*Note these are commentaries and interpretations (which are allowed) of two different versions of the Koran, the first of which was wrought with the word "infidels" which Yusuf Ali's translation dispels, replacing it with "unbelievers." Bear with me please, this is a work in progress:
Commentary: 1st day reading the Qur'an
rukus (translates as) sections
ayats (translates as) verses
Qur'an - aims to bring humanity to perfection (it calls itself) al-ruh, or the spirit.
misperception of Muhammad - with a Qur'an in one hand and a sword in another. Fighting was allowed - to protect houses of worship of all religions, mosques among them
"Allah's repelling"
"Fighting against them until there is no more persecution" - an interpretation of the Qur'an, instead of the mispercieved phraseology (I personally like this interepretation a lot better).
continued..."until there is religion only for God"
religions should be for God
Prophet's companions fled to Abyssinia (which I believe is the fifth holiest place in Islam) as Islam was spreading (Abyssinia - the sight of Rimbaud's tumor) - Djbouti with the recent fighting by Ethiopians/Somalians - will it spread to the Horn of Africa - will Muslims form two fronts - Pakistan across to Africa , South from Iran (tri-form)?
Muslim clerics calling for war in Africa (now), with the U.S.-backed African Army fighting against the Muslims
Permission to fight given to:
1) Those oppressed
2) who have been expelled from homes
3) except they say "Our Lord is Allah (God)"
fight against them until there until there is no persecution - could it be any plainer?.
Believers vs. Unbelievers (UB) - UB turned to Islam, converted, he was to be returned, Muslims turned UB was not given back
Commentary: How similar to the Amish? - shunned - sent out into the world - unbeliever, could not come back
from Mekkah to Medinah, last to Tabuk
"And they will not cease fighting against you until they turn you back from your religion if they can"
making friends with people of other religions is prohibited with people who are at war with the Muslims
anyone who makes friends with them (shhiites) these are the unjust.
Misperception - speaks of a plan of the Jews - to believe and then unbelieve but - this dealt with the murder of a muslim by an apostate
Islamic Resurrection, rendered as three hours (saahs):
1) Kubra - the greater (rising up of people - reckoning)
2) wusta (passing away of the greater(?)-middle
3)sughra (the minor) - the death of the individual
*will come into operation, originating in this life.
*resurrection provides a wide-open book - for the veil oto be lifted from the physical eye.
I'll write my earthly book of deeds
"Our messengers will write them down" (43:80)
"Even Nations have Book of Deeds" (45:28)
"There are angels before him and behind him, who guard him by God's command"
Balance is the key (good done & evil done in constant flux)
Paradise and hell begin in this very life
Sinners must be made fit for a higher life - of ceasless advancements in heaven
Hell (with all its fearfulness) is called a maula (patron) of the sinners and their umon {(sp?) mother} in another, 57:15 and 101:9 respectively, is meant to purify a man of the dross he has accumulated.
with his own hands
assaying of gold - casting it into fire to purify it of dross
fire as torment, but it is also a purifier
*read into the Amish-Mennonite belief that men and women should not be baptized at childbirth, but rather, as an adult, have time to grow into their religion - is the same with Muslims eh?
It's about time - my body and actions will change - i will offer my body to the universe (haha)
Ayman al-Zawahri encourages the Somali Islamic militia to attack troops from Ethiopia "I speak to you today as a crusader. Ethiopian invasion forces violate the soil of the beloved Muslim Somalia - launch ambushes, landmines, raids, and suicide combats until you consume them as the lions and eat their prey" @ Quaidas media production wing, al Sahab
$40 million was just pledged by U.S. to back War on Terrorism
*Get maps of the Middle East from Wikipedia - to pin up
amanuenses, potentates - companions who confirmed the writing of the Qur'an - Aku Bakr, Umar, Uthman al Zubair ibn Auan, Abd Allah ibn Rabi, Mu'aigab ibn Abu Fatmah Shuravvul, Brwaiha (sp? all)
God is beneficent, tender, and merciful
God is master of the day of requital
along the way he will help guide you along the path
to God you will serve and ask for help
the prophets, the truthful, the faithful, and the righteous will have favors bestowed on them, you must aspire to walk in their footsteps, divine revelation can still be bestowed upon the righteous who follow the way
Divine displeasure may occur because of (bestow - because of the Christians have gone astray, Jews experience displeasure off the path
Qur'an is a guide - for those who keep their duty, who believe in the unseen, spend out of what we have given them
faith & action (2 main principles) - Rimbaud has extraordinary amounts of both!
those closed with their senses are like cattle
nonbelievers have a disease of the heart - hardened heart - their pain is chastisement because they lie part 1 2:10
2nd day reading the Qur'an
sama, or the heaven, is plainly called dukhan, i.e. smoke or vapour (41:11)
angels controlling the forces of nature (what does that say about the severity of weather nowadays.
