits due to European instability
Pohoqualine worked on laying stone, gravel
Montclair tomorrow, scrapping, apartments, freedom
job stress, stress, fear finding a job
sore and aggravated, touchy
I can't stand these f'ing teeth
Susie, scrapping, APs visit
gifts for entire family, food/water Susie, food scrap for animals
keep to the schedule, look around best you can
7/18/12 THURS 12:45
t-storms & HHH - sticky
Jeremy Lin signed by Houston Rockets says he wanted to stay in New york
Jude and I to Montclair apartment hunting & meeting Bursar, Dad on the road, watched Salmon Fishing in Yemen
sleep, feeling better, finishing tasks I set out to do, having more money saved
scrapping, not having a truck
tired and wanting of rest, exhausted
Salmon Fishing seems cool
Susie, rental agency
Susie's food/water, gifts for entire family
make a list, read a few chapters, collect cans a bit
7/21/12 SAT 12:00
Syrian - rebels in capital - Coloradoan who said he was the Batman villain kills 12, wounds 59 in CO movie theatre
Pohoqualine could do nothing in rain, I scrapped, Chris got home early this morning from Batman marathon, Judith on vacation, tomorrow
getting things done while Jude is away
appointments in Montclair, having no money, job, drudgery, loneliness, starved for sex and companionship
ok, less sore, not super tired
I like canning
canning, bee balm
canned, gifts for family, food and water for Susie
iron, sweep house, chapters, canning?
7/22/12 SUN 1:10
partly cloudy
Colorado, Aurora (CO), shooting aftermath, Buccos, Reds win
Pohoqualine brushed
getting paid, getting to scrap, trying out the Recycler's Handbook
law enforcement, stress, stress from parents to get a job and pay tuition, getting up early, Lymes, my jaw, return visits
sore and tired (heavy eyes)
I work hard for the money
getting some hours, canning, Susie, time to rest up
petted Susie, recycled food/water Susie, gifts for entire family
think about Sciota routes, cut Garden lawn, can a little
7/22/12 SUN 11:20
Pohoqualine was off
scrapping, the beach, reading some, getting things done
sleeping often
I am still fatigued often
Susie, weather
food trash, gifts for entire family, food/water Susie, and food
stick to the to-do list
7/24/12 TUES 12:55
hottern Hades
Penn State sanctions
Pohoqualine worked on bridges, I found out the belt needs replaced
workaholics tnight, vacation, upcoming sleep
repercussions, job stress, good grades, loneliness, drunk dreams, my friends that are in their active addiction, moving fr. the Poconos promises to Dr. Meister
sore (a bit) fatigued, constipated
coconut oil for constipation
Susie, nap, walking and taking it easy, thinking about scrapping
food/water for Susie, gifts for entire family, food trash for animals
get a chapter at least from some book
7/25/12 WED 12:00
super warm
10 yr. sanctions imposed on Penn St.
Jude in Egg Harbor, Pohoqualine worked on bridges, I had an ortho appt., Chris made Ice Cream, and checked consumer affairs magazine at Library
gettin' settled, having some freedom w/ where I walk and what I do
money, pressure from my parents to get a job, continually talk and to keep them informed
I am accident prone (FUs I call them)
Susie, FX movies, workaholics, our job today, taking control of appt. Search details while Jude's away
food/water Susie, gifts for entire family
mow, call Dr. Kilareski, reskedge for today, bands, can for a bit in Sciota (after mowing and bridging)
7/26/12 THURS 12:45
Pohoqualine bridged, Dad on the Road, Jude back from Egg Harbor, Chris made chili
getting on apartment, roaming, canning
money, having enough for apartment
ok, bloated
I lack motivation
Susie, time off, freedom off work off tomorrow
food/water Susie, gifts for entire family
stick to the plan garden state rentals has for us
7/26/12 THURS 11:00
t-storms and humid, allergiac weather
Washington Nationals competing for MLB's top record
Jude and I went to Montclair apartment hunting, met with Kathleen McDonough
Montclair, women, sex, research, exploring, canning
workload, work stress, health
nasal and bloated
I am still fatigued - Lyme's disease
Apt. Kathleen, reassurance from Parents about taking my time to find a job
petted Susie, gift card, gifts to entire family, food/water Susie, get Chris to get kitty litter, thank yous
can, lookover and study and get down Recycler's Handbook, lookover book list - purchase possibilities, laws and ordinances of Essex County research.
