Friday, August 31, 2007

Short Poetry

I jump from one ecstasy to another

Already considered the way toward enlightenment,
the first obstacle, searching endlessly for a definition of life.
Already achieved enlightenment sitting under seventh grade schoolroom lights,
one leg propped upon the chair,
imagining the self out of my natural body,
allowing teachers voices to ground and resurface.

Already shed my bodhi tree realizing, in a world of unfeeling,
we awaken, stay up for a while, and fall asleep;
only in heaven do we fight epic battles with demons.
Already passions envelope - lust and gluttony -
going empty-stomached and realizing satisfaction.
Already expelled from Eden, moved and mowed cosmic radio messages, star-dizzy,
began a McMannis fire speckling the firmament, tromping over Delaware Indian
spirits possessing stream graves and raceway trails.

Already mesmerized by power lines, began a Fort Sumpter historical fiction novel;
an American Revolution reincarnation, befriending General Sherman and giving him invisible dialogue.
Already it bleeds, the powerful connection and divine light all have, foreknowledge appertaining.
Already escaped cerebral prolapse from adrenaline energy out of the body,
weeping for the world, with remainder attached.

Already distracted by soccer, baseball, basketball, and girls, well-read until age 10,
spit on the field, propelling my body to multi-dimensional limits.
Already creeled fish in Pohoquata, stream between mountains, whirlwinded aquatic sunsets and used rod and reel in a fly fishing stream against club rules, catching prize brook trout in the presence of pastors.
Already circumvented the soul with a depressed chest weak heart bad migraine, inhaled through the stomach only to lose the navel and find the gateway a fixed point in the sternum.
Already high, discovered euphorian sickness, the golden city in Florida, and washed out of the hurricane with bleached soul powdered on the beach.

Healing wounds with Tao kung-fu

I let the earth feel my bioelectric energy today,
circulating downward to the soles,
and she provided me with hers –
frogs peeping in a thicket marsh, sweet smell of hemlock mist and wet pine,
Nineteen-twenties forty ounce bottles now on the wooded floor, now hers,
pulled blanket from a backpack, laid onto the damp ground –
What a scene to make love in!
I walked up the mountain forest past ancient white pine,
heard ravens cackling – chasing the owl from its hollowed out mansion.
Practiced deep breatching,
pulled up my perenium, engaging air up my back line,
then down my front line,
released and felt an aortic prolapse,
repeated exercise 20 times,
sipped water and sat up,
the sun peaked its head,
God is telling me something!
Began descent,
spit out fluid – releasing my sexual energy.


Swung around the mountain forest –
what Indian cover McMannis would provide.
Passed a hole dug with a dirt pile beside,
Heard same owl hooting,
Wondered who triumphed – man or nature?
moved swiftly through wooded area, over rock rows
indicating property lines.
Heard brother’s Jeep engine wind down and pull into the driveway.
Conversation with a plant

“You know how many times you got me high?” Plant asked.
The plant emitted CO2, hung warm air rising,
“Do you foresee a waterworld in earth’s future?” Smoker asked.
“I have foreknowledge, I envision high coastal waters and high temperatures,” Plant said.
“Our pollution and debauchery hurts you right?” Smoker asked.
“We absorb all your poison and filter it through our veins,” Plant said.
“And the effect produced?” Smoker asked.
“Try to imagine adderol, crystal methamphetamine, DXM, and a cornucopia of washed out pills into waterways.” Plant said.
“Weed clings to onto our leaves, leaving us hungry for water, earth filters equilibrium amounts of dew. Imagine satisfaction, and you can imagine our lives.” Plant added.
“Will the return be even greater in the future?” Smoker asked.
“Upon my word, yes.” Plant said.
“Man will control all wildlife stocking, completely obseletizing nature. Earth will be abundant, men will study Tao, extending their lives to biblical lengths from the Old Testament. Dandelions will grow into tree-size ornamentals.” Plant said.
“But will murder exist in the future?” Smoker asked.
“Under a dandelion cloud. In fact, there will be no need for the sun due to dandelion brightness and seed hurricane storms. The earth will immortalize.” Plant said.
“What have we been filtering through you, anyway?” Smoker asked.
“You may disbelieve the future, go ahead Smoker.”

Smoker reads the newspaper headline, “Earthday Battlecry: Discontinue Global Warming.”
Hmmm…Why continue human cloning when you can control plant reproduction, the smoker wonders…
Will it rain black tomorrow.

Beneath chair’s shadow from the porchlight

Moonlight – cloud penetrate,
low hanging mist – illuminate.
surround thy self – ringed,
by Orion’s orb – cling,
by Sun’s chromosphere – compare.
Through reflection’s glare,
shining down onto earth’s marker,sink paper towel shadows darker.
Breed Harassment

Titmice harass the Great-horned owl,
beside his lover in a winter hollow,
Ooh – O - Oooh
They squeeze inside the tree-center core,
talons unfurl and scrape the scar.
The woodpecker created this ecstasy mansion.
Ooh- - O – Oooh
In hindsight lies the downcast rhododendron,
a chandelier at pinnacle’s edge,
hung low, lower than the perched hemlock.
Check for the owls at dusk, they will be mating,
Ooh – O – Oooh.

One minute please, one page

Give me one minute, one page,
and I’ll reminisce with you,
for ten minutes time,
until the start of Duke and North Carolina.
You pulled out the album of writing samples
to give me confidence –
“I am the only child of a harp seal”
“I sit here on an iceberg,
waiting for something to happen…”

I was in fourth grade and wrote,
“I am a great writer and when I grow up,
I’m going to be a famous writer.”
Wrote my first poem about Hobbes my cat
that describes him perfectly,

But the monsters still came,
we threw 1,600,4999 grenades at them,
but the monsters still came.
They came, came in the night giving paranoid nightmares
of parent death guilt-loss,
“I love you mom and dad,”
“I hope we stay together forever.”

Iraq in a bombardment of dynamite

I left my life somewhere down the line,
I gave my love – it wasn’t returned in kind,
like brethren did I regard my peers,
the visions, bards, unbridled stories, and seers,
a match for them in soul-commerce, in words lacking,
filler material in round table discussions – care acting,
they left me in Samara, my buddies died-in-arms,
shivering in the chill desert night.


Man creeped from white walls in shadow,
Linus, silence blended poetry,
killed by Apollo and forced into illusion,
he appears, emerging triumphant,
reason for my pen ink and elements,
molecules touched downcast,
looking downward, even his apple Adams
tunic dark but painted white underneath,
What are you showing me?
Is writer doomed to appear and inspire?No, you are immortally bare and wasted.

I deal in absolutes,
great alchemical experiments,
nothing is achieved without reverence,
Thrust your chest outward, feel euphoria, speak,
filled with abundance, filled with multitudes.
So detach the poet from the person, include both.
I’ll be wearing warm soccer socks year-round, with headphones under winter hat, smoking marijuana.

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