Monday, April 25, 2011

Excerpt from the Tao of Health Sex & Longevity

"A glaring example of the failure of the Western approach to health and disease is the so-called 'war on cancer' in America, where this deadly disease flourishes more than anywhere else on earth. Over the past 35 years, the National Cancer Institute has spent more than $20 billion researching a cure for cancer, while suppressing all homeopathic and preventative approaches to the disease. Since 1962, the number of cancer deaths per 100,000 people in America has risen from 170 to 185, and in 1986 close to 1 million new cases of cancer were reported. Yet whenever someone suggests that a raw-food diet or a natural product like 'laetrile' (Vitamin B17) or deep breathing, or some other tried-and-true measure might cure and help prevent the occurrence of cancer, the NCI is the first to launch legal proceedings to suppress it."

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