commentary notes - Is Osama bin Laden this child of Adam - leading others into the right path (he did bad - so that people would do good) - "your security is your own" he declares to the American people
security of angels, fear abuse of power
bin Laden - encouraging Americans to ignore the abuse of power (Bush) and entrust their lives to the will of God - thusly - there is no national security, only divine security
I admonish you - plunge yourself into purgatory - it is the only way you will come out the other side (my own words) ex: give examples of individuals, examples of my own body!
the tenets of religion will always be fixed, it is people who are forever changing, because the forms of the world are changing. People will always strive for Grace (Christianity), Unity (Islam), Transfiguration (Hinduism), Enlightenment (Buddhism), Taoism (The Way) all good things, divine goals for Indians - they worshiped nature - conent with provisions. The prophets, sages, wise men, chiefs, always had a track of land to walk through. I had acres of mountain forest my father provided me with a pathway through a rhododendron paradise. But now, I must go through unknown lands, lands not of my ownership. My staff will comfort me (walking stick). I will go through purgatory once again - this time, a physical purgatory. I'll desire a quick and painless death - but I won't concentrate on Death - I'll always have a Tibetan book by my side. I asked God long ago to bless my pen. Any words are not the Divine word, but I am pure and gradually becoming righteous.
The devil - puts suggestions in the mind of man
(devils in marijuana) - go forth from your descension and there will be eternal life in the next world. God will send messages through Adam to overcome evil suggestions. Anyone following this guidance they will come to perfection - no fear come upon them - they shall not grieve (attain to perfection) no fear because he has subjugated it, no grief because he didn't waste the opportunity given to him - put it to best use - miracles are rather - not wonders but evidence or proof of the truth of the prophet (raises questions about godhead - if this is the Word, is there a place (special) set for the Holy Prophet
divine comunication - Deuteronomy 18:19 "And it shall come to pass that whosoever will not hearken unto my words which he shal speak in my name I will require of him"
*Israel is the other name of Jacob, son of Issac, son of Abraham
Evdeavoring to understand, not ocular perception, related to an object of sense
Jews tried to kill the Holy Prophet
"Enter a city, so that you will have what you ask for" (Num 11:35) Hazeroth - "a station in the desert journey" the second after leaving Senai
Years it will take to rebuild the Iraqi infrastructure - troops will stay only to protect the rebuilders of the Reconstruction - they will be attacked because they are an enemy, an oppressor - what needs be done is the de-escalation of oppression - kicking in doors & hunting for terrorists.
Disclaimer: Let me get this straight for anyone who has read these notes - there may be profane language used as this is an interpretation of the Koran from a more provocative translation
Jews and Christians violated the Sabbath and should be despised and hated (as apes - how could this be?) - swine of a corrupted heart - as heathens committing sin, as punishment - they are scattered among the nations
inmates of the fire will be taken out of it and purged of their evil - will be given to the garden
Do you believe in Part of the Book and then not the other? Idolatry of the Book - are you living a pure life?
Making secret alliances with the enemies of Islam (Jews ransoming Muslims they were made captives of
The enemy - broke the treaty which did not allow fighting between Jews and Muslims or uniting to fight a common enemy, but rather, for Islams to worship and for Jews to worship
Holy Spirit - Christians believe in the Holy Ghost as one of the three persons of Divinity and not as a creation of God, for which there is no proof / Among the Christians the idea was of a later growth - someone "filled with the Holy Ghost."
Qur'an - Holy Spirit mentioned - tied to Gabriel and the Faithful Spirit
Holy Spirit is the angel which brought revelation - Jesus being strengthened with the Holy Spirit only means that he was granted Divine revelation like other prophets before him
hearts as repositories - Jews already had stored knowledge and did not need any more - they remained closed to what good that Muhammad had brought them - hard-heartedness - Jews attempting to kill Israel's prophets
dispute of knowledge - invoke the curse of God for disbelievers - invoke death on the party that lies
Gabriel was changed to convey the gift of prophecy for the Ishmaelites not the Israelites
Deutoronomy 18:18
Producing what is false in the form of truth - Solomon not guilty of sorcery, did not combine the worship of his wive's gods with that of Yahwe
Sacred Mosque at Makkah - Jews eventually bow their heads before those whom they had persecuted - it's unjust to prevent mosque worship
Dream sequence: I was shot by arrows, I was machine gunned as Caesar
Muslims - believe holy land is promised to Ishmaelites - Arabs
Fighting in Defence
The sacred month for retaliation, opponents who violated the sacred months by attacking these months - they were permitted to fight them
aggression in defence
war mixed up with pilgrimage (they are linked in the move to Madinah from Makkah)
According to Qur'an - persecution is worse than slaughter
God loves those who turn much to him - and those who purify themselves
Arabs hitherto thought of woman as chattels
Fighting in the cause of truth though the Israelites left their homes for fear of death (Exodus from Egypt) but rejected the Holy Land (refused) and wandered for forty years. Allah warns that - they must fight in the name of God or be put to death (Israelites next generation saw the Holy Land)
A thing is done which a reward may be expected - as a result of a goodly gift
Is it that suicide bombings, death is a goodly gift that promises a reward?