7/30/12 MON 11:30
Gdansk, Poland, Romney
beach, beach spot, dairy delight
scrapping, Montclair, beautiful women, dating, sex
money, time for study, expectations of family, debt, fatigue
tired constantly, bloated, sore and swollen
I am constatntly tired
thinking of Susie, rest, scrabble, meal, coffee, dessert, itty bitz
gifts to my whole family, Susie's food and water, gifts to Kathy
read read read
8/1/12 WED 1:00
Romney aide apologizes for comments chik-filet owner's comments make headlines
Dad, Dan, and Chris and I kayaked, went to the beach, napped, ate chicken and rice and mac and cheese and went to Dairy Delight
scrapping, freedom, exploring Montclair resp. of classwork and getting a job, communicating with parents
riding the bus - schedule - look over via Montclair @ wikipedia
sore and tired all the time
I'm sleepy most of the day
thinking of Susie, beach, possibilties for Montclair, gifts for everyone made Jude happy by kayaking
be nice, in the moment, read, AA meeting
8/2/12 THURS 12:15
t-storms, cloudy
Michael Phelps - Olympics gold medal record holder
we went to the Wildwood Brdwalk and trammed back
Montclair, feeling better, getting energy, beautiful women, skin, dating, sex, companionship, four freshman college girls
four freshman college girls, pressure of work/study stress, expectations imposed by rents
sore and fatigued
I'm very fatigued
Susie Derkins, women on Boardwalk, Jude's generosity
Nada, gifts for entire family
finish Heaven and Earth, lookover A&P book a bit
8/3/12 FRI 12:00
super humid
American wins gold in all-around gymnastics
Dad going home, we went to the beach, went to "Jersey Girl" and then played Miniature golf
Montclair scrapping, women, sex, bathing suits, babes, qi gong
classes/stress, work/stress, romantical things, more than one woman
sore and fatigued - tired everyday
I am still under throes of Lyme Disease
golf, dinner, peace and quiet - long walk
held door, gifts for family
Narieb - two chapters
8/3/12 FRI 11:35
Missy Franklin 200 m backstroke gold
Dad back to Poconos, we beached, then went to Dairy Delight
gettin' to Montclair and looking around, collecting cans and looking for scrap, diamonds, gold
storing metal, asking, Kate to store metal, hrs. studying and fatigue, paying money
sore, swelled up and stressed, worried and pretentious
Lyme's again
Susie, chores
held door
read A&P, recycle, schedule/hep c.
8/5/12 SUN 1:10 super - hot and humid, t-storms
came back from Wildwood Crest, Dad worked
Montclair exploration, women
interference, boredom, loneliness, purpose
sore sensitive, pushy and ornry
I'm sensitive (teeth) and I've gott find a tub for sitz baths
Susie, organization, 30 and 30, research MIssy Franklin
gifts to my entire family, offering to pay commission fee
collect cans
8/5/12 MON 1:04
super hot
Andy Reid's son died @ Eagles' Lehigh training camp, Pocono Race - Jeff Gordon wins shortened race
Dad worked, I canned, mostly stuck indoors by t-storms
Montclair, making money, saving for Peru trip
Ed Sr. fielding my calls
sore, sensitive, annoyed, bloated
209 is a bust
Susie, AMC, t-storms
gifts for entire family, Kate
stick to the list
8/6/12 MON 11:50
warm breezy
Usain Bolt 9.63 (WR) wins gold in 100 m, shooting in Sikh temple, Wisconsin
Pohoqualine cut trees, Jude in to school for a time, mails my certified checks
women, canning, scrapping in Montclair, getting involved and exploring, freedom
parents' overinfluence, maintaining communication while keeping my distance not rudely
sore and mystified, confused
I'm still tired
Susie, organization, canning
stick to the list
8/8/12 WED 12:25
hot (triple)
Romney's gonna put the work back in welfare, decision whether Arizona gunman mentally competent to stand trial
ARC consulting work Pike County, Pohoqualine brushed and mowed
scrapping, women, workaholics
getting up early, restful sleep will last or not
sore, sensitive, almost all there
I woke up rested
canning yield
gifts for entire family, letter to be sent to John Affleck and Friends
canning on Meixsell Valley Rd.
8/9/12 THURS 2:40
super freakin' hot
Obama and gun-law, Egyptian fears due to recent attacks, Defense Minister in Afghanistan resigns
Pohoqualine cut grass and walked stream, Dad was on the road for Prosser Labs, Jude spent time paying calls to friends
freedom of Montclair
Eastern as an excuse, grades, interest, maintaining fous, drunk dreams
ok - so so
Susie on luggage
giftrs for entire family, food for Susie
slow down
FRI 1:30
humid and impending t-storms
same news, Aug. 1 - problems with theft force legislation from lawmakers who support stricter regs on scrap metal companies
Pohoqualine electrofished, Judith worked on her classroom
Montclair, women, girl's smiles, "we bought a zoo"
those 20 seconds of bracvery
bloated and sore in discomfort
put things on my list that need doing, don't walk through stinging nettles, Indians are great runners - ie Jim Thorpe
Susie, "We Bought a Zoo," cans a many on N. 715
pet Susie, dishes, gifts for family
begin list, to include tennis balls and soaking tub (could be keg holder)
8/11/12 SAT 1:30
T-storm prevented electrofishing, Jude to Montclair, NJ to measure
Susie's future
things from without, delusions
sore, worried and hopeful
Lyme's diease potentially treated with more unconventional medicine ie acupuncture
Susie, nice day, sleeping in, freedom to do very little
milk, chores, gifts for family, Susie's food, setup for Susie
preparations now
8/14/12 TUES 1:45 p.m.