A kind word of forgiveness is better than charity followed by injury (Judith I have been charitable and injurious)
And every soul shall be fully paid what it has earned
Christians have exceeded the limits of justice and deified Jesus
Dispute of Abraham - purity of faith of Abraham was pure monotheism, unmixed with Jewish priest-hood or Christian doctrine of sonship
(as of now) I worship polythestically - son of God
Some give a compact of security with men as could give them protection - this must be done - Muslims in America would brew hatred.
The desire for fighting the enemny or for being slain in the cause of truth is called the desire for death - IED explosions - Mohammad desired them to defend themselves in Madinah whereas they (those) wanted to meet in the open field
Good prayer: And their cry was only that they said: Our Lord, grant us protection from our sins and our extravagance in our affair and make firm our feet and grant us victory over disbelieving people.
Hold back what is in your hearts to avert death from yourself, if you are truthful, say not what is in your heart..
4:6 And when it is is said to them, come to that which God has revealed and to the Messenger, thou seest the hypocrites turning away from thee with aversion.
Commentary: I will write the book of my deeds and from the rest, let the truth of my heart be judged by the Almighty
4:71 O you who believe, take your precautions, then go forth in detachments or go forth in a body - my body given for the universe to God (or Lord).
4:84 Fight then in God's way - thou art not responsible except for thyself
"our security is in your hands" words, in no uncertain words, from Osama bin Laden
Pray for one another's good
Sidenotes: I discontinued a prayer today, disavowing my belief in polytheism, when I cut my prayer short, fearing I would be intruded upon. I read, post midnight the verse, "And when you journey in the earth, there is no blame on you if you shorted the prayer, if you fear that those who disbelieve will give you trouble." Surely the disbelievers are an open enemy to you" 4:101
Egyptian dentist on Al Aswany's novel "The Yacoubian Building" - sees himself as an Arabian William Carlos Williams
So God rewarded them...with Garden's wherein rivers flow to abide in them. And that is the reward of the doers of God. 5:85
Christians in the West accept Islam with an open heart.
Magian religion - holds light and darkness to e coeternal principle
people are far removed from spiritual realities that they want to see them in a physical form - how far are we removed from the spiritiual realities of Iraq - the plight of the masses
Divine message was undoubtedly brought by an angel
6:44 Then when they neglected that with which they had been admonished. We opened for them the gates of all things. Until, when they rejoiced in that which they were given, we seized them suddenly, then lo! they were in utter dispair.
Muhammad confesses he does not possess the gift of prophecy - as a prophet he knew and followed everything revealed to him by God
"And there falls not a leaf but he knows it"
"nor is there a grain in the darkness of the earth, nor anything green or dry, but (it is all) in a clear book 6:59
"We siezed its people with distress and affliction that they might humble themselves" 7:94
notes from Ali - That the histories of the nations are meant as a warning to all opponents of truth is evident. It is also plain that even afflictions and distress, when sent on a people are meant for their spiritual betterment that they might humble themselves
7:149 They repented, Saqata, it fell down, the phrase is said not to have been known before the Qur'an when regret was brought before them - in regard to Moses before returning to them
From "The Two Faces of Islam"
The Abbusids that founded Baghdad changed from Shi'a to Sunni once it attained power - moved the center of the Islamic World from Damascus to Baghdad
Trade of Muslims made the Iberian Peninsula rich and Spain was provided with a fountain (irrigation - an agricultural band around Andalusia).
Side notes
In the Poconos I am bound by nothing but my fair. I will take that faith with me. I will suffer. I will be chastised. I will be poverty-stricken without any person to help me. I will be a way-farer in need of the poor rate.
Are they - suicide bombers, saying "taste this torment in this life as an indication of the chastisement of fire in the next life?
the surely God is severe in requiting 8:13
Fight in the way of God with those who fight with you 2:190) - permission to fight, as given to the Muslims, is subject to the condition that the enemy should first take up the sword.
Prophet took up fighting against the Arabs when they took up the sword to destroy the Muslims, led to an expedition against the Christians when the Roman Empire first mobilized its forces with the object of subjugating the Muslims - fomented trouble against new Muslim kingdom along with enemies of Islam (Persians).
Persians and Romans, powerful nations - were reduced to a state of subjection
ju jitsu or tae kwando - cannot attack unless the other person attacks first - use analogy
Jahada signifies - he strove or exerted himself, and jihad is the using of one's utmost power in contending with an objecct of disapprobation a) it is in a secondary sense that the word signifies fighting b)it is a fact that those who professed Islam were never fought against, even though their professions were insincere - as on this occasion and on the occasion of the battle of Uhuh. c)correct rendering is that jihad signifies striving or exerting oneself, and there is nothing in the word to indicate that this striving is to be effected by the sword, tongue, or any other method.
Ibn Taymiyyah - Hanbali was a legal scholar challenged Mongol leadership of Islamicized rulers - insisted on purist attitude - honored above all by Fundamentalists
Shariah - Islamic law
Ibn Taymiyyah declared total war on Sufism
Sunna - Sunni is derived from this word, means, example provided by the Prophet.
Together, the Sirah and the Hadith, comprising Muhammad's oral commentaries, remarks, and teaching, make up the Sunna - from this is derived the essential body of faith, morals, doctrines on which Islam is based
Muhammad Ibn Abd al-Wahhab, founder of Wahhabism, wnaderer from the Najd - traveled widely to Basra and Baghdad to Damascus, through Kurdistan, Iran, and India, intending to become a merchant, came from physical and economic emptiness - social, intellectual, and spiritual - with only Kuwait and the Island of Bahrein to the East he dug up graves of saints and scattered or turned them into latrines.
Wahhab and his followers demanded not shaving or trimming their beards, supposedly in emulation of the Prophet - gave physical form to God
Today, Wahhabi tenets are used in Saudi school systems - teach that Shi'a Islam was invented by an imaginary Jewish convert, Shi'a theologians are liars, their legal traditions are false, and they are not Muslims
Wahhabis sacked Karbala in the taking of Ta'if, Wahhabis killed every woman, man, and child they saw,
under promise of mercy tey took others to the valley of Waj where they abanded them in cold and snow, naked and shamed in front of their women - under Saud bin Abd al-Aziz they established a terrorist regime over Makkah & Medinah
When Wahhabists were slaughtering Hindus in India, mistreating the rich Muhammadans, judges, and public servants, using forced conversion as their greatest weapon
Ali Pasha - Egyptian-Ottoman governor, defeated Wahhabis in the region of Asir, between Ta-if and Yemen - lived about a million savages. Pasha could not repress these people because they didn't recognize the governor, but rather their chief "emir"
15 of 19 Saudis of the 9/11 hijackers came from Asir region betwen Ta'if and Yemen - Hani Hanjour hailed from Ta-if, boasting "sons of Asir" - sprung from Wahhabi traditions, geographically and religiously
Al Sa'ud 1901 - departed Kuwait for central Arabia to subdue the two holy places, he went to Riyadh, murdered the cities ruler, took control of it, and lad foundation for Saudi Arabia
Showdown for Islamic expansion came - Husayn and Lawrence and Ibn Sa'ud and Philby
British and United States misinterpretted Wahhabis/Muslim intent because of their unbelieving stupidity. The new state was based on three powers: whims of Ibn Sa'ud, the Wahhabi interpretation of the Qur'an, and personal implementation by the rulers for execution - the "Neck-cutter," or raqban
Wahhabis viewed modern technology - telephones, telegraph, radio, and automobile - inventions of Satan. They had bane for music.
Wahhabis budget based on religious works, did not allow them to embrace secularism
Wahhabi - Saudi Regime maintained its hereditary religious hierarchy in the monarchy
*One of the beneficiaries of Wahhabi fanaticism and Saudi Royal squandering was an illiterate Yemeni, a former laborer for AramCo named Muhammad bin Laden, became personal construction boss of the monarchs
sexual desire in the bible related in the Qu'ran:
"And she in whose house he was, sought to seduce him" God forbid! Surely my Lord made good my abode. This does not show that Joseph had any desire for her; but that the temptation was so strong that if he had not been strengthened by great faith in God, he would have fallen prety to mortal weakness.
With the rent shirt from behind, Joseph proves the adulterous wife a liar - he was not cast into prison for guilt of outrage against his master's wife.
to see a vision - the word ara (from ru'yat, meaning to see)
is the same word as used for the seeing of an ordinary thing
God is the most merciful of those who show mercy
Joseph: "Surely my Lord is Benignant to whom he please"
Profound wisdom here: 12: 11(1) "In their histories there is certainly a lesson for men of understanding. It is not a narrative which could e forged, but a verification of what is before it, and a distant explanation of all things, and a guide and a mercy to all people who believe."
Under Nazis, Bolsheviks, Wahhabi regimes, the elites - party cadres and state combined to suppress the "popular" or "mass" groupings
Socal, Philby, Sa'ud - shared in oil money concession to Standard Oil of California, Rockefeller-Ludlow massacre
Socal-California found Oil in 1938 - & Texas Oil Company partnership
AramCo, what it came to be called, found Ghawar, largest oil field on the planet
creation of Israeli State in 1948 - Arab neighbors invaded it and were badly defeated - created resentment among Arabs because of their economic, political ties with the West.