Chad Johnson cut from Miami, Dolphins for headbutting wife, Iran earthquake victims
ARC in Pike country I settled hep B questions, Jude school prep. watched Wanderlust
school, proximity to now my classes are, pressures of being called on, tests, not being prepared
exploring, seeing some of Montclair, scouting possible Recycling spots
sore, weak, ashamed, excited, confused
Jude may need to slow down
Susie, coffee, sunlight, time off, Heather, see Ellesbeth & Ana
filled gastank, food garbage, gifts for entire family
more reading, absorbing, regurgitating, lookover house details
8/15/12 WED 12:00
brisk, warm, rainy early
Tim Tebow's 25th birthday
Pike Cty conslutation cancelled, Jude to school, I to St. Luke's for Lyme (Western) titer & PNC to deposit cash
freedom and open schedule days before classes, relationships
recycling, avoiding rough neighborhoods, style of testing, grp work obviously, getting to know class of 2015
sore bloated overweight, stand ready
Susie, putting money in da bank, thinking about canning
check for Laura Ammerman's gift card, gifts to entire family, food trash for animals, Susie's food
cores, books, slow down w/ purchases
8/16/12 THURS 1:30
Dad on the Road for Prosser, Jude in classroom, I had an orthodontal appt. Jess sent me a Target gift gard
spending gift card, scrapping
loneliness, friendlessness, gardes, stress, and fear
sore, uncomfortable and angry
new law regarding technology pickup disposal by dumpster
day off, Susie, getting my books at a discount
gifts for entire family, cleaned up mess for Jude, food and water for Susie, some snuggle time with susie
be nie to ma, haircut, target shopping, list-making, reading and canning
8/16/12 thurs 9:45
hot 80 degrees
Harrisburg passes electronics recycling act
ARC consulting in Pike County, Jude to school, I checked on camp, got a haircut, bought supplies for Montclair
Montclair, just two weeks away - getting reading done ahead of schedule - a big head like college, scrapping/exploring area
possibly getting lost, hunting for a job, missing time, Oct. 14th the weekend of Jake's wedding
ornry, sore and sensitive, ancy, awake enough
I think too much, I insult under my breath, I badmouth and curse people
Susie, morning free to do as i please shopping for supplies
food/water/Fancy Feast for Susie, gifts for everyone, letters to send out
order Hamilton Beach coffee maker online, go back into Target for toiletries - written on letter - bedstand, get some serious reading done with caffeine or kola
8/18/12 SAT 2 a.m.
Afghani violence
Pohoqualine electrofished, Jude to Baltimore to help Jess and Dan move to Columbia
Montclair, scrapping, women
grades, retaining information, early classes, electrofishing tomorrow
sore, made and frustrated, together
I am still in throes of Lyme's Disease
Susie, hrs. scrapping thoughts, coffee maker, purchase, what I read in my books was inspiring
foodtrash, cleaned Susie's box, food/water Susie, gifts for everyone, nice message for family and friends
stick to the list - to do list and shopping and pharmacy list
8/19/12 SUN 1:00 a.m.
Joe Paterno, according to Bio, did not know what sodomy was
Jude in Baltimore/Columbia area, Pohoqualine electrofished, cut grass
meeting my neighbors, locally and city-wide
loneliness, fear, desperation, overdoing it
sore, bothered, fatigued
2 wks until I move in
Susie, rest, weather, chores, list making, thinking about scrapping
food trash, gifts for everyone, food/water for Susie, petting Susie, tea for Chris, chores for Dad, email to Kate, letters to friends and family
figure out bike/attachment finnagling, inventory supplies and stuff in corner, include furniture, desk, bed, electronics
8/19/12 MON 12:00
cool, brisk, perfect
2 men murdered at Coolbaugh Twp. Park
Pohoqualine electrofished, Jude came back from Columbia, I went to Albrightsville Grp., Dad and Chris saw "Bourne Legacy"
Montclair, free time to explode possibilities
no source of inome, no way to scrap
sore, frustrated, fixated on braces
I am not over Lyme's
Susie, Jude back, cleaning and chores, electrofishing in pleasant weather, subway, considering inventory
tea for Jude, corn picked for Dad food/water for Susie, gifts for family, food trash
inventory, calls to make, Ortho appt. print more journal sheets
8/20/12 MON 9:20
cool turned warm to t-storms (isolated)
Afghan violence
Pohoqualine electrofished. I left early for orthodontal problem, picked up my prescriptions, Jude and I looked at furniture in Lehighton, took inventory
getting some rest, scrapping, with truck
health, fatigue, grades, inferiority
anxious, uptight, arrogant, sore, fatigued, muscles are taut
I am lucky to have someone who prepares ahead of time
Susie, orthodontal work, very little mowing, furniture, financial stability
held doors, got Jude a Coolata, gave Chris Pizza money, letters to friends and relatives, gifts for my entire family
get a hot water bottle, start brainstorming Dad's b-day and Christmas, stick to the list, Target and CVS and Dollar General
8/22/12 WED 1:00 a.m.