If thou desirest their guidance, yet God will not guide him who leads astray, nor have they any helpers.
16:4 And those who flee (those who fled to Abyssinia or Madinah) for God's sake after they are oppressed, We shall certainly give them a good abode in the world, and the reward of the Hereafter is much greater.
Twofold front in Somalia (Abyssinia) where Muslisms are being fought by Ethiopians, U.N. forces, & U.S. forces.
Iranians under "Imam" of Ayatollah Khomeni were Shi'a, well-educated, reflected something other than Wahhabis, lurking in the lava beds of Najd
Black-eyed virgin maidens in the Hereafter.
Azzam - bin Laden's mentor.
Americans could not distiguished between Sufi traditionalism and Wahhabi fundamentalism - if they had, they would have supported the real struggle of the Afghan people against Soviet domination (the Poles & Nicaraguans)
The West had backed the demoniacal Saddam Husayn against Iran - provideing billions of dollars and vast quantities of military aid, Saudis fueled the war against the Shi'a state.
Horrors inflicted by Serbs and Croats in Bosnia - mass executions, assassination of women, children, elderlies, infirm, mass rapes, sexual enslavement, wholesale torture, deportations, concentration camps, destruction of cultural legacy
the mass-rape of Muslem women and girls by Israeli Defence Forces
200,000 wiped out in three years
Siege of Sarajevo - 12,000 ordinary citizens, including 1100 children, shot down by snipers or heavy gauge shellfire
Serb criminal Ratko Mladic carried out the murder of some 8,000 muslim men and boys
Be stones or iron...or some other creature of those which are too hard to recieve life in your minds 17:51
Prophet's reply: If they place the Sun in my right hand and the moon in my left and ask me to give up my mission, I will not give it up until the truth prevail or I myself perish in the attempt.
"And if all the trees on earth were pens and the ocean were ink, with seven oceans behind it to add to add to its supply, yet would not the words of God be exhausted (in the writing); for God is exalted in power, full of wisdom." 31:27
Interesting - "Malik" as in al-Maliki; means 'one who is lord or possessor; one who is in charge; applied to the angel in charge of Hell
From Two Faces of Islam:
Al-Ghazali authored a massive work, The Revival of the Religious Sciences, widely read by Jews as well as Muslims.
The Science of Illumination, Suhrawardi
Ibn Hazm is at the same time one of the most and least appealing figures in Islam. A child of the Cordoba elite, he authored, among a great many medical, religious, and literary works, The Dove's Neck-Ring (The Ring of the Dove), perhaps the best essay ever written on physical love, in which he included samples of his own verse. The text shows much in common with the concept of courtly love that soon emerged from Languedoc and Provence, parts of the Christian world close to the Spanish Muslim frontier. The principles enunciated in Ibn Hazm's book include the transformation of the lover by love - making him a better and nobler person, relentless desire, and penetrating grief at its lack of fulfilment. True love becomes a kind of illness, causing depression, insomnia, rage, insanity, and even death. Flirtation, conspiracy, and manipulation in pursuit of the desired one are acceptable. The ultimate principle, however, is that of the lover's utter subordination, even prostration before the beloved, whose social status is irrelevant. One may love a slave or an aristocrat with equal intensity. Good stuff.
Ibn Arabi, his Meccan Openings and Bezels of Wisdom or so-called Meccan Revelations
...numerous links with humanitarian nongovernmental organizations such as the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees and the World Food Program. The IIRO claimed to assist refugees and other deservign people in Kenya and Tanzania, where bin Laden supporters had blown up two U.S. embassies in 1998, in Sierra Leone, where al-Qaeda terrorists were blieved to be involved in diamond trading, and in Azerbaijan and Pakistan. The Al-Haramin Foundation was accused by Russian security agencies, in May 2000, of using Chechen relief operations as a cover for recruitment, training, and support of extremists. In 2001, the Saudi Red Crescent Society, another charitable agency involved in the global expansion of terror, ad paid for refugee facilities in Ingushetia, a small Muslim neighbor of Chechnya, which served as a center for Wahhabism.
Evidence of Saudi charitable institutions being used to advance terrorism was found in early 2002, in the offices of the Saudi High Commission for Relief to Bosnia-Hercegovina. Documents seized by the Sarajevo authorities revealed the scope of the Saudi-backed Wahhabi "jihad" in the Balkans during the previous decade.
After the Dayton agreement was negotiated in 1995, agents of the Saudi kingdom and other Gulf states had flooded the Bosnian Muslim zone. While the scruffy mujahidin enlisted by Abdullah Azzam and bin Laden found the streets of Sarajevo inhospitable - filled with loud music, women dressed in the latest European fashion (all black, as it happened), and Western troops and police - the Saudi High Commission had come, with considerable assurance, to take over local Islam. Rape victims and other refugees from Serb massacres, the handicapped, the widows and orphans of soldiers as well as of ordinary citizens, demolished schools and mosques - all provided pretexts for the Wahhabi infiltration of the "Pearl of the Balkans." The needy and destitute would be fed and housed - and pushed to adopt Wahhabism. Mosques and schools would be "rebuilt" - according to the strictures of Wahhabism, with Wahhabi imams, prayers, and other baggage imposed on local believers....
Osama bin Laden himself made denigration of the U.S. role there an item of his standard repertoire. In a 1996 interview, the terrorist chief denounced America for "with-holding of arms from the Muslims of Bosnia-Hercegovina." Many of his Arab listeners would have known the truth: That it was Europe and the United Nations, not the United States, which had erected and maintained the embargo on arms to the Bosnian Muslims. The U.S. intelligence community cooperated with other countries, including Iran, to arm the Bosnian Muslims in secret.
Bin Laden, under U.S. attack in Afghanistan in November 2001, thought it useful to return to this theme in a manifesto broadcast on Qatar's Al-Jazira television. There he referred to "a war of genocide in Bosnia in sight and hearing of the entire world in the heart of Europe. For several years our brothers have been killed, our women raped, and our children have been massacred in the safe havens of the United Nations." It was a claim whose efficacy relied on Arab ignorance. Considering the passionate concern for Bosnia felt throughout the ummah, however, it was bound to fail, since many Muslims were well aware that there had been no mass rapes or massacres in the country since U.S. intervention.
Here is Osama bin Laden w/ friends talking about their (oneiromancy) prophetic dreams: http://www.youtube.com/watch#playnext=1&playnext_from=TL&videos=nYnjvtDhMzM&v=x0FVeqCX6z8
Until very recently, suicide bombings were rare everywhere in the Muslim world except Israel, were they were encouraged by Wahhabi clerics that seek to dominate Palestinian Islam.
President Bush himself...His own father, former president George H.W. Bush, is involved in Saudi affairs through the Carlyle group, which had immense business interests in the kingdom, but the sins of the father cannot be facilely transferred to the son. Bush Jr. is his own man. Nevertheless, enormous pressures are brought to bear on him. Crown Prince Abdullah went straight from Crawford to a friendlier dinner with Bush Sr., whose associates at Carlyle include former defense Secretary James Baker, former CIA head Frank Carlucci, former budget chief Richard Darman, former CIA head Robert Gates, and former U.S. ambassador to Japan Michael Armacost.
In this context, few escape the embrace of the desert chiefs. For example, ChevronTexaco named a tanker for Condoleeza Rice, although it was named after she was appointed National Security Advisor. Powell plays a junior role to Cheney. While Cheney directly and aggressively advocates for the Saudis, Powell assumes his "I love everybody" role. For Powell, the Saudis have problems, but they are still our friends. For Cheney, they are spotless and indispensable. But sources inside the State Department pointed out that Powell's public profile was reduced as spring 2002 wound down, because President Bush did not support Powell's endless chearleading for the man Powell always called "Chairman Arafat," in a manner reminscent of Chinese obsequiousness toward Mao Zedong, but for whom Bush reserved the somewhat distant title "Mr. Arafat."
Rumsfeld was something of a cipher in all this: He was reluctant to go after the Saudis, viewing them as a major military ally, but he did not engage with the issue enough to really advocate for them. On the other hand, he contributed to confusion on their support for Hamas, with his denial of Saudi "martyr" funding.
Here's some info on the largest Mosque in the world: Masjid al-Haram @ http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Masjid_al-Haram
Tuesday, January 26, 2010
Journals 2008-2010
I'm posting some journal entries for perpetuity, for myself, to keep record of if these journals are destroyed anytime soon (With the Comprehensive History of Islam & Children's Books coming soon after a half a year of putting off):
Here's a preview of the History: "The Prophet's companions fled to Abyssinia - as Islam was spreading (Abysinnia - the sight of Rimbaud's tumor) - Djbouti with the recent fighting by Ethiopians/Somalians - will it (now) spread to the Horn of Africa - Will Muslims form two fronts - Pakistan across to Africa, South from Iran (tri-front?)?
{(Some high-lights are Peru & my Florida plans (that never worked out)}
I found this journal entry from a few years ago that makes little sense, but I'll put it in anyway:
"Why did I make the trip to L.A. - was it to use my heart, soul, & imagination and shed my senses?" / I've read the "best novels" of the 20th century, but let us think, for a moment, in canonical terms, then who would be tops on the list.