Tony Scot committs suicide
Pohoqualine electrofished, Dad and Chris cut tree blocking spillway at Lake Lippincott, Jude to school, I slept off migraine headache
colonics, Montclair, girls, sleep
fatigue, laziness, lonliness, getting around, not being able to scrap, money
anxious,confused, uptight
trouble in paradise
Susie, First Aid Kit, day off of reading
cancel Dr. Helfst, Target Aqua Digot
8/23/12 THURS 12:00
perfect drizzle late afternoon
Rep. Minnesota controversial comment on abortion related to rape
Pohoqualine got boat from 28 returned it to Brian's, I took recycling down, Dad on the Road, Jude at School, I met with Heather, caught a meeting
Montclair, showtime, finishing readtrough of books, scrapping
following the landlord's rules, getting things setup, finishing my read-throughs, scrapping hinderances
sore puffy, uptight, nervy
I am showing my nerves
Susie, Chinese, Heather, AA meeting, showtime deal
food/water Susie, litter Susie, gifts for entire family, cards for friends and family
Target trip, pharmacy trip, K-mart/Walmart trip/Dollar Store trip, look up TAI in Columbia
8/24/12 FRI 12:20
Romney's taxes
Pohoqualine electrofished two sites, Jude to school, Chris cooked turkey burgers, Jude came home from retirement party
Montclair, showtime, Research, Saturday evening
The impression I make w Herbal and ESTATM students
aggravated about braces, anxious and eager
I put things off and procrastinate
Turkey burgers, Susie, hrs. elongated, Pittstown, NJ event
pet Susie, gifts for entire family, food/water Susie
bike-check bike - Target, K-mart if necessary, Dollar Store, clean Susie's room out - vacuum, try to make a meeting
8/24/12 FRI 11:40
Pohoqualine electrofished 2 sections, Jude to school, Jude and I went to billing department of Pocono Medical, I got supplies this evening
Montclair, freedom, possibilities
car(not having - cons), inability to scrap, grades, impressions, pressures of class
worn down, fatigued, bloated
I decided to go to herbal activitiy in Pittstown
Susie, Kiiko Matsumoto book arriving, getting the rest of my supplies
water for Susie, gifts for entire family
fill out form, stick to list, reading, copy journal entries - copy 100 - personal journal pages
8/26/12 SUN 12:25
Corbett @ Shawnee learning to fly-fish
Pohoqualine electrofished, Jude got me a couch and nametag for wallet, I spent the evening at Snyder's farm in Pittstown with Cheung Park, we got Mike's Pizza
getting some reading done, drying catnip for Susie, valerian for myself, learning about the herbs I saw
grades, anatomy - memorization, social aspect, competition, jealousy, envy, women, loneliness, fatigue
aggravated more than sore, puffy, together
about herbs
Pittstown - Snyder's Farm Tour, Susie, getting catnip and peppers
gifts for family, catnip for Susie, food/water
wrap peppers for Eric and Brian, Matsumoto corrections, buy cologne from Target (order it), and dollar savings - fill out online, fill out medical form, strick to the list read as much as possible
8/27/12 MON 1:00
Romney, Obama
Pohoqualine Electrofished, Jude worked at home, first day of school
Montclair, having apartment of my own, inviting women over
grades, deadlines, pressure, tests, A&P finishing prep reading in time
aggravated, ok phys. and mentally
I am pleased with my reading progress
finishing reading, buying Aqua Digio, Susie, catnip
peppers, gifts to family, letters to family and friends
make another list, read, fill out forms for Jude, slow down
8/28/12 TUES 1:00
super-warm humid
Pohoqualine electrofished two sections, Jude's first day of school, Chris made spaghetti
Montclair scrapping on bike, hiking, time off, girls - dates
attachment w/ women - getting too close, sobriety and relationships
tight, so-so phys. and pretty sharp mentally
I get aggravated and rebel - I refuse to do things
Susie, catnip, break, hrs. total possible break tomorrow
food/water Susie, gifts for entire family
publish journal - make sufficient copies of journal pages, make a list, read
8/28/12 TUES 9:45
Afghan beheadings
Pohoqualine electrofished
Montclair, cable-showtime, scrapping, bike - attachment possibilities of those hot peppers
scrapping - weight on bike - pedaling/strain, grades, cramming, preparedness, qualifications, AandP, getting done before move, getting M out of my apartment Saturday
aggravated, stressed, angry, resentful, hateful and unsympathetic, a bit free and ready
I am ready to move
Dad working on shelves, afternoon off, learning about more hrs., ultrasound of my nephew/niece
petted Susie, gave her fresh food, gifts for entire family, letters to family and friends
test bike, slow down, read but not too excess
8/29/12 Wed 11:30
sunny and warm
Bob Dylan Premiere's new Duquesne Whistle video - violent
Pohoqualine electrofished and dissembled beaver damn, Dad on the Road, Jude at School, Dad finished shelf foundation
Montclair, bill for blood test
where my glasses are
stuffy and itchy, breaking, pimply
I have a diverse but trophologically sound diet
petted Susie, chores, food for Susie and water, gifts for family
readthrough w/ all books before Friday, gather materials
8/21/12 FRI 12:15
getting hotter
Romney Republican National Convention
Pohoqualine electrofished, Jude to school, Chris made beefaroni
where my glasses are
eyes bothering, stuffy, allergiac, anxious, confused
I can hardly believe I'm moving tomorrow
Susie joking with coworkers, Subway, finishing readthrough
food/water Susie, gifts for family, food garbage, carried bucket twice
readthroughs, pack, schedule installation, Comcast
9/2/12 SUN 1:30
humid as shit
Romney, Labor Day
I moved into 121 Park got groceries with Jude
exploring, getting involved, goin to a meeting
being nervous about approaching Melanie and getting to know roommates upstairs
sore, numb, and sore/uncomfortable
no bands equals repercussions
Melanie, Dad's jokes, family helping me unpack, Lobster sandwhich and mango smoothie, Susie
pet Susie, thanked family
get Dan a panera card, stick to the list about scrap - whether it behooves me to get a bike attachment
9/13/12 MON 1:30
super humid
Labor Day
Jude felt sick, Susie batted catnip, Dan misses me
getting some things accomplished - further prep reading
getting all my prep reading done, classes, impressions, structure of
sore groin, bloated, sweaty
I could get some things done but I needed sleep
Number 4 AA group meeting, scrapping prospects
gifts for the entire family
check keys, stick to list, reading
9/4/12 TUES 12:50
Labor Day
Chris moving into my room, Jude to school, Dad was stung by a hornet - exacting revenge today
Eastern Orientation tomorrow
Eastern Orientation tomorrow, classes, etc.