Stocking Day 2008 from "Stream Notes" Aquatic Sunset:
The sight of a ruffed grouse darting ascending and (free-fall) descending stirred in me a feeling of artistic motivation. The motivation from a portraitist point of view, the (newsworthy) painterly-worth of the scene was that it encapsulated all the bustling activity of morning with both young and old, rustic and ancient, history & prehistory of Pennsylvania wilds,
The moment, or series of moments of a so longed for eternal extension of viewing felt within me.
The (ruffed) grouse perched itself on a deadening stump of a part of a larger trunk that rose and bisected into a "V" shape, slightly askew. The point of divergence, slightly obtruding away from my vantage point, across the streams, across the bridge that crossed the stream, crouched snugly against Pohoqualine Fish Association, kept from my view the exact launchpad (& landing pad) the ruffed grouse used for its whims of flight & fancy.
In simultaneous fashing, the fireplace of the house in the foreground, of a similar model and possessing the same white-paint and green turrets and shutters as the club house, produced billows of smoke which mingled with the air and blended into the atmosphere above, unrelenting and all at once the full context of the house occured to me, that this was the house of my childhood, where I grew up, its insides a blur in my memory, its grafts in high relief subject to my (relief), the deadened stump no more remembered or considered for its artistic merit than the facade itself. And all at once, lovingly, bird species appeared, titmice, junkos darting to the ground for forage, so quick I could not identify, and I thought perhaps a group of bluebirds would sidle in and chirp the immalgmation (conglomeration?) away from the unbloomed trees of pre-spring.
I looked closer at the grouse-in-flight and decided it was close in resemblance to a pigeon (pigeon feathers - Updike), the / clever the way (aerodynamic way) they pumped their same bell-like head-to neck effect as the pigeon (does), however, with an almond-dark few possess, white tufts flecked with black at the sides of its fan-tail, half-opened oriental fan which tucked in-or-out as it came up-or down.
Around this scene, the remnants of a swinging gate, now clung to the stone bridge, opening into a stream path, where the rusted gate previously latched, an iron fence with triangular parabola-style spear points rising out of intermittent posts ran along parallel to the stone siding of the bridge & perpendicular to the stream path & McMichael's Creek.
The conjured up ecstacy of this outburst of activity, activated in me the intensity of an impression earmarked for preservation, my heart and chest tingled and waves of adrenalin mixed with the akilter rush of endorphin mix, senses (all-five) drifted & focused interlaced & emboldened, ethereal was my body, not my body ethereal, if that makes sense.
At first I had deployed my high-art critique, my artistic temperament, but I released deeply, commanded my body to feel the scene, snapshot the bustle activity before the apprehension fury of bustle of stocking fish & the interaction thenceforth, would was away the breath & life of scenic deciduous from my mind's eye.
Then appeared a cardinal, hide-and-seeking the sparse pine of the red-or-white order and have I dictated for you the sublime cries & communications, more like utterances, that pronouced daylight? Enter humanity. The beauty of the birds was silenced & breached by the commotion of carpooling Lexus's which turned past the far edge of the stone bridge and downward into the gravel driveway, still alongside the creek.
Moments later, Levin Prosser, the club president's son, tired of waiting for the unorganized members still embarking upon their stocking duties & the position of their fish boxes & filial utterances, coos, enthusiasms, excitement anew for approved members of the Club recently joined, Levin appeared walking up the gravel incline, patiently walking up the gravel incline, patiently waiting to cross & carefully snug his way across the stone bridge, who would appreciate aesthetitc beauty of my view, himself a martial arts undergraduate & fond of the artistic elements of Jung Fu (the most difficult karate style - fact check).
All these elements welded together, including, as i got back to viewpointing after a hand-wave to Levin I later decried, for its overtly facetious apologetic context, I having a history of walking around their property & felt responsible for spooky impression imparted upon he and his girlfriend, the tree stump chainsawed-up last year, dead for some years, its sawdust -color & dirt-clung presence created.
My eyes shifted upward upon a white pine. lopped off at the top but remaining attached by threads of ski-fibers, the scene nearly ended & vacuumed back into my imagination & skin and the rush of this tender painting apportional in my thought, with the last second addition of a mercurial (dare I say) deeply rain-soaked black-skinned tree draped from one end at its roots to the other side of the open field, occasioned by the rusted, shorn, protective metal iron, now castle-high in my thoughts, gates in the forefront, all seen from the sidewindow and windshield of a running Ford 4x4 muscle-of-a-truck gray w/ half lowered (window) in the Appalachian Poconos light.
Here's a preview of the History: "The Prophet's companions fled to Abyssinia - as Islam was spreading (Abysinnia - the sight of Rimbaud's tumor) - Djbouti with the recent fighting by Ethiopians/Somalians - will it (now) spread to the Horn of Africa - Will Muslims form two fronts - Pakistan across to Africa, South from Iran (tri-front?)?
{(Some high-lights are Peru & my Florida plans (that never worked out)}
I found this journal entry from a few years ago that makes little sense, but I'll put it in anyway:
"Why did I make the trip to L.A. - was it to use my heart, soul, & imagination and shed my senses?" / I've read the "best novels" of the 20th century, but let us think, for a moment, in canonical terms, then who would be tops on the list.
Stocking Day 2008 from "Stream Notes" Aquatic Sunset:
The sight of a ruffed grouse darting ascending and (free-fall) descending stirred in me a feeling of artistic motivation. The motivation from a portraitist point of view, the (newsworthy) painterly-worth of the scene was that it encapsulated all the bustling activity of morning with both young and old, rustic and ancient, history & prehistory of Pennsylvania wilds,
The moment, or series of moments of a so longed for eternal extension of viewing felt within me.
The (ruffed) grouse perched itself on a deadening stump of a part of a larger trunk that rose and bisected into a "V" shape, slightly askew. The point of divergence, slightly obtruding away from my vantage point, across the streams, across the bridge that crossed the stream, crouched snugly against Pohoqualine Fish Association, kept from my view the exact launchpad (& landing pad) the ruffed grouse used for its whims of flight & fancy.
In simultaneous fashing, the fireplace of the house in the foreground, of a similar model and possessing the same white-paint and green turrets and shutters as the club house, produced billows of smoke which mingled with the air and blended into the atmosphere above, unrelenting and all at once the full context of the house occured to me, that this was the house of my childhood, where I grew up, its insides a blur in my memory, its grafts in high relief subject to my (relief), the deadened stump no more remembered or considered for its artistic merit than the facade itself. And all at once, lovingly, bird species appeared, titmice, junkos darting to the ground for forage, so quick I could not identify, and I thought perhaps a group of bluebirds would sidle in and chirp the immalgmation (conglomeration?) away from the unbloomed trees of pre-spring.
I looked closer at the grouse-in-flight and decided it was close in resemblance to a pigeon (pigeon feathers - Updike), the / clever the way (aerodynamic way) they pumped their same bell-like head-to neck effect as the pigeon (does), however, with an almond-dark few possess, white tufts flecked with black at the sides of its fan-tail, half-opened oriental fan which tucked in-or-out as it came up-or down.
Around this scene, the remnants of a swinging gate, now clung to the stone bridge, opening into a stream path, where the rusted gate previously latched, an iron fence with triangular parabola-style spear points rising out of intermittent posts ran along parallel to the stone siding of the bridge & perpendicular to the stream path & McMichael's Creek.
The conjured up ecstacy of this outburst of activity, activated in me the intensity of an impression earmarked for preservation, my heart and chest tingled and waves of adrenalin mixed with the akilter rush of endorphin mix, senses (all-five) drifted & focused interlaced & emboldened, ethereal was my body, not my body ethereal, if that makes sense.
At first I had deployed my high-art critique, my artistic temperament, but I released deeply, commanded my body to feel the scene, snapshot the bustle activity before the apprehension fury of bustle of stocking fish & the interaction thenceforth, would was away the breath & life of scenic deciduous from my mind's eye.
Then appeared a cardinal, hide-and-seeking the sparse pine of the red-or-white order and have I dictated for you the sublime cries & communications, more like utterances, that pronouced daylight? Enter humanity. The beauty of the birds was silenced & breached by the commotion of carpooling Lexus's which turned past the far edge of the stone bridge and downward into the gravel driveway, still alongside the creek.
Moments later, Levin Prosser, the club president's son, tired of waiting for the unorganized members still embarking upon their stocking duties & the position of their fish boxes & filial utterances, coos, enthusiasms, excitement anew for approved members of the Club recently joined, Levin appeared walking up the gravel incline, patiently walking up the gravel incline, patiently waiting to cross & carefully snug his way across the stone bridge, who would appreciate aesthetitc beauty of my view, himself a martial arts undergraduate & fond of the artistic elements of Jung Fu (the most difficult karate style - fact check).
All these elements welded together, including, as i got back to viewpointing after a hand-wave to Levin I later decried, for its overtly facetious apologetic context, I having a history of walking around their property & felt responsible for spooky impression imparted upon he and his girlfriend, the tree stump chainsawed-up last year, dead for some years, its sawdust -color & dirt-clung presence created.
My eyes shifted upward upon a white pine. lopped off at the top but remaining attached by threads of ski-fibers, the scene nearly ended & vacuumed back into my imagination & skin and the rush of this tender painting apportional in my thought, with the last second addition of a mercurial (dare I say) deeply rain-soaked black-skinned tree draped from one end at its roots to the other side of the open field, occasioned by the rusted, shorn, protective metal iron, now castle-high in my thoughts, gates in the forefront, all seen from the sidewindow and windshield of a running Ford 4x4 muscle-of-a-truck gray w/ half lowered (window) in the Appalachian Poconos light.
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