sore itchy, perturbed
The girls that live in the above apartment said they don't believe I realize its winter, I formed a resentment because of it
Joe the neighbor
trimmed parking lot for my housemates, gifts for my entire family
just be, slow down
9/5/12 WED 12:45
humid as shit then tstorms
few murders in Newwark and one in West Orange
Jude filled out in for Medical Benefits form, I went to orientation and OTA
getting somethings accomplished - Day off Thursday, Cable Friday exploring - go to BBQ and Bagel Place perhaps
negative reaction from housemates
sore, mentally prepared to accept what happens
for one I haven't let go of the resentment against Dr. Ruschman and NCC, my experience with A&P in general
Kelly Williams, Aida Morales, Sheila Mason
Mike from class, gofts for entire family - food water for Susie
bike to MtClair State, finish form, take a night walk after A&P
9/6/12 THURS 2:00
humid as Fuck
opening game of the 2012-13 NFL season
Lightning struck house, Dad's 67th birthday
meetin' the girls
meeting the girls
itchy, feeling better, more uplifted
I am an avoider, I use avoidance to feel comfortable
thinking of meeting the girls, workaholics
wished Dad Happy birthday, thanked Chris, gifts for entire family
get your ass moving and get a shower, get moving the moment you get up - likes it's vacation
9/7/2012 FRI 2:15 a.m.
hot as shit
art Modell, Browns/Ravens owner, dies at 87, Actor from Green Mile dies
n/a, I hiked to Montclair St., I emailed Jess, used Netflix acct. Chris got me
waking up my neighbors, greeting them Saturday
sore, achy, depleted, fatigued, ready for tomorrow mentally
I don't have balls, I couldn't contain myself from the itchiness
bike ride
gifts for entire family, did not give the cable guy a big deal
get up got breakfast at Bagel place email Sheila Harris regarding fundamentals of Chinese Medicine, check out Netflix, catch a meeting, go to bed early
9/7/12 FRI 8:30
too hot to hike
Orioles tied for first place in AL East
Pizza at Hartzler House I slept in was invited to neighbors party
getting rid of anxiety and fear getting rid of hatred, disgust and dread, depression deluding into material, into the work, passing the time
my depression, coming out of a lull - how long its gonna take
sore achy, tired, fatigued, dirty, spilly
seepage, I am not yet coming out of my shell
Owen Wilson, food's good, Tennis moment of peace
offered neighbor a referral
just stay on track, find a place for a meal (quick) pack a lunch if you have time
9/8/12 SAT 9:35 p.m.
Super-hot, t-storms
Democratic National Convention
Jude wished me a good day, I had Qi Gong and Point Location class, and cooked a London Broil Dinner
getting some rest before tomorrow's class
loneliness, pressure on myself, toll on my health
tired worried, stressed, composed and pessimistic
I have some reading & note taking to do for Sheila Mason's class CAM FCM book, 2nd part of CAM, 1st and 2nd part of FCM
positive attitude about palpation, touching points on the body - anatomy, relating, getting to know tomorrow
Tom - complemented his form, thanked again the Qi gong instructor
Journal entry - 500 words about what I'm learningr - ala Freshman Seminar journal is there work for acupuncturists - internship or externship locally what are the local acupuncturists
9/10/12 MON 2:00
first day of NFL Sunday games
Dad and Mom talked with me through circuit breaker problem
sleeping intoo long
I could fix the circuit breaker
" "
coffee to will and referrals to neighbors
send Mangili - reciept for chain, move bed finish notes, Jude study A&P
9/11/12 TUES 3:20
Sept. 11th
Jude told me story of Fuse box of deal w/ Pap
well, lots of things on the horizon
grades, How much I'm retaining
awake, cognizant
I didn't brush
prof. frazer
Drop off clothes to Red Cross, head over from Claremont to Eagle Rock Reservation, order Human Biology, prepare for A&P Quiz - w/ backbook questions - the multiple choice
9/11/12 TUES 9:45
September 11 commemoration
Jess's surprise b-day party walked to Eagle Rock Reservation
getting some rest, starting anew day
Hillary & her mom, lack of sleep having hangover affect
sore, eyes red, Yang energy in excess, too much activity, deficiency of Yin - rest
I went a long time without realizing covering 12 hrs. I hadn't taken my zoloft
9/11 memorial, lots of aluminum cans
held doors, lifted Kate, gifts to entire family, condolences to Hillary
catch up on rest and don't sleep in too far
9/13/12 THURS 3:10 a.m.
hot nada
Jude, Dad, Chris coming over Saturday eve to repair and bring other things
them coming
fitting in - meeting the girls
finishing work
sore inteh calves, eyes hurt, numb chin
I got some rest, did 100% on quiz, thinking about day off
gifts for entire family, foodtrash
change/send photo to google + -computer, bagel shop, BBQ tonight
9/14/12 FRI 10:45
dry no wind
U.S. Embassy attacks in Africa
Jude and Chris coming to deliver my plants
my plants - tending to them, completing and doing well, or rather, getting results on a palpation course, future projects, rail velocipede bike projects
what are - where am I going - I am always concerned with - like my first thought is - finding an area where there is a demand for it - itinerant acupuncturist - Blue Cross/Blue Shield, maybe even South America
sweaty, nervous, excited, on a tangent
I lack self-esteem
taking it easy on myself, allowing myself to fail
coffee and apples given to Melanie and the girls, gifts to my entire family, generous tip to, well not really, Terra
Montclair farmer's market
9/16/12 SUN 12:10
filmmaker mocking Muslim prophet, Kim Kardashian and Kanye West
Jude and Chris visited today and helped setup, brought some much needed warmth to the place
really delving into the material and learn from the palpation class, really try to be there for my own reasons
my behavior - distractions, stress, depersonalization, chris
I could ask more questions, pectus excavatum is a yin deficiency
Jude and Chris's reactino to the view from Eagle Rock Reservation, dinner
showed them a great view
take it one minute at a time, one hour at a time, one day at a time, and get a few things out of the way, Monday hand in Hep B note.
9/16/12 SUN 8:00 p.m.
dry temperate
Acupuncture eases pain
Jude and Chris back in teh Poconos, dad inWestern PA Jess down in Columbia, MD
getting some rest, getting up early and finishing tasks
money, pressure, stress, complacency and lack of love life and fear of approaching women
tired but pretty well
Tui Na massage (deep) and circular rotation of hands
figuring out 2-hand
tried to be nice - showed them a nice memory - Jude and Chris
Deadman points, baby oil, Library form, NJ class form, prep for Human Bio confirm two-hand Tui Na - finish notes for all classes this week and next so Thursday and Friday is freed up
9/18/12 TUES 1:30
cool sunny
Bill Clinton endorses Obama's strategy for America's future
Jude sending my First Aid Kit tickets
First Aid Kit concert, finishing task, sleeping, Valerian and Lemon Balm, ordering from Mountain Rose
affect of Valerian on dreams, whether I'll be prepared, panicking, embarrassment, resentment, competition, judgements, idiosyncrasies, annoyances, anger, having-it-out
my judgement's off and I am paranoid
I am all wrong about everyone's intentions - it is self assessment - and what I think other people feel about me, I am uncomfortable w/ stereotyping
plants, Broncos losing, potential for my health
offered my help, held the door
stop getting into negative feedback - get someone's assessment of me in their own words
9/19/12 WED 12:30
rainy and windy tornado watch
female sexual disfunction
Dad staying extra day'll BB today or yesterday, Jess in Columbia, MD. I had OTA and point location today and came back for break
nothing really I'm in a holding pattern
desire, fun, happiness for myself
blah and bloated and disturbed, perturnbed
I've gotta go out and get it - if I want it
classmates nice, got change of address done
stick to the list
9/20/12 THURS 1:55 pm
cool, very nice
Pittsburgh Pirates hae lost about 13 of the last 16 games/ nearly at 500
I did some errands, got my financial house in order, late class, watched movie
getting to work both Recycling and Purchasing tools making money recycling
the toll it will take to walk so far - will be all downhill - think about it - or will it be too dangerous? I will judge if it is possible, money; spending too much
better than before
I can relate to Mike O'Neil my A&P professor, my housemates are loud tonight
finding out we have an extra day off, figuring on a little each day and more time to make up for lost time
my attitude, food compost,
recycled, thanked Jude for the letter
inform Jude about date of the 15th, take 2 bags, one undert the other, then shed the 2nd bag
9/21/12 FRI 2:10
cloudy/partly sunny
I did some errands, played tennis and watched broken english
fullfillments, love, friendship
the place I will be with my skill - I cannot visualize it in my mind
non-energetic - blase
I filled my plate with too many things
hardware store; train, fresh air, some tidying
got them a microwave - daniel m520, food garbage, Kara Mia (conversing)
some review, lil' of each
9/22/12 SAT 1:00
solid, dry
NYG throttle CAM and Carolina
Jake and Ashley getting married in a month next week I go to New York
seeing First Aid Kit, Qi Gong w/ out class tomorrow, catching up and reviewing
embarrasment, retention of knowledge, grade on A&P, what's in store for me Monday's test
I fit in a lot and I'm wanting to do more - I'm still fearful socially and avoid interaction - but desire to talk
tea, broken english
food scraps, recycling
Qi gong, review and catch up and get ahead, write down how to recall Tui Na exercises - use hard service - coffee table
9/22/12 Saturday 8:00
hot some rain
no word from Jude, Dad Chris, Jess or Dan
getting the manikin - see what its like - & citing sources, talking with Heather
stressing out, being too busy, too occupied, not enough fun and play, or working on sobriety
bloaty, dirty, sweating and sore, fatigued, bit ashamed and fearful, prepared - anticipatory
I am fearful, not living one day at a time, I am worrying and dissapointed in myself - at not connecting with people
tennis, got laundry done, got some reading and note taking done
yesterday I donated a microwave to freecycle user, gifts to my entire family, food for Susie
review Tui Na as best I can, make some coffee and potatoes and onions, finish laundry do that best that I can one hour at a time and try to learn from Denis the Rubbing Manipulation - remember oil
9/23/12 MON 12:00
cool and sunny
workaholics marathon
what watching elektra luxx will do
cold and tired and ready for tomorrow
It's not what you do, but how you do things that is important and the value of your heart is what the value of a person is
learning Tui Na, taking a shower, thinking about dictating tomorrow and reading through those chapters
food scraps, gifts for entire family
finish Human Biology catchup and lookover PLA and OTA class
9/25/12 TUES 12:00
cool brisk
football, news and major injuries of Bush, Revis, Revis will miss the entire season
Jude in contact with Jess and I, via email, I contacted her saying I was feeling like freshman year
tomorrow - just accepting everything and catching up on missed material - recall Sunday and Monday will be the first onthe Agenda - labelling and organizing notes - maybe Library work
nothing really at the minute - school wise - how much I can haul with the trailer attach to bicycle
ok, headachey
I enjoy tv after a long day studying and classing
disposition of my classmates, work I caught up on
food garbage, contacted Judith
Order Hemp seeds, milk thistle in some form, and astragalus, telomeres, dictation
9/26/12 WED 12:45
hot, cool in evening
the call mistake in Packers/Seahawks game reignites the discussion about the referee contract negotiation finalization
no word from home. I studied all afternoon and attended class all evening, came home watched movie while I looked over - A&P notes for quiz tomorrow
having some free time to catch up and prepare for this weekend - specifically Sunday, Monday and Tuesday because Saturday night I'll be super busy
24 hr. diner Saturday night. Being awake enough for test on Sunday, taking some free time for myself, scheduling treatment and scheduling ground rounds, computer - laptop
breaking out - dry nose, anxious about sleep
I am tentative, nervous and fearful to try applying the things I've learned
not having to do marker, complementing Carleen, conversing with classmates
complimented Carleen
find out locating of 24 hr. Diner I was in January of 2 years ago - it was exceptionally close to Penn Station, read Chapter section and notes to memorize see to other tasks ahead
9/27/12 THURS 1:20
hotter w/ clouds and mist humid
NFL and referees close to a deal, MLB playoffs coming soon - fighting for playoff positioning
I prepared for A&P then continued to write letters about school and experiences
meeting a girl, complicating matters, finishing, completing this term my way - with confidence in my ability
my H20 intake, whether I'm intruding too much - imbuing myself to the receivers of my letters
lacking of confidence, dehydration, headache, neckache
could be Lyme Disease that's resp. for my neckache/headache tonight, just a possibility - I am putting things that are beyond my control behind me and not relying on hope - surrender and acceptance
my confidence, letters, talking with the girls, my creativity, down time, tennis
gave a classmate my notes to copy - popped into girls apt. and complimented tem
calendar 5:00 Tuesday, soon offer books to Meghan and get her the books in my life - henry miller - loan her some books, finish work for next week
9/28/12 FRI 1:40
hot, hazy humid
replacement refs replaced by NFL senior officials - reach aggreement with league
Jude stressed at school and coping with hospital negotiations and righting my credit score
my credit score, hospital, hospital taking advantage of myself and my family and credit agency, jumping all over us, collection agencies
sore throat, empty bowels atnight which is irregular for me
I am learing to break my work up into manageable pieces
Beverly hills ninja, talking w/neighbors, tennis, my confidence
emailed Carleen w/ pt. diagrams
sort out - I would like to write a letter to the collection agencyw/ Jude's permission, Sheila review, 1/2 videos and Tui Na rice bag practice
9/28/12 FRI 9:40
hot and humid, cloudy (dark)
no contact with family, went to Kiiko Matsumoto Ground Rounds 1-7, came home had ravioli and studying Sheila Mason OTA
seeing First Aid Kit
staying awake and staying focused on my studies
drained and diarrhetic (if that's a word) fatigued, bloated and nervous about tomorrow and sunday
I like to cut corners if it involves more rest
Kiiko's a character, finding out about jaw bone not being a problem, relief that not knowing exact point locations is alright, I am just trying to pick up some things
sent Carleen that email, food garbage, gifts for my entire family, no fossil fuels, gave planets sunshine
get some TUI NA looked over for Sunday and printout walking directions to Irving Plaza, pay bills
9/30/12 SUN 12:39
cloudy breezy
Jude to New York, I forego Qi Gong to sleep in go to Western Rationale for Acupuncture, decide against First Aid Kit concert to practice Tui Na skills
doing well on the midterm for Tui Na, wrapping up the weeks' studies and preparation
backlash, what I missed out on, always worried about performance, competition, standards, what
confidence and anxious, prepared and eager, overwhelmed, happy with the way I've prepared, daunted
I feel like I made the right decision to miss the concert
talking with Chris, Dave, Jeff, was cool
held door, gifts for entire family, talked with Lynn
some of the Frazer videos and notes and along with rest of Sheila's notes
10/1/12 MON 2:30
cool, brisk
Jets 2-2, shutout, Battle of Keystone State
Jude went to Ashley's wedding shower, met with me tonight
free time
tests, quizzes, being puton the spot by L Ac.
I am confident
no test in Tui Na, magnesium & zinc supplements
gifts to my entire family, Susie's food
Skype, Mountain Rose Herb Order, groceries, walk, tennis, build my bike tray, NYC map, scrap metal yard map - will local take it?
10/2/12 TUES 1:10
nice temp
Chicago defeats Dallas in Cowboy stadium thanks to 4 Tony Romo interceptions
nada from family except exchange of emails regarding Charity Case Hospital Hospital Application, I had an evening class then relaxed, watching tv
money, mountain rose herbs, massage table
itchy and anxious, not ready for sleep
Biology & A&P do not fascinate me I will engage in small talk just to make everyone feel comfortable but I had an evening class then relaxed watching tv
money, Mountain Rose Herbs, massage table
itchy and anxious, not ready for sleep
Biology & A&P do not fascinate me I will engage in small talk just to make everyone feel comfortable but I remain feeling afraid
walk turned up soccer dome
put together bike & look over final 10 pages of Sheila Mason, Dr. Zheng's syllabus & review arm meridian pts
10/3/12 WED 3:30
Bears win in Dallas, Baseball playoffs to begin soon
no news from the Poconos, I ordered an acupuncture table
getting up tomorrow
this rash
itchy & concerned bout it
I am fulfilling same things on my list, though I haven't practiced enough
Norman inviting me and Deanna to practice, Dr. Zheng complimenting me on my meridian drawings
gave Carleen a high -five
aloe vera leaf from whole food and rub it all over, loan some books to Sally & Meghan
10/4/12 THURS 2:15
hot and humid, misty
pres. debate, MLB season wraps up
Jude emailed me details about Heather Richards & consent worries
getting scrappin off the ground
getting the bike screw off
very well, itchy however aloe's helping
rash intensified & I scratched while I slept
giving Feverfew & lemonbalm
giving feverfew and lemon balm
scrub brush for bathroom cleaning, swiffer sweep & scrub incl. kitchen, drop off bike @ valley
10/5/12 FRI 3:45
MLB playoffs tomorrow
no word from sister or rest of the family, I received my table today and constructed my trailer for back of bicycle, studied
making a little money with minimal scrapping
the wheels falling off my trailer, the right wheel unhooking
I got a lot done and more than I expected and caught up on my sleep
fixing bike
study and prepare ahead of time
10/6/12 SAT 12:30
hot and dry
MLB wildcard playoff game winner take all series, first year, turner field fans litter field
I spent most of the day studying, Dad wrote reply to my letter, spotted w/ some tennis practice
tomorrow lettin' it all hang out learning Japanese Acupuncture style
test for TUI NA and PLA quiz
not nearly tired enough
I am calming I'm less nervous
Susie story from Dad, encouraging remarks talking and making bird-feeders with Kara Mia & Sole
loaned some books to girls upstairs
let it grow and don't stress about Tui Na test & practice the one finger meditation & rolling technique
10/7/12 SUN 7:00
About to rain
Pres. Debate Sunday NFL games, rain delay in Baltimore
no worn from FAM, I finished my Tui Na course
time off, Poconos, Susie, parents and brother
making work up, tiredness for full day
I am not so nervous anyone
finishing Tui Na
sleep & call about scrap metal
10/9/12 TUES 2:00
met with Jude & Dad tonight
got three weeks worth of groceries
finish Xin Zheng's test & day over with tomorrow shadowing at Asian Institute, taking the tram to Baltimore scrapping, Amber Heard
how much I'm retaining, my study habits
I have a lot energy - more than I believe I do
talk with Deanna, Rum Diary, talk with Jude & Dad
I was honest with Deanna & more open to every one
not pandering, remembering to write down your observation time - Ground Rounds and make sure it is signed by Dr. Meister
10/10/12 WED 12:00
politics upcoming election
Jude emailed a list for me to gather in preparation for the wedding Sunday
seeing Susie tomorrow, seeing Chris and Jude and Dad & getting some time w/ them
if dad will make us electrofish & the lack of Dr. Meister's appointments - & the space in between
full & ready to sleep
I get bored with these classes easily
quiz results better than expected
follow the list and prepared
10/12/12 THURS 2:00
cool, brisk (quite)
dunno - Tebow? Aaron Rodgers, Willie Colon, Raul Ibanez
I was picked up by Chris and I'm staying for the entire weekend
Electrofishing, the air, walking the trail, seeing the light of day, etc. etc.
my old reading habits creeping back in Rimbaud, Josiah Flynt, Jack London, the Beats
Good, expectant, tired
I am looking at the pros and cons of Montclair and I'm conflicted about where I'm supposed to be
Susie, Chris, Jude, Dad, Kara Mia, James, talking with Mike and Norman, talking with Dad
told Dad I would help electofishing and Jude I would massage
see about working some study into day but taking one hour at a time, one moment at a time
10/11/12 THURS 11:25
sunny and brisk, partly windy
Vice Presidential debate
Pohoqualine electrofished, Judith to school, we watched the first half of the Steelers game
Jake's wedding, getting some work done a treatment done & 2 hrs. shadowing done
cost of outside treatments & the availability of all three different styles, including 5 Element, Japanese, TCM
tired, anxious, uptight and pressing for sleep
I worry about things the day before they occur because I expect the worst possible scenario to play out
Susie, nap, rest and relaxation and no pressure to get things done
a helped Dad with electrofishing
mail letter to Rob, finish Journal & Acupuncture dialogue inorder to move on to studying some Acupuncture
10/12/12 SAT 1:30
Steelers lose, two do or die game 5s in MLB
Pohoqualine worked today, I shadowed Dr. Meister, Jude worked today and went to Jenny's party
getting some log finished and looking over material - renderings of anarchy
gardes, my weaknesses, my lack of knowledge, my reservations and lack of confidence
I have a long way to go
Susie, getting ground rounds hrs. completed - 6 is crucial
gifts for family, honesty, chores
finish your log, start on your acupuncture study, keep to the list - try an anatomical photo on for size perhaps